THE MICHIGAN DAILY. HA-RT, SI-AFFNER & MARX + qoit ; Raincoalts, Tp (oat's andil + 1ror's 1fo1 spring o01I905 110W ready for your oinspection. ~ LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Maki ri St. A + "1--i +1++-q l-+.+.++++..+.....l++ + -++++ +-1*ltl--+++ -+i ++ ~ .Money Loaned,... ol 1 1 . 1.10lass C iattel W. J. LOURIM. ± B u i e s S r c l Conflii den i . . + -0C 9-) ETP &iltiioitco Cails attendetd day or nighot. Gillette I azor S cli I II ' i Il N, i 155aN Iall 16. ay. other every' iat yo ave al istorn mlercl TAE I 'sit "i I tdtt''Ni til It(tIN~iN Qularry's 'Yom ca dot . IHot LLxinch At T,.ttle,_%a 33t3 S. Staste Will C~lose June 24th irdonjer's Academy Will Open October 3rd itt. S'VON l91i O'HI ER:~ ta's. W. Reid, 312 S. Stale Street Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes, PIN N I' . C'II' IN COINNIC"PION 3181S '11101, .Si. R.I . I JOLLY. ( Me icNagara Falls Route, THE SHORT LIttE CHICAGO ANN~~ ARO oBUFFALO ANN RBORtotBOSTON NEWISYORK with direct connoectios at Chicago for St. ILouis, Kansas City, St. Pauol and the West. For informoation and throtigtgiickets roll on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Nc' I~ rl ~ 1til o at Vc 'pI -1 i f S i i')l- il l l, o i t l l l in, r n itl i. Il , l~ ' ll t ai ii S \Ii 1 i, 1 f I 11< 1 .1 1 a 11 I1, 1 1 11'' 1i I I ''iiof . iiiii ' ii it I i 1111' I t '11 ,~ t t c t l tt t1 .1,t ii 'l, 1)1i i Ic"\' lwi IN t ''c~ i iottl l ' 11'1 i ltc c' I iltr c:\'rI S lililic \\: oli o Il( 111II 11:t 11 II '- 1: t1 i 1 lo lliit' )) ' :I ei Iit ct a 111, coil, l')lt ' tr c s il :11'1 \t11l tll ot-li ,tlil, w th ll ' i i', I I 't'il o r ti tt .I i s l \"il; , : tcli1c [V111Ill[Sttall ii , .Car11r'il; ,feul l . tl ~ i :t ,t)iiiLI cL)ct o cltt and FTTF )t i~c 'ol Itli)'t t l st':11a l i,\ :, and Besltllctlt tliI Ap-C )I~qlcl it ro. veditc°1 S)cl in- 11(tli o tific flellll tt to d sc. . il - -r'laler'stewelry i'1 S Ite- a, Trunks and Suit Cises 1 Y'11ntied tite or thy oilier. perhoaps boils before lainig Y'l it the Ib kind you watinl the Low, Medium Priced, + at he pertbit ciosrutcted in he market il full represettatont * e tItr tss.f $ MACK (" CO. d 4 make8 and 4 x 4 make Same figures but you get IWICK_ he result handling'em one ege Bra~rxd Clothes ;' ice the results out of the A R oi figures that other brand QAREROIZ do. Th're maeI() 1 CTS EACH; 2 FOR 25 CTS eye lldeso CLUETT. PEABODY &C. y and shaped so smartly sung fellows who wear'em SRD HA Il tile style advanitages aSRD HA i-tailor gives at hlf what ,harlt tailor asks.;- EBLER (ah WUERTH \ AI c t > 1 ~I ~ SuI 11"ill, t !i . A n 1 r i s i ,1hr- ye-" i~C ~ t' Iii .lc~' . 4llr y'. 111 ii lo 1,5. I / FIELDDAY FOOD 1.11,1. 711u 1 Shredded Whol - { iEndran ic it arotttaioi o frills-Ic l A:\t'I ~litliotoN ci tand goot"itoato bell)'itjut h ales1;. nl!l-~ t , tc l I'l Iipoprato n ll ot 11ord1neede fth11:tt ~t~ldlig S~litd~l ; It norshmet t o vert organ and At leitn ; ito ob, pitosu r c ilhes, uon o the .bod.5 o l i l l tiahcls a td fjeweslolr y retatit g eall the fNdai eeFod nrertpasony l Iittd die a212Fouer's arn ttree. t23 tat i i adaraofate lls h atY. SttieHrpreohed, contatrousers, tie. 1Ftllerof O'Connor, boty inWjustathSt. Goghtofoumhing'srffor ssiriheyion t lQ'sMShrhoclaeSed he Walkit tts Tysoureyof esaCusnigsFn honswDWNTwn P ~ ~ ~ <,re Ht, ~1C)CrR/PIS~ AIISd Ji~ ~iWrlLt Pies .dBsooo omdPie -'- Q r isci, itt,ua hurorr d ittis' - 316 Soull bMathi SI, mad atRoters rt tor.r.3t , . sC rI et u, 4 S tte r1 I No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , orest.cb o prisoretraikH N BO,.tsRuuRAILROAD Wacah ama ni4" e esy teariorde. all T LETh aial F Ctompany tt RAlsprse, 5;tES rouo.s-iers, .Na0lo00c..0 Fulle""'2O'Ctnor, 6m.9LE.W"liam-S4.0-- nt tttoOOtter ilk ho c tstioatr. orr 3o{r '" S4- avt e p t. e ar. "k-01 =0 tGtetyourtGts upp- esat -shnft. day.OG Rree ch ATrCrsonSos and 4.RY R~l~tli& H otes L wr j 3 KR BY, 0r or. V.T. W~LLto , t., A.J.. EE 30Sa A rrtch Watkr'e tvey W.H. lork Totdo, hio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l .. . . .~le I ~ C n i u s IsVJ L $ len t T rain S erv ice . You Will Find Four Trains Daiy Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DE~uPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. 5, E.CL tARK, 202 Elts' Temptl, Detroit. 81Billards ' Pool; -Stimtzpson (169%Stimlpson 334 Souath State Street 0Tobaoo C1arettee Clgara 444 +1C1ui4-I + 3-1+11-4 +t~41.i ~t+~*4*t4~444: WE .ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE