*- THE MICHIGAN DAILY, fHO" +os + +I TE1ICHIGAN I)AILY.! S pr nglis3'hed6 daiy ( : '.:da ecete)3urngth 1 ai o in Mangig Editor, . STANLEY ALEY. i BsnsMageCA EA.T MPUN 11 4 Athletiii'. ('1--------- . n L j N'.'.'..'... '-----RTR . A POU NDi 4 Fehoges. . .J osep..h Y. Kerr Wo en.............. .Ida M~. rw igg . lu I. t. l i s\\ Elitll its ;I , i THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE ' READY EDIITORIAL, STA FF: 3i3rl A.M, Graver larry H. Andrew! 1. wasite Jayne' ASSOC'IATES6 George A. Osborn Arthur T. iHugg Iv tkle C. Pui 3.. .i. Earle Ogle. Jr. t3. A. HI. Hrtseyer liaoid C.Sit Hugh Allen Will (J. Sanford 37, Chias. W. Amibrose bouts Sticknoey t , Chas. 1E. Wnstead Jeromie Weadocke ,1';I' it' illll\ 1111' And the Styles are '.... HBUSINESS3 STAFF unusually Handsome. 1 E.Ftzr A.H.nu RATES: $2-3.1 per gea.r, .or $2.300 if pi in~ i IOffice Hoaurs: 12:30 to 1:30 ad 6:30 to 7:30 Go U WIL CO, p. mu. dally. 6. N. W [D CO :Address: CLAUDIE A.T11031PSON, Busin~ess 311 S. State tanaer, 331 Packard St., Telephoner 46 1. sOrder *~~ Editor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. Your +CALENDAR. Engraved , 1t.2;- arlrc ~c~t uhie 1ll.131 Cards +i+ 1 i'c ' o h ta now for ? 1hall3,:2 Commencement N~Ii'.'. \Ili 311o3Abtit 31 '73 31," Invitations *:. 13331.332' 11,111, S ; W e do suipier'ior atnd *.b 31I ' 3 c1r1'.3el- ,O1 r:ld 1it( artstic work mund , i'il h .33 3 .'. e3.111th3 3)i~e canl give yott thr lat- 111.1".1 ri131331' est and best stvles. & t'3r 33 3.13 31 3 ^; 1. I 114333~ 1 , wtiI 33ccri vh 1\13 3 1 a rue+. a far. ad3 thr , m3 11 la1ge 31113113' .31 33333133ar33 '..333 '1,3 31131cn 3m33 in A 3 r11t i 3313 s Q713-- 1 , . 3331 385,'(W3. ' a 3'~; Q t3 3 whi1ch .1'3 3 13333' 3 -11313\3.3 3.rc fact 7.\)11W o"333341001 N '33333 3't 333[11 3 l e da 3 tcri3 ,an a 313.3 'c 31 '.3313.3 3as 333 3l 111 the3 c(3.1333333331 3 3.ti 3l f~- I ~ific~r (,fthe ilv ,"c~i m i 3re 3,I 33333 hi33 3c 3.1xm t W 3 33 ti the I3 333 <, 3b.3.\\ ll 3ake joa a 3~331 1 31331 333333.3It3, ll3.3 .33i Give Your Order for E ngraved Cards Now It taikes'one xweek fromu 3133 131313.dli Ii cal3 l 3hi 100 CARDS AND PLATE of 333.3133sty1313 of script, 3313. $1.25 WAHR'S Spring Woolens The most complete assortment of wvors- teds and worsted cheviots in all shades of gray are to be found here. You can only appre- ciate the good taste with which they have been selected by an actual inspection of the goods. You're invited to look tt Jfl4 'JO 41U 13 1 333 w 33lli a1' .333333 ,j 333 31333'. lit 3'.. 333al 333333333113r13)41311 .33333,3 3 3tt..3 331 33333333 t 3 g.r33 l'3.3 33.33 333i1L; 33 l ,- a3 3' - ,ai t33331 3 333 HELRSHIEY'S and CAILLI.ARs CHlOCO.A'1'ES at lowest prices at BROWN'S DRUG STORE 3333 3311''. 313t1' 'il>' l3333' 31 'h11113333'. t3311 313 111333' 333wi ll h ivonl ( l3'. t al - 3 HOME TELEPH BEST LONG DISTANCE Go to Coohing's for Htershey3s & Caillier's Milk Chocolate. tf Latest novelties in sultings at Fl- ler & O'Connor's, 619 E. Williami St. Try sotne of Cusniny's Fine 'ioci'- lates. t 'The So~rosis and131 llIna irSoni's fine sh iiiiandoxfordsl, s111ldonly b173Geor'ge3 It. MV~iler, 212 South Iiliii ii tet. ONE COMPANY BEST LOCAL SERVICE K If Trn..iild With IRH LUIAIr r., Ln ;<>; ,. , r, >-- , ,t a, < .. -~ ,- COFF2E... Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting G~ultden Itio, per Ilb. - 5I c Iilarial-al'a, p 1113b - Pelang Java, per3 lb 28c Ar-abiani Mocha, per Ilb. Dein C ' lnd2 3,3 3331, 1111'lb., 20c CATARRH SKIN IDISEiAS. STOMACH, THE MANISTEE SALT AND MINERAL BATHS L~et, usseud yu our adesritive boolet.l iiiitiiiig fll iitlieiiiotilsliei'iii the Mainistee Miuerul'i aur. Store ialll lIsiIulua,35uiur.. p'rfuruiidsiu' .iaii eal W~aterin the worl.31 THE MANISTEE SALT & MINERAL BATH CO. Manistee, Michigan Sti'itiouu tiisi'.eir weu nsrigav -18c $C .}c I 214 South Maiii St. 6336673676736373673vi3.6735{. 736734 ,1. '. DEAN & CO. .. . 6 732l.=. " n ' Z 3'rf .55itr~i iC'tC '36 5137 Pik57355 1 '1 e".631 a Gentletnt's Gaine," is always an enjoyable pastime when playetd at the Varsity Billiard Room whicit has the fiest tequipmtetnt itt the city. 313 S. STATES PHONE 951 STE1N-BLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCLIMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.