THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I~~~.f Ty.. +y gy +++t+++.................+'. yHy.+4 +44. Burecili Tra de1 b outheIl F Vart N e tla. \\hl Il leldh's Fini Tailorignra te.. at. ltil l.anal artist ttiiai ioe to he hadl ait were 'a-1. i a ' andal itt i oft aS016I o wool- ia<. 1 a7 t''f forao' t t Noted\a 5a In intotti rtyi YIO LI nt if l it -I a it IVO ine Of 4hmat fcctfittin'+ Burchfield's line Tailoring Trade, 106 [L Huron HIOAi' S 1HOM1ESUPPLY STORE BRUSHEUS, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND) COLLAR BUTTONS. a'ou can alit a sav lt m atIi'L, from H OAG'S Cornier Main and Washington INDIVIDUJA[IIY IN CLOTHE[S It ':; fret'ahatrdtt tall how tn nuit in goinolaooaaon ou i whr o ail iony aa Mo arallof clothiito judgn ay. Btet, ilt an sit itad hlt' Brts. & ('a., I oeiaaterade il eadyel~t-toat a'ndiS Ant thin , tl lgyou tay the Ni reanltTailtit'fra om 3.0o ta a' .o ithlithlehopeoftisf aceltionlwhil te youitliy lty au'froml ,ii Nilia to $25.00 fao' the aetutaila',rtainit. A glancei lt 11111'dispflaly w litnselacih week waill keep yaout inl touchtiath tttilt',ldlilnga in tte worl's fashlion. Reeonlin & Fiegel 200=202 South Main St. aMoney Loaned I.)ttat ~ i NN I )(I itt tui ,s a s~t Vt t i ti t) ':iit t 3 lit D1f ial]f' t116.6. tc,:}::; t'h tta cat ti, 1 ).ll t. l i tisi ai i ' t~filttia" ff f t ;r I~4+++tH'6 The RSTAnn ie Arb orwinsank Captin t.-I ift 'aiii'iiHu n ttt 11 7T"' T 'T:Tff jIfill ~ A (irneral aking Busaianss 'ansactetd. IHot LtU[nch At Trtttl.'ns. 3358 S. Stitts Will Close June 24th ranr's Acddeln Will Open October 3rd TOBACCOS; HUSTON BROTFIIRS5 Successaarstoa Jas. W. Reid, 312 s. State Street I havejs o~t I la fffif'f Ithalitr'e 1ff a ifi lfft. Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes FIiNEI.N itI ii7S IN t'NNFC'iION 1latanali t' Na'tlfffti ftlf Agafata faor IB. It. IB. P 308l 81Stae St. R. F. Jaa.v.1 a i i . :,;;' r , j of ^. 1 . .f 1 . r f' ' . T }! , ALL THE LATEST SPRING HATS Wc have them for the swagger young dresser, as well as for the man of more mature years A L L B N THE COHE ALLEN ~MAINSTEET : i A. G. SRaldi ng & Bros. I Lalrgest 'Malfae rsla' ina t in e World atftOflial lAale'itialappliaes ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF- BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. U. SPALDINU & B12OS. NEW YORK tililCAtit (Constiaaaad fraaaa page one.) ii ]> Ct-1Ikv ]Jt 7 2 II l 'I ] 1 1I .]t1ii ()t ; I t' t' T \tt_12; tI l't )N' I t )a K Ia) Nw Ni i@OllNNN O@OO REMOVED FromAthesffe THE ATHENTS PRESS, Printers.j Anitpi ti tIo tBARBER SHOP N ta f\iand BATH ROOMS. - r r ACE MStAGE lA SPECILTY1 t itl tlti it I a tait a tac)t 3. R. Trojanawskt, 322 South State St. t'11 a\ I t f t t1l1 ll yfa1tfi g~oila~rP i tfatf alii t iag n . i'r a I T. Ilti 4 t ) }() lat ' t ? M(.1 wh a wtaIf i (ni i - the ift lt 'ft 1CC( I. W . F. I lrilt , J"It1 Ill Itait1;..ti fitfltrlf 3 ti _ id t t i iii t N li -i - N f f 11 1 c l . ii11 it c I 1 ' ttr 'l t ' a ma t Sar V"faa' Ia tff'f Iaff. 'i'falt Wa'~tchandaijewnelry raepairalng of all N'a' If ift iii 'if'tgv fafa all a foactr aouar kid toeat posfer's Art Store. 123fftaf if i ~natait' huff tifardersaf' afoir our net Iinefaa tiip-to-ateai snooda. Entirely t a a 'a'ai ato ]rustleras. Youaacan i a ke.aii eat' ChemicatlSAparatus, Cfhetacals, Phoa p>1t) four tatitat ha for t' 'fti'aaaa'ns. i~rite Apat saPhafoe Bo a eras are uand by tf afataa iafi U inraf afia- thyetleaigab- eatfories ad Iif a araaa'n; Coma ny ff7' ittstafftrg, i . tf Saaits pressed, 25c; troausers, 10e. Fauller & O'Connor, 619 E WilliaunSL. Goto Caushing's for Herelaeys & Cataga . - Frea Cailler's Milk Choeolate. If Bausch & Lomib Opt. Co. TeSrnsaa 'ia.a&Sa' ie at; or Cii 1,,t1n aFakutt 'y dafsarn d natas s l oaan layy George j 11. Miller, 212 Socatla Main street. J. F. SCHUN, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction end saupplies Gas and Electric Portables, Gee and Electric fixturee, steam and hot water leeating. 207 [. Washingtion St = READ - Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE f Al All Beek Steres Save the Walk ++ + _ Down Town + ..IA6WATCHEtS and JEIWEILRY REPAIRED liht' n rsa -Mass'wfra'iaa n aa a ndfaafiaaagufla-,. ffanerrawaoaaak. iWat-siellhob, U17oeM. , ±Pins andBannearsat Reduced aPricera F . J. SCI1L[[Dt, 340 S, Stale Street 6' Telephoer310 , WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR FINE NEW SPRING LINE OF SSUITS TOP- COATS CRAVENETTES "= %\Te 1aace tahepopfulaar ataer in iaaltl te ii Ifreati stes aaad a ill oftan'clties that are sure to please you. Our Hat andilFuranisheiaag GotasDepartmoent is relette witla all thte seasons latent styles. WADHAMS 1(6"A Co. _____________ 121-123 S. Main Street SEE OIR. WINDOWSZ VXCHTGAN CEnTxI TaU. Niagara Falls Routea THE SHORT LISP CHICAGO ANN ARBOR toJ BUFFALO IBOSTON NEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago for SL. Loais, Kesas City, St. Paaul and the WeaL. For information and throaugh tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arhor. , ::: , . , __._' - 3; _a - _- ,_ t i .. r' 'i . ry ! ,, ) . -. 7 ' ':: JJ ' . , , ,. t. _ I y , - Time to Leave Off wa'aiaag'hintean with wanantalfiay etiedge's ti t'tttthe atatta'fboo, aidifferantaota a llyait araeckles aundhttfetrinlg'.1ipealaly' is tis tie ase a' whentiatwae ldoa suthapeitl fwaork at ali g-al ar tciaarges athaaafot' inferior ata carelashand illtlinag. Yuiataeona aaL'totcali, atrita' tr itihtne Ifor tto'urwagont whenawell sihaaowthit taaitehattne iby a launtdry 'skai- ful' InSdiaoncientiousli aagaed. 'Varsity Launidry 211 S. 4th Aver. Both Phiorses 928 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effect Feb. 26. 1905 tLv. No. t-' 7:20 am. Lv. No. 1t- 9:05 a~m "t-11:35 am. Lvt. " 3t-t4:50 pm 4t- 8:15 pm. Ar. " 5*-12:35l Pam * Daily exceypt Senday between Owoso and Toledo. t Through trains daily exceptOSus- day. Free chair cars on Sos. 1 aed 4. W. T. WILLIS, Agt., J.,J KIEBY, G. P. A., Ann Arber, StIeh. Toledo, Ohio. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE