THE MICHIGAN DAILY. + SBurchfield's Fine Tailoring IjTade Guarantees... Ythe-mo-t -ikiliful toil artistic-ent eto he hail anx ithoe, -eal at c c Ya llarge andlcompt o ltilg. If ueasonlabiewool- ' ens. W hat c h- zigeittifore B ach i Ne-wel's Customn Shirts, ; + l~ ao i "how oue ota lar;g-heiauti fit andtil Sui to tinle of -hirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 1L Huron; IHOAG'S HOMEB SUPPLYV sTORIE C) rc. ttSMio-cvsatinagPrices... BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND COLLAR BUTTONS. INDIVIDUAUI1Y IN CLOlIS ft'sfiletty hardi to fflltoll a stit is going fofltook11 on llo wthen youi fat- oltita toll of Clotit to judtge byft, fllpulit na -ut lfiiAilctir Bros0. . -tVoeflestel-. tadereadtti-oI-walrtind Aniotfter tinkt. yott tay tte fMechantltTaiIol- I 11$30.00 ftoi hI .l t 1 $25i.0oi for thte actual tet-tainiti. AI-ancllt otil- display uin dotws tacit wet-I tiill keep youi ill 1toughliiwit theitll tg"s 0tte world'sfashion. Reule, Conlin & Fiege1: 200=202 South Main St.I S oiucan tal wayisalte i in ui iu,1from1 ,,-:,c 110 AUi Cornser Main and Washington ..- ... a .. a-.. -+........0-0..6.0w...1,0-0............wO-a......---. - - . t ...- ^..-' -.--i-+- -.r ---r +-r -- .-.-i+- -s S Money Loar asasjh - led Watts . _ i .4 I + S ti5,. W ! +' y } , ,a ri ,, .. ~ r / , ALL THE LATEST SPRING HATS We have them for the swagger young dresser, as well as for the man of more mature years ALLEN MTAE LOTHEIE A. G. Spalring & Bros. LargestRltallafacilleesn O World -fI Official Athietic Sutppies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. U. SPAL..DINO & BIROS. NEIW YORKt CICitAGO GEORGE BISCHOIFF i FLOIST Choice Clts Hnrs and Tile Ann Arbor Savings Blank --it~t iilx: ts. =:0, t7 . Su pl s A Geerl Batnoing Buositnes Tronsacted. 1M1 it I-. V i r s J iii . FrtC s ir. IHot Le.ich At Tsttln's. 338 S. State Will Close June 24th Gran ner'sAcademy! Will Open October 3rd TO BACCOS HUSTON BI-tTH ERS5 ( Contitntedt frottz :ii i l ( t :?>i 1_til 'tIi -f -ii ii. liii 11 in \ liei11 c a li l t lilt,1 t 1 ti 1 t>t1 t 1 i,} ,in in" ~ ttc t~tc 11ci i Innlii. /age one)} 1 a -,,1 plit :,a inidvr ilt i i l asl ~tll ~ v l~f IdIt , 51iItf ffit \.ccx }i St ITtI 1 W li- i ni Anrla t c' N K i M ict REOVEDFrm mAbnstma OGre bui.JJ ll alditg lto Ni. t!08 N. ;aht i st dtioor northe oflioi-ll I 9 o lffitce. unc 141. j THE ATHENS PRESS, Printers.j UnIof BARBER SHOP 35Antiseptic 3I and HATS ROOMS. -i SJ. R. Trnlanwskt 322 Snuth Slate St. - ii t)i p° ' it-i.A ur i l s tva\ tller- tcl I~tI i t. II Ic i-i-i li ii 1 ii -i - Itt"- till' . l:l lilt I 1"t t' I 1 OII( ilb f 11J. F. SculIU, sanitary Plumbing, u-M](' I-It i>itc T t-ic Electric construction and supplies -ii I-- Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Electric fixtures, steam and hot ill tu-itwater heating. - I iim Mf--tilei rt- 207 F. Washington SI =READ = Progress and Poverty DST. BY HENRY GEORGE At All Book Stores l - C 111 ,it 11 ). - a, Ii( pitss IIItt 22 I- ~ I". Il; I)I ,Cr l ,l'itt tcil ll y\IIIeI r. fi ttc- tiilwa Si ii ,f tt etr altt --till; , ld Still Itt ii Dc it 5 r-- i it- unI }C it . -, ~ "l "lt ll l ii r'<)t LC (dd bcad, hct crc n l }cT c :(Ild I'llic al>> avc1ille. 11"olit-11 tt - -- ---- ----------- ----- Kal I )Y Sic ,lt t cIt ito f I tot 5Chen- - - - - - I Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. Stale Street Thie tt-c tt-i wi in '51 3-;1 iiitc "l -i lii ti-it C''tit l. Itltiti I liii~c -0lIf - icks Iti t- t l ft taI u t s I stit lrr st, aild incti (fstctrtI 11) it ~ c" w t t h l, : l c 'tl :t ;() I. 11)l Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes 11 lii itct il -~ :tl -1it mt:nt11,rc'. If N L iNCtL 11E'S I N CONNECTiION I11 Gi- :ttct ltlitti ttc icth tl~stticI h Sorosis attd ttatan & Sons finte 1i v-ryilitt Nt-at, atnd o tt lt<1 ci it. ani lc r - tic it .t. 1cii wciii shotes attd oxfordls, sol ottly by George Attli is lit It. It. It. P~v.1 1.M leea S uh M i tet ,jo .S. Statet St. R. E. JOLLY. tiac-c tw) rca~-r upi t( tc It Icr, 21SintM ti.tre Save the Walk -in Down Townt e 4 WATCHE[S and JEIWELRY REIPAIRED ittiurwok.We sellFobs, U.-ofiM. Pinssand Bannersoat Rded4Cr.cs F . J. SCI1LIED[, 340 S, State Street lricp y~t hnecaiR0 4 eir 4 lr4ff"N NrWNi 1 1 M i N Mf N N f NN . -ON SUITS WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND -iO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR FINE NEW SPRING LINE OF TOP-COATS CRAVENETTES i 1 r \Ve lIt cc te 1 pitf tic bltte serge itt ill thittfiferentl style, attd a litne of fatncies thtat are stare to please you. Otur Hat and Furnisltittg Gooils Departnieeut is replete witlh all the seasons latest styles.I WADHA MS CO. 121-123 S. Main Street SEE OVR. WINDOWS f o a NO fee~eeebf NO ON*a~ee*N O#***N***OO ' \LCHIMAN CENTI