T'?IE MICHIGAN DAILY. * Stuadenvts Lik~e .oat Shirts. I sut). We ) r }tr 1ic'k s lI'.alot lof , I tttocoa t shirts Otis week 811 51.0 Cuttng, eyer & Co. 109-- 1 :. Wsashington St. $350 RGL $5 Their have arrived and ,ust xxhat von xx ant TANS PIGSKINS PATENT ItAIIIIIIS WAUD CALF Oxfords' tlUE All >tyle and Some toS tleas you hiave not seecn before Paul611 E. 1 i a.r'x 1, - aPickwick a BOWLING ALLEY 3. ROTTErNSTEIN. PC-op. 707 N. Vo1iv. Av.. I- o+t + Y YLi t t Yia Y4a Ya -*o yt .....a f f Mft 4tf Y M } i 1#iF 1#f 1t# Y*1 T Visit RENTSCHLER'S NEW OGROUND FLOR STUDIO. 319 Last Huron St., opposite Ltel 'I11)ar special wRates to Seriors in ll IDepartmecrits tt ..JOB PRtIIN'T'ING -Meyers', 2t7 '1lat 1, 10111 1 11 I' 1 1115 1111 ;wSits pressed, 2c;te I ellllo.a, c 111111tr is 'i tr dI 1 11 1eel exFuller & O'Connor, 69lit10L I' ,Tlt s 1 111iv 11 111 i1110 .1 1 1'ill Waetcmil jelsiroi- .__-- 1 1.11115111111 '"'1. hindsta d111eat l's. Ira Art Stoll,. I?, 1'csr~i .11 l . lu1 'gc"1 ''. 1 ''1'rr i :i "- _ __u _ _- _ Try somie of Cusning's tine Ci c- ; tI'ie So~rosis and Htian & Son's fie lae. lio1' andt oxfordts, soltdtonsy by George Any11 esgn1i1 lfol11 s bi ll , 1 111111, 1 1. M iller, are2 South Main street. madle at Foters Art St1110 Every Seat itt% the Ypsilarvti Theatre was Sold in On~e Hov..z last Saturday for- the S11 OoLlEo EPING l101l~lBEA UTY~llll.1 Tlhe Opera Willie Reheated flonday lvet comE, ;xxay21) Tickets sarceor% Sale at Qa.-iy's acid Dawsr',.Drog Storn. ;. One Night Out to FLORIDA - _ _ V IA; Big Four Route .;. wtr BRIGHTON CIA ,- ARTER PIONEER 718 Mrket St USPENDER COi. Philadelphia R~owe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ace. New I'I Isl 57 e ll 'It~ '1l11' I35I. STENOGKAPHER FI -ed E. Beitler, '05 Laeiw (fors 2to .ir . F2F:I5IINLII. 523 t:. MSADISON ST. Phosne 347 J. DEITROIT, YPSILANTI, ANN ARBOR &e JACKSON RY. liMi:T AIILI, . t'(.11 1)il.111AT110i111t 111 II, 111iE)r )inlI 1.1.I ai I.), 1111, Ii .111 11*). Il. '1111,' 1 I so 01111 t1. ocall ll Ca li 1w111 11Ann 11. . 1 r(l I iit 1until 115 1). '1.1'c'' 1111111 111 1, ))).1.11t Watches, Clocks and Jewelry t10)1011011 lo'exp)eirt111r11101 at 1ea'.111alt1e 111il'o'I. AllrnwoIk g111'Llalteell. J. B. LIBULR, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. I ro,o' Detroit and Toledo W NION DIP1O I' IN BO'1TH) Toledo and Cincinnati No disagreeable Transfers Write Big FSane Agents tor Informa- 11i11, or V,' W.LANDMAN4 ..1Agt. 'TOLEDO, 0. 25 cents 1 1inner 35 cenit~s Ov 4cr BaT 1w I ''l S'' '' iSl'. 1111 } zo laic if ,.ot, wish a M(,:If . I'll(- ltou.'v %% ill Ix' TI 'I'ivell h) Yp'ilatttFlwsi ialew. under tlit, dirvoiim or tlit, awli:w, ( tIwr:i I Get your Gym nuppnes at Cushing's. Latest novelties in sultings at Fuli- ler Sic0OConnor's, 619 E. William St SENIOR LAWS You Will Need a Typewriter If 11101 41111t ti 1Bes,11 o F. I,9STOW E, city GO! 1 .11.1m o W h p w l'lltlc ltIII 7 1.1tat steet Wuw111c 11-ctal1it 111111.hit tf111) tt 11c III 11 11111 .11t)) 1 . i I, ym lth Illm '1: h r la w la s i cl1 1 11 1111111111''inn, 1111p111 , PIt'l bd f 4 «+* }4. 4 wl f¢4 ' }fit l i ,, 1,;1). Amb~ulance on call. 1.1 lt. 1t st W ' ASU rI' NA 01: Go to Cushing's for Fieoo ttatller's Milk thonolalte. Ill Lil''& POWElR. CO 210ti E.. xxASI'INUi'ON ST'. 30 DANCING USSONS t 20 Assemibies Noll 11110the For $3.00 SCOTT'S ACADEMY ; Co0u 1- t =' Far s Over 1 Hase You Seen the New -PIGSKIN - N BLUCII[R OX[ORDS .0 - FOR MEN - Only Gemunne Pigskin Oxford In tine City. Neier before 14sii'oolid iif or s thain $i0.50 They Are Right. You hatl better have a look tat 119 S. Main "'lTheI tire 1F00(1Store'' EGYPTI NE Tta R otter Turkish Cigarette c~an be made CORK TIPS Look for. Siggriati~si R. PLAIN qf S. ANARIGYILOS Always Ahead In styles~ MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Be-st U, LEverything In u Tailoring