THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SBure hfield',s Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... +,~ You NxUthe most skillfulandmxartitcsevcet. b adavwee We alwa )aysc lr- ax tau iaio1p lxix iineofxasaael ool- 4 ens. \x a i. A'-e hve xt liii' ,o lixtali & N ow l'sCusxtoimSirti, id ian show VOUia x.c xxaaxi x i alx1iVi ne ofxlshirlt- Burchfield's fine Iailoring Trade, 106 IL. furon HOAG'S HOME SUPI LY STORdE BRUSHES, COMBS, M)APS, SHiOELiRiNOS, KNIVEiS, >;CLzSORS, You can alixax. savi 1 ii xii fromi HIOAG'S Cornier Main and Washington Money Loaned ALL i Tc :)U 1e ..r or otherl.x \\xxtxnlx. Iort D A t~x~ xi lx li x Is A Ann Arior.hous, Sta i W.(fatts GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Chiice Cut Flowe rs and MilleA e. 1a. hoti.ii xxx La.4.....4444t..iH-. The Ann Arbor Savings Hank C pt l ttx ix iw,0!Huk . i s , l1.,( A Genera lxanking Bties xT ransaxcte.iai Orrxxttsx (CIxMS. iF. liaxixI lxxs.; IW. i>.j Harri a . ic Prs. M .. 3 asir IHot Lu~nch At Tesitia'a. 338 S. Stats Will Close June 24th Will Open October 3rd HIIJSTON lxROl)1lEIEifS xIt Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. S-tte Street h Turkish Cigarettes and IPipes FINE INCI ilS IN CONNtA lION Evt!ingixxNieaxxxxiiia 308S S. State St. R. IE. Jx01,1,. w INDIVIDUALITY IN CLOTH[S t It 'sxxxetxyxhir to telil how a suxitlis going to ionk on youx xxlxxsu i xxxxxv xi x xxtx(xjdg x.[n n niixit fAxlix Iltix. cxCo., 1ttoclxxstex, mnade r eadhy-to-weat anxd see thex xeffxct a aglance. Antihetr thing. yxxu hay the Merxhant Taiiorfrom $30.00 to $40x.llxxxiithxitle lxxpe xofxsatsfactiotn white yoxxpayxis ottly frotn 15.0xto 25.00l)foxx lxxiactuxai ertainita. Ax gIanceixat, xxx ixplxay xxintdowxs eaihtteltxak xxilkexeptyoxu xiin x lxuch w ihth x ix xx -stx in thex xortld's fashxioxn. IReule, Conlin & igl 200=202 South lain St e el THlE LATEST SPRING HATS A. G. SPalding &Bros. _________________________________ iLargext Mxaxufaturers ilxxthxe Woxrtlxof OfficiltAthtletcSliex chave them for the swagger ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS mng dresser, as well as for BASE BALL BASKET BALL man of more mature years GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS _________________GYMNASIUM GOODS ENj THE CLOTHIER '. A. G. SPAL DING & BROS. L M AIN STREET NEW YORK CHiICAGO xwniiiiliiIndtxx xian moxxasxxafor thits * **'0* ***0"*.s- 5trexuildinxg to No. rili. I aritt ,31 Caxthxerixne atreet. 208 N. Mainfirst door noxrtlh of post- othee . Phxote341. A l I A ONCE. THE ATHEITS PRESS, Printers. xii.itr a rx 11001xixx lixxixxi xx xOn xweek 1(i xi xxI,, fx lxxi txxxard. a U. of M BARBER SO c°4I IfMlck (xxxo. Antiseptic SO : and BATH ROOMS. Tickxet for foxur shanmpoos, one dol- FC ASG PCAT tar. Soft waler. Miss Vaughan, N. J. R. Trojanowski, 322 South State St. tniversity, near Quarry's. t-ths-s tI". cxiil #k****ttc COO0K tltiSE. JI F. SCIHUJI, Sanitary Plumbing* .o.xxSundayIxixixa exsxa scialty, $ . xlGas and Electric Portables, Gas and xxxSxxxlxx li xxxixxxxatxiixxtY Sc. Electric fixtures, steam and hot 1xl1ISSINxH0K SlEIVIC E. water heating. 207 It. Washington St xxlxix xxxixate for A tibr anxd llix xx xi llbuinesxs s. trictly confid- - =REiAD= d<1ia. titArorMesege Srie Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE ix 1ix l ixaxxii is.x thei x bestx cxxi xx lxxxy" i l et xi i txxii(xAt All Book Stores w;11 ;1111 111 \ ill I r l i i i In~ alxi lx III iiic I lxir ~ . i i . xxx ltr: " Iii x i ii } 11Ii t I lxcxix lxxI I x1'1 wt 111 (lx c xx iii lix ;1 1< x\ i ii .i(; rl li I c 1 ll-,xI I( I aC 1 11V I xi . \\.l11, Iliiiaixii. ;tIx ix xx il 1i" x i " "i 1 xxxi xxx x ;:{1I ig xxii , xxi i ri x li Go to Cushing's for Hlersheys & Caillers Milk Chocolate. tf Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- ler & OConnors, 619 E. William St. Try some of Cussings Fine Choco- lates. It. Save the Walk Down Town - s WATCHEUS and JEWELRY; REUPAIRED xWela frtlxaxsxwrkmen taxxd guar- aivorwr.We isFbs, U. of M.+ Pin~s asd Bassors at Roducod Prices We Walsoixtxxd LawLexctures and Thxeses . J. SCUlLEDE 340 S, State Street Teluhne 310 , Suxx raits xIese, lilaitrxoxsers, 10e. Anxy alasigxn i in xab, pins, brooches, iilex &.O'Connorxxx, till KWillixainSt.xxxadexat lRoster's Art Store. 12310 xiii a Get your Gym soppnes at Cushing's. H ........r**4*or* ****o**4r**4. ® e s U O N*i * N ** WE CONFIDIENTLY COMMENID TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR FINE NEW SPRING LINE OF 4** SU''ITS TOP-COATS CRAVENETTES r 1 We lxxasle lxthxe~ x po lxa .x.-u ei lxli tthe ixlfiretl sixlesandti a linie xf faxnciestitat ate attic to please you. Our Hat analFurnishinig CIlxl leajartxxettt is repxle titht all thet seasonis latest styles. W ADHAMS F.Co. 121-123 S. Main Street SEE OUK WINDOWS , ...e~.e..*...0...0..*...:. , XLCHI(AN CENTRAL~x "The. Niagara Falls Route '