THE MICHIGAN DAl .. HART, SCHIAFFNEBR & Sils, Raincoats, Top Coats and Trousers fot spring of 1905 now ready for yonr inspection. MARX Trunks and Sit Cases Yon'll need ott or the otiter. perhaps b oth before leaving town. XYou'il find tihe kintd yon want inl tile Lour, Atedinnm Priced, and thte hest cotistrtucted inth ie ntarket in futll representatiotn itere nit. MACK C(. CO. L UTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Maini St. II «t+f ...Money Loaned... IO war hesDiamnds, I 1.10 03 and ill 0Nigh1Class Cha ttl and ( 0410tor..1. 1 0,014 WJ.LOURIM. { I4 4th40Ave. (4Opposite4c111114 0. 44 Tw dor s 1h()f now .11. C. It Bnsiness Strictly Conidential. tEm~ea(11111 o4 [uerI1 Director &Anbulance -Calls attended dey or night. :10 S. 4111 Ave.: Re11oh11 same4114 1'hone. 444.AnteArb4o. 1( h . Cal)yri zht, 190o I;. L. B. & Co.. N.Y. G :ilett (Conrtinued from page 144114(hunted4441 01441114. ... 204 1 0 0 4 4 R azor M 41412_l. t t44. IO 41 Ix l 1 cn. 4() 14 by ('tn e'2 I s o NO StRItOPPINO Ok ONING10)15 t it 4141'38 (411t1bylptchdl1 Ask 1t11see1them, 41441400,. \Vcllt11 441ld p1t1l -a lt'1' . 111 411 c' l 41l' 14 . II1 DRUVG sToRE _____ t1 c h 4 51.'11 11 444.' (11414St. 14 At Tnsttle's. 338 S. State (441111 41 '4 1I'c o i' I (1,51ten is1t1 4 and 4 make 8 and 4 x 4 make 16. Same figures but you get, twice the result handling'em one way. College Br-a d Clothes get twice the results out of the same figures that other brand clothes do. They're made sol cleverly and shaped so smartly that young fellows who wear em have all the style advantages a custom-tailor gives at half what a merchant tailor asks.I STAEBLER Q. WUERTH one) 111(4da . v444 444(4 discuss1 on. 4, 46:4 to~ to 413 6 11111 _________ F,1 11 blls-Off N1lri A\1444 4:4Yo 4Ca 1lmake more pat 1Car- 44141111 4411 1141444s than 4(1- ,. h[- T( ( Iel sc4111 114 1 l iis r : 11 44 4h444 els 4 111 Vard, (14.4(1 havn'1414 4 nlh 4r1t4441l 4 144 bu .wil hits-l loop441 4c11 olb ali e1(4 41.4444,11a son to1 al dr1)4 C111 ( lo l 44444441144 44444414.4,4 44444 lle -T :45 est r, N. Y. t N110 TO A.411 (41olyo1he:li~ig11ei1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 , l l c . 1 ( I OI I i c a l ( 1 4 4 1 , . . 4 4 4 4 4 1111 1t5d14(1( llli 441 4t4te 1l~ li:n (1( Chca o)1.111l ta11s 4111l 1(4 rca( 11111(te nis 111 v .lc;r, niew l111 111 (44si 411 1444111)' s144.4 1night.1 0o 114 4 s11.1 t11 '1.1 2()111,044 (A0 s 44d, 1444; 4s1444440 1n1 (44.tfo r ili e(0. )l 4 i1;1 sli e trr1(1 (141 ; 44444 1444 - 0114111.4 1e144,1 14 ;(leaf4and((11114;114.40(411 eaig ad 11111 o..)\,it ;1(tlOt()1)~(x n i c1h Dnnors, 619 i C. ln cluis l1 . t 7 -PHOTOGRAPHS' Cal1 a F THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, L,,316 Sont Main St. A ANoE ARLROW QUARTER SIZE CLUETTI PEABODY & CO., Wheat Bscit . 11014111 I B ra wncle 1,i 1, 041 at1(4 Ylotcn ll shiave thchWalkr poperfodandlSad ttR Shr~gae ne tded co * ( rduce Ite desre d esu t ± builsCImuscle,340n, tehaeStee teephfo oet The Vi.talt.+++++44Gook Book Will Close June 24th 6rdnoer~s Academy Will Open October 3rd B I L L'ARD S HUISTON MrHER-S Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. State Street Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes' 1ver sroho l1,e cIty. l+tNtI 1.UC('ItIS IN CONNEIIttON Ever0ythlingO Netdolvan11 404 Age t o r S.1 I tI t . i es.c. 3081 S. Stat4e St4. R. E. JOLLY. 4ALCH CEN(TRA4L '"The Niagara Fails Route" THE SHORT LIRE CHICAGO ANN ARBORt BUFL BOSTON KNEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kanoas City, St. Paul and the Weot. For information and through tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. ' .44 0 44 1444,11 111(41.1 Il.14414,. >4( loo; \h4h144on111(1i Steam and French dry ct replairing at Fuller & O'Co F". William St. .Carefully. TESTED and Fl' .. " i and Best Ap- proved Scien- tific f(lethods. - -haller's Jewelry Store- CASH POSITIVEL No orders for cabs for partie ments will be taken iiss cash accompanies thi RATES: o~ne ouplto141nd14fr11111 14001 ttnmen111t - - Fxcelusiveueof . ltcarriage- Coupe - - - Rshissa & Co. Walkers Livery "YCASH I es or entertain THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD sason unless AND STEAMSHI0P LINES. xorder. TIME TABLE-TakingI effect Feb. 26. 19055 ooSOHNORTH Lv. No. 0'- 7:20 am. Lv. No. lt- 9005 ann .., t- 11104 .m1. Lv. "3- 4:h5p.m s 11r eat10r- 11I4- 8:15 pin. Ar. h05-t2:35 p.m5 - - X1.54 3.0 * aily except Sunday between Owosso and 2 - Toledo.t Through trains daily except Sun- day. Free chair ears on Non. 1 and 4. W. T. WILLtS, Agt, Holmes' Livery J. j. KIRBY, 0. P. A., Ann Arbor, Rit, W. H. Stark Toledo,. Ohio. I HOCINGVAIIVVY Continues Its Excel- S- ladsFo llOCI~t~ iniw uJ lent Train Service You WCill Find Four Trains Daiy S timp1 Ion ea StlimP&eon1 Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 334 Sousth State Street UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS.a SE. CLARK, 202 Elks1 Temple4 Detroit. Mich. Toba06o Cigaretta. Cigars WE ARE NEVER UNIWRSOLD-GOODY1EAR'S DRUG STORE