TIHEt MICHIGAN DAILY. +IA1 , "SCHA1FTN1R & MAR~X + ;w I Raict s ois Ip Coats and + I' ivisr efr pring o01 9> 5no + r is ' YOT' ur inspcCtioln. I LUTZThe Clothier, 217 so. Mr h St. I T '.......+.......444+..144444 f.414'I... +1 Trunks and. Suit Cases t o'll111need one Ior the other. perhaps hoth hefore leaVitil 0 +1 You'l1 indctc the kind you want in the Low, MediumtItPticed, an the ti t contlructed in the market in full rciet II tiOtt MACK 4(-9%COO S.,.Money Lo aned .. f icc NV cc Ial I ;tci c c.3 <<< t . + M16 t'tll. l rtcc ui~ltI W. J. LOURIM. ' 1 ct t i c. 'ttr Ilti~ 4. c1tt ttr'tilt rtu cl . tic '. N *-' BusinesscccStrii ccly cCo til. . &mtbctlcocc Calls attenllddclx cc oreight. GI'Ittlle,:ttteAhw R*azor '01) I tkll I'IN6 R I OIININO Q ua r ry's DRUG STOK y/ c.cc T( N THEFBESTI WAY TO KNOW ---"! College Branld --- Clothes is to knowc someothelir clothes first. Then you wcillbe able to measure the difference be- C N A R twceen the two. /AN P~rices wciltltbe.about the same --then all IA..PXNOW ST Y LE1 resemblance cc all cease No other store sells clothes just made tor young fellows- No other QURCR Se IZES, 1xC. EACHe;e2 Fee2Cc. ( ' p CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., store sells garments with cevery custom tail- nMKR CLUT N ONRHiI or touch to them. Not vouth's sires mind you disguisedi under a young men's label hut SHRE j , ' clothes created expressly for one sort of SHREDDE ccearer the chap hsanging, around the lower W*EAT A twenties. Older men with younger tastes can wear them if their fissores ccill stand it. Staebler & Wuerth TH ODHA( ii t~ii tl~iiciG Mcer', 15 ~il .ATHLETES arrMADE OF sctet, coutci. Phonte28ii. tf gill 1 I 1 - -lice tprob lr cioftht FIc Nitvl Steom atcttFrenclh dry cleanintg and atlilete is peetod- y IFcrepatritlg et Fullier& O'Connor's, 619 ily deveslopmlent. No C.. I Iilliato St. 111an1craeexcel in ally spotossif he l .r1I tllis nottperfcly developesd illevery -poit ori oe part oflthetody 11 Nl iI t , cii cc I~t i \l l11i II 1 11 i cc c4is eelopecd at tIlls psiec c th I ie otiter. 'till. 1isllargely a mt - ter of food ancd 1' r0 An yldesign inc fobs, pints, brooches,; Shredded Whole n id t 1Foster's Alt Store. tztif Wheat Biscuit ea, L~atest.novetie in uitigi t Fil 7 ic ideal foodI icr otlc- L I > 1 Scl N' (er 1:rr1. c cl ' (u.fuk'Ilc 1011 ctal 11rl 1cc c ccccicc S nmmer School iinlechainic Arts { 1 111- c l i c tdcc ccccIt' cl cilcclc I'cccccc, 5 cccc Elccc c l lccus::r rt ddtlx cl rctsctaughtecce 'tIl cc1 cc. 11c 15 ccc ':tzc ttil lt c c ccca l nde lci ccca l cccccc ccg shls.ccSpcillc . 44.5 44z444424422.. , 0 ~ ~ ~ ateto isc c Ic 9cc lcllc todcshop crec hanilcacccel drawcig cc 1 fi dll c 1. elet ri51al51)l'itlxao ts or cu L estntate. Es own}JWfl Foilett l itelcc Ill clocecc"clc111 feecccci cc THEd SEYMOUR STUDIO, 11111cc 111t cetks, eoceinningiJune et iel __,e, St.t.3.f StC ADEKL[IDea Fo dta340 n Sa S t atekSree CinaHN-e osiTl ieLY CAk adrs }4s V~ 11 l . x ii '1: 7-4J01Nf.FAusillxorrLxntoK. 4D w l wn f = : : /' . :.. . _ ,r _ -- TE2STED~L and FI'F'lcD by the Latest and Best Ap- proved Scien- tific 1'ethods. - -I aller's Jewelry Store- - No oedees toe cabs ice paetics ore ntertain scents wilt be tken this season unless THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD RATES: Once oule Iccand ftrc Ictlic' tai5111Cc - - - Robison & Co. Walker's Livery i re. ITIME TABLE-Taking effect Jeb. 26, lets j SOUTH NORTH Le. No. 6- 17:20 a.mt. I.e. No. 1t- 9:05 am i ,;ccr ener- '-11c:35lam. LVcc" I*-4:c5O0cm ccc4t- I8:11pm. Ar. " 5 *-lttciop.cm 2.0 Daily except Sunday betcwee Owossc and I.Toledo. tThrough teans daily except Sun- day. Free chair cars on Nos. I and 4. Holmes' Livery 3 SWI.Y O NcT. WILIS cAg~t., J.J IBG .A., Aan Aebor, Mlob. W. H. Stark( Toledo, Ohio. I 4.+4.4.+4.4..4.4..4.4 I4.I4 1 a.s4s.1.. ++4 4 a 4 4d E d 11'AI'L'VCotntinues Its Rxcel- Ba letit Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daiy Carrying Parlor gars on Day Trains. Slttping Cars on Nighit Trains UNIION DPTi101S IN TOLEDO1) AND. COLUMBcUS. S. tic CLARK, 202 Elke' Tempt', Detroit. Rich. . +.4.+I. 4+i..4..+ ...4.. +4...++++++++++++++++++++ +.4.4.I+.44.4.4.*4.4.4 Bllilard. Pool Stimpsori (" Stimtpson 334 Sousth Stat. Street Tobacco Cigarettes Cigars T Wi EARE? JTVEvR UNDERSOL&D-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE