Te ichigan Daly Vol. . ANN ARBOR MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1904. No. 18 ~ID1P [IIIRI ~'.MICHIGAN 31--O, S., V. 6., RISN i[I6 Seats Reserved Monday At 9 a. m. iEtuisi tdnsHa eot Wahr's Store-Fine Course- of . S. U. Game. This Year. ~.BUCKEYES SCORED ON A FLUKE-MICHIGAN RETALIATES AND The enthusiastic gathering of s- Tlresort-ation f seats for" the S. FROUNDS THE OHIO MEN FOR GOOD GAINS ents which met in University Hall L. A. cottrste o1lis ya, wilteco- IN THE SECOND HALF. ystrday afternoon revealed the oy- ttre Ott il adt onigat9l__ aly of the undergraduates to their ene tt -c Hate street storeitam efreiiegain the strength 1I no tractts lhaies.been sotti areatdy, \ithx a score of 31t to fn Michigatx'linte;ettay was a ftimhle y Hes- of te"Bucees" wa greaty n- ind te. tm nag txssx t x pecx tt t a ttgo Ifiatlt o nxhetoowaxy to victiry xit . tot, .atxsxtxt alitg xotttxe talt. Jxci- terestinatet attltdtrig the firt haf. O- sxi itt, be Ofthatdttlit aOx-ott n .' y stoodaya f tiernoon- tettr TIto otto puxntdttoNrcrortss ,;a atds to m.xxtx xxstttlltcrowxtd listetd to tie reports. ''t "' i-doors xre-ott tt to ot -t opened t ito 'sexsxnx, i-irt i lii tiats ega. It ali xxt t ltllcr a 11 B ttt t ei oxrl w s rcesx ta I ttt ttxtt I ttttluck a axii tfne oethe Ihad rxe tttsu ltted in a tanks. II stottIit heeerfor Ixti- exx.( Micigatt hat be it hed to a ttney istt fronttxtx(,loot o ,to , tr t histlxxthe o01ing0xthex~ arl o tree. H xxi ianx artn -ttind pla ts- stttents reaizet the im- yStarthe Itt tltttagttttn tttixxtoxies totrtacitIxtrxtcoxf to, first hart gitto t-t' !nd O. S I r.tmotortwves ad i i t hxx txfoxr t13. ot egi rn ,tO x marl( Mr. l'xKiertit it-" a. But the o 0 t es en f om Iam ond wetithtroughx otrcotit o tfthe season. A crwdiuIof x thaxl t Iblt m stbe (lxx- to00that. 0. . I.hax soorext a toxchiown xxxr xs ea's xpnse.xl'Ito ,, r be text ly- axgoodxlmargin.i }triogl txxisfxxxxl forx onex.x o Ixm - ikd ol rfesr Ir usa ihigaixraxi on tliefeld firstto, led iamxxxxx xd ixaet ho li xt,.x Dl / tx i s ta. Irxtxsrfz tit e"9111-xg l(()txfstth-osticoaurse iti xxxxxxlxro-xtr1xxr bilood toananouxxnco-dleoch Ipla as it wxas asctt un's xkx-c .i uerxxiandx xixol tto ite t oIpy IC Ohiox folttwedl andx thtxtltonxxtixxed itt to C ax lxfirt t axdx ator xin. o tt the st timleis tlost xxxxi amoS s ran.thtrougih signalt rxxco- : (heh te tll on Oiotostwoyrd Ieaihctigaoloodvhtte Thi r goxxr. tot x-satl, axi xxin. h idl froixm t the. ire r xfor th irsltxtouh ow ,alt-rI-4 'In tt n x ma-ny prominenttxxig txcmiiotixe or U. of Mt.. Thex- on tlt . coure, txxxxwhoxxtxsouxx.'f h-cltxas cear andxicoolxxxr xuts f lay o ~mdmse after..blxxxI('ipublicaxomattIti"itxxott x-.forxfootxalx.xdisplayedt was te cate tt l tttlt\t-x xi x t dxi- 5tipteatoa-tse Iov r lhe length lxf1 Jacksont ttis has ot 1e1entxshowani axo Ilx cixx-Igt-slltine biah itot Ioitt otx tlx txxxx lxx xtthe ales Yst xwaxtod theoIrogila on nixtxtlxxi itt ine l T Michs iganlx , tt lx voxery- max lwxh o xias laidl ottt, l apxxx catxx xxxx xiob a tr at - ion n;i5xmttes o rxx boti perids I rootrsxxxt uptil el x tl purr tlhurryI lx Ie.i h thlexr lh x xxasxfixmxx i chxixdigantxor ] hxl xlOh to xxwantedl shorter time, aidx30xinitx lxi in hry" ntl .0Norcrtoss - xxx tor o n thexx-Ohiochrdo urlx Otxlxxi xato-s whleithe co rs txxltyrxxihx i co mm ents itslf t es wt x exxxx poxgfexl xil t-xl to ills,ix xr l inexix o to xxihl xxax O aun tuit tt lxxxlxx-xx-x 'Whitlo madeax good wit 'n a ndaixlistenedI i matyoSchuler.Iti-eased xlft ao 2:37, tt Ohios clownex.til it xxxxhlxt ttxxxixi xi for courslix sttr in at ha lx v xx lai I s-list-whel ne IO. S. I. mnobiroe to tcti-I sto-s uponxixle t rt in- io xyaxd ill( Jaksn xrn axk: U t xIx 00- tHarry llalxxxxxxlilxxx iltti tfol Irtxlt t-i in tx it gi i c f tic eiees~t x x xlxax lxi x trl s x x r sfatthisx 'ltleIarlt I at- forgd aheadxi vex-roxetwen the' mani ;'II IIx tteix rs tolws>i xxii i- xnft xxix alr tal ediiiar, mxiilst lix agitilso xc0enterI. I-arr w l ixIt xcite en1 dea ii xciscr heslxx' u ie so nfr aionxtlandxlon axt xld d xownxJackxsonIti etlt lto laixxtixxixl kickelxtexl xlx24--rx line w xix I - gtat Ixr tanother iuturto. Wil-x l xix x xiMixchigan'stxfxr4xi-Ytaxdxlitt, o iltg.out o xxelxxix toni tank l ax-lxxxxx i lxh its x-i-,.i tein c1 lxxceie v itht I iboundfxrs. Hfx-x ot it estn circed e ft-t einxlfor t rax-ks (in 2-x4.cxi line yn ice --oc r.~uw nto h ato 1,1ightl tatrds. lTm Hammondxilciced CarlIes tr- It yards. Itstoidolxxxvii ix ixtitas--ociit i shobt heo cusipnl1'd(sa, i yt l t tIt lii- - alt Io three Harry axit ixuuxmadei xxx hint. Swani plneti uhcndtx lxx ~t Outt 1 .o x ac od which, though w'ho willa txx: f)x"cresoxxix cexoyatdsithiughx tackle. Lxngxxat (lax-txfir ive andth Ile hlfended. alx iTetoy nih -siastixc, uas orertt-at lxxx -- itt'M . Ixirntil has-ren M lublxedxloitua xcexxtt-r tbuxcktatdu i io thinligxn 5 Ohi ii.all tixmex hi.e sevral aes iefre lidthxeigot tho balt niteltee nenter of tlix-field. ISecond Haf. si-i i-i tplce 111 att t ctaix Jacksoniunred -111ofthoundsforw;_Jacsorkicedofftoorcrosso i-tien tte tackle for lxoiii Hestoni adidedlie alt axk: 30 yardsIHesoxihit Hek- ITHE SOUTHEURN CILB. x'P' te a iii theus- se txiis ,**************.** Planning To Have Its Own House- wel knwn o ned arter.in To Pull Off Its Stunts Earlier iii xxlxox- nivrsxxcxxxttuts * YESTERDAYS GAMES. * In the Season. S lxid i. ti uit*Iiciai - - 3 t.SYI - - x The Southern Cubh for this year lxxix -xxxe puto-lion butxannoxtern--- 58 Nxtre famte- - --...*has ahbrad scoxpe of work hfore it. xii i Susax'sxBItduthexnly iiy1 *Norhwesern----1.... 4 Blolxii- -- -x *Fr this sort here are this ess of niuxixil nnxxxi -aoneisst-tiug Ilinois- - - - - Indixtaxa- - - - - -*.. .. ... 0foficers. AS hpresiden, A. itcVeant many tikets Ituxe---------------.* ... . > (oe .. ... ... ... Artant, vcie-prsident; Rex Wood, ..-...xl* - - - - - -cise --- lxf*sertary nit seretarytreasurer. nbit all openlii number-s ----anaone i-t'xt --- -* The ist, anutal anqueswilt e - -it - 2 will be g ive . <- titriux-l - -lht... ...... x4B cnll .............. 13 * giexi extSaxtudiat- night for the pur- en x Nelonut Mlesx txitt 4 1-ararol- - - - - - -est mitt- - - x1 pose xxi introduhcing Slxuslneir txho iltia lipa'o h pnn m r u t- * Pt-tuu- - - - - - - vn - - - - --......... h ae jus nuxcomet lxxnetgxe. Oid e- r'a 1: ii runt1- 'e fly o- *Yale------n17 iSracuie- - - - -x *ers sill tic presentaxd as usual a Itxulirs- - - 00leixdhi-- -- *good t inevill ensue. islx xgxIowaxst0 xif* Of althet hixgs whihiare loxxked ECHOES 0F THE COLUMBIA GAME * forwxandto is thleudaxce gixexi earlt maitibalway15 a fll-dxres a-fair. tEah nem- xE°trlilxxiiagu. Th t t-ere trt stilt u nl luinin wxx suil lx xxibatxuxi ii~o er haxs s uoeinia iiilxx gie to an ca e stioxr toat;;c his-Ibe iween tot xxxix- e- o r Iicanoitheir our TintHun thrug h filth Ixor fol.i Ott a iiiiihooutsier. This affaix raxks next to br lad x1,hxugxix. mtndu irui l edo- endxxiifor is-. Hexson4y Lauixgnati tlroughx cxxit I ar- he . Builtani vill e giexiearty in Ci.. ltrs-iits thi sory tht thedoxdgeud fr tn. Haxrry IHammosnd quxart gtthehatt ath lxroe aroundtut ioseioer. tteIlas bt]cnelean a six- t arouuidl]eitfiendthMhocthree yards ht-ots xaniiirantini a cxar fItl o-u xr a Manty xf the old memers have tht s x faraas uetkows thexxiii sand tautde lo-atedltas failedtou xxgain. touihdnhxlxx. H-ary Haxnmoundlvaxnly hupedlto hate their xownx houise tisl fuiou pic stll endngxnd oil tn umbledtu b ut Cat-txflloit i tr idutolicautclimliu, tdiixng at his sear buttoon aout of te plaln beig iv si-Isivlihas u-itvdone.i .ndtutu ets riaix ight iendlfor twus kontiit Mxih igxns 5-yardine.ts Hiy-brougt befoxte the omeeting tio late The in atxtursiflx anus yardsx. Otta aklxte right exitplay cr ickedtulgal. Micin , iOhio Gitvii le year it tos laid over until the is s t <- i vo bet,s-ct wixcomextoatmsa Ioxxgxxuxxx ixadet'thrsts;arxxunx leftf. Snhule kickedh off ox Swxanx, xxho frstvmeetig ixfthis itear. Tf l tan ckiii xii ,- i tiuxnt. (txtutitiilx has tTn lou -axxioxtxtaddiedl three. SHeson ti theibalx thanx from the 1to i the s to rxnt it furnished house axd ptn lii yt xrxie xxto xmeet latch'ig:tn. ixade fir o wnluxu. . S. . lost ise I-ar lihne. IByrne smaslhed ino i all this;traplings which the clui hh0 ar hun t lit -ill itt liu-ixgaita d u rx ffid. lestoni umadesfix-it before (arrels itnoa i lniiOutii nsit ok haeutprsxt.ith cub ro m il th ippruity 5- yhut 0 shutiti i xI (gir vasx eoxptectinxg i. Isixgian ram- it tardl aroxxundleft end Boxnexxx lted hb i thelhotsc, and all meners wilt ispO.,~ wot safot l ,, uuxucxxunt tr our yardus. t gi t b lixarrets, losixg treytuns lue thexo. to tutht lxxniiiHammotndxxulfailedutolxxgaix. a- and J.1aklson puntedtulto mdfiel. -es At the Isntxxtieterute ae thirty iii v t-txxiixx iatuimen w uere x I itIby t uuHammond raixn txft ed otu fxr three. xtoni isokei;arondixu lHeet for eight tuold timemnbur in the clubh antI ten vyue to 1 rta.-,,r Bard, who relIldirst'Pox xixnxnuoxxropped iao;foruaucaryrHammoit ed(gonhieadxxandielignle-rsuurisrs xxre thehe listtfor i iii tu ti lat iuxl. fux hat..o1xgi He stonIiottealii axxiii riu h glt edul amnui tance-. Itall This; cl u has a xxi i s lto li xx (xiha a I floeto- xxyariiilxxx, flH tutu xiiiote thruxght r;ngmanlt lxi xed cneu o ritloie. ar lxiirxbright lituo teisot t hiIxs eat-auth of, lii yo? ('uh otxis and iblocked Ie kick. Jackon k Iiced r hanixxoxt tiext fie yixrdsxtiiioxghit hoptito litlixone xiS theostronige-s or- , ll. i Ii XX 1ill ctexxruxad i it xim lxxxiiifrom ithe i-tpyard lie to 0. . U. iharker'x. IRexsxxxx buche o-u tr to lrltti lxxixo01itshkin. - I'h l oaixcx lieniedltoi this I iuint50-ysardulineo ,-herx e h al txens ouxiii e 1 - It ii n vvtl sas u l tff ox ed cach s0tatetsx-e axnxxiirem k-xx- o-xf bouns. Ilestonitran endulfox twot.ruughtplaxiuxiuxarn od tak ig cd ,'Th pprftil myprsetflrr amon anth xthr nfrhiplc~wlePtckrpad THE FERRIS RALL. xtIi I-up ethtmasifCl ee.-o et truhtclefr-eks h et to hl. I i1 1ast night th city and Uiverity tn slut fllsrngrtan xatfv nddpictdi ithtnxxla.Ii gscarnutleilthu balu to Ohi's G emocratc Cluih, toethr with the ,P110 fci tts.xso 15ruasuobtaiate, alt-Cutnis gained lfiveSfumbhled, hit Sell Hiltesufon the secoxnd toucruhown.lxxohht N.FerrisfDemiocratic cudi- ThotIunouuG. atx.ilihgnl date Stir tovernor, anthenoHte >i>c at tolihia ire ulx;in ius xf ert- thatthrouuughfDunosford.L Iongmanx ments of Lansxing. The mnx -wsho as- Itvtg gm wthMihia, otwet houh unfodfo tre. Snhxultz kinckedi tffttofBtroest-ho tenduetd the footuall gr nCoumn lug tut lxibled arisfalnxooheblhgm olmu of tobe axccusxeud xibelig afrait larxnksfailedl to gain.BHestoun made -e.(urt ulxgxi h atdidn't seeuxotx interfere with the at- such a ra >c >througrh the ame hoe. HesoxO S.t.'s t20-yardulin.1 uml thuoxr.uusu( t hesrteltl. Be-e0ii uoxte tn au st txe rally-. dcl~iitutulaiout owith a hilltont his heath. Fasxgth atwsscelh o- rox 7:"0ttho 8 o'clocks the Cosuts Au tti huiort i xxlast.. gt- Iall: INorcrttos fuxmobued.t hohaltllxiii recoc- ui o xen uu el- Houlsev-as-swarnied with pteoli Knht;deba ttelt uet fotuuisx Ito erunt itxianth Longmantwetelthrough on foruthree. IHarrty BHamnondl tungi axioutoi ishakse hands with the ad- l tv 3x u i itrxIntretxhig ituot uo-ehthrough lofuvue andulHestuo tore 1coxate oiiiminnartyreform. - At 8:15 hisccitx 0oiild bexruntelxxiin oxanuxotxia yard. Nourncross trieleftS ttrtxre Iny Hmmndthe chits marchedl lina hodyt to the and c is, n~ai~rceul auth v endxtutiaileditogaSellnxOhiothetArmnuryswheres;eats haul been e Sixt -ltx.t . i uubau lis lx euilii alu i uit ui ho g hll on Oeovsone-aforlnethem.o 'ihtxt u-tx Iitl unthex hiatt out liensix-yard linux Jackso nOi; tistat it~csonn , fer irtemlyahaqxtwaed uSxh xttoneta. Co sogsconucludedl tuntedutoNorncross xxxiOhio's 50Yand huntedout toNorcross, hoheeledIfe n.hersl a atnystwa.tnd huAj ie and hue ran it hacts to the 35-yard (Continued on pago two.) ercM.FrisaOytrB.