THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoagts Home Supply Store ;- Corner Main and Washino-ton Streets t Fall Fashions are Ripe 4 Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, t ir, Purses and Pooketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ashi Trays, Paper Weights, Smkn* es opTwlSrpsadPp ak tpplrpies. This is the place.,. Eot .ar G. HOAG. Qo_.O. SBlurch field's Fine Tailoring1 Trade Guarantees... 1 You the mot skillful tedartitisterie to ehdavhr.W lascryair e adc-iple l o eashal wool-te ens. Wetthaetteeefor 1Ieach ,, Nete's Ca->t,)ut Sltit. ad can sheow tou a trg-e.beatiul attti 'slutSt t ttieofslit- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 L .Huronf l If their clothes ate es- invited to insptectths of tIohester's ttost , p- elttlttg itanufaetot 5 s. is, Ryan & Reule Wadharn . ._ i+w*X ' .C i<' '" + +a ' i ' 1++ +*i" 'I''ajrr r j'arj++a ir j+r +. JMoney Loanied OhW atcste, D iahois or dc, Ii. otkerprsal property of value. sO Aen s ~and-Tihatchoretd Clanothes -3 tt5ir itt ntat g d rei en e -31 E ittrty ~t A n A r o r 1e5 5 8 t 1t r : tl n t o b i t p .t tn . A l iii, i n s cols t5g511.- -rad 1 I f SAtE A WALK SOWN TOWNt 'I Watches, Clocks, 4: Y< Jewelry Repaired : -- $1:etle ( 1< 1 0 tohre lc-rutis - +J. f. SCIILEtBI, 346 S. Slate Street". ALPHA NU PROGRAM. IlT-e Alphaitt Nit Litii -t ierty Clii gli.Itistto lie "Mtichtini ti tu ity c()f og g ii;' ito ( it(, iiiigatt tptuitiane Ito1 ti-ilgsm i ng f her - - - liiils 'ilsii ii ig it belilt tl(r f Iilt ersity 11011, sithil end. SI r~ieityi nviiat aie stre tis ithelprt - ist - l is iglitle itSongs. rcstt itli-at-ii a tt L i it Sxoittoi- slit iii 1llC- I t iti to e tiii--ell il t Mc-iii i i Ti it ns I,' i i iti St tls, i i l iir i i i-is ig-al s iit - 1111"x) > t - I- i l el M c li-l iiitt - i il ii, It. ilI Snauldingtt OfticialInterctllegiate Aft G1011 ALL Used by All Leading Colleges Foot Batt Pasts -itace fr-it. U 1iti-sotititit-ti tilt A. G. SPAULDING & SONS, Inc, Net Ytrk Chicagt Setter Spautding's Oficiteat Footbalt Guitto For t944 4. GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Fltowers and + Plants++it ' Parker Fountain Pen at Mann's Drug Store Reading notices, except to Univer--- sity orgalniztations, one cent a word Y,11u wontis s eightt o'clockt if ytot per issue, payable strictly in advance hatv,.otseof our to the Business Manager only.> Uni-1 veruity organizations allowerd one no- DOLLAR ALARM CLOCKS lice~J fre.JI L1ltIUR, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. Get youtr Gym supiplies at Cashing'. - G RANG [R'S Sutits tire-s-ed, 25c- troitsers,1Cc. SCHOOL FI DANCINGP Ftuillr>& O'Conttnor, 61aa t i l liatm ci Stt. o-d ti Itt li iti t t l - i ott tk1 Goito CItiti's for Hershteys & torill-s d(;ssrosae niW Caiille r's hits Chiocolate. etf sAtt(' P, 4 THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA O M Fttrttishetstttusic for tll occasions Daattermtidattspleciatlty. AddtessL. : Yons can .gist Dt. Gates1ttaer, 80S S. Fourtht ave- Ij Hof tum: titue. NetsPhtotne, 8351 Ied. Itt ________________ * At T..ttle'is. 3388S. State SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY. Sitlicritiott - to thteDilty tatett at New Bus ikT be Cutiicttiin tDrutg Store tttd at lyer's11. N(,s lnd ats $.0pet tear,'ot w BuwIA Tbe $2.()t itf aid ittadaltntce. tf ST REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS cieet-c lit ts ittCutttittC, Reyer & Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. UCo.'s ittdow. itas. W. Rietit> Vl', 31:tii S tiltu Ssi;,ts 'To tilts taandolins for sale> I It tlitti 5 iitst St's i,>tei ts ite si otii st et qiore at 331 Packeard stret.i 1-tf. leo ____________ Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes itiicttigatettsians $1>10 each at (1 (r ttttl Iftt to t, cty. Sheehan's. tf. PINE IIINCHlLS IN CONNLCIION CORET ANIN. 3011 S Slate St., R. C. JOLLY -r' it c AIltil ialli t i 1s tti tiieDARLING & MALLEAUX.... ilts-itn l~it I , yi liii it-t5,1> ir tci i ifts lli it c 'ichi ean Pillows, Pennsants uiinpyleitt ailianits,.-N-ivits- s.nd Room Decorations. 71 i Fo-rit IIcoa fl.pauling', ti5> ALLEN. THE CLOTHIER I~ tirl 'i> It. I iL:ii Main Street f iii tt C> i-siFr 1}ast- il F1ttta, .I I ..226 Sonth State Stree 1 1 A WORD"',TJDToh Tots will always fintth le right thtintg at Ite right litte at the Netw Clothittg attd Haherda shery Stores of W A pu-uAp~b COO 121-123 SOUTH MfrAIN STR[[I Next Door to the State Dank. Every article new and this season's styles. VXICHI(~~~~~~~~~ANJ CEN.~ Ro es [u dyirScuiii Sanitary Plumbing, THE ANN ABRRIRA _________ L ctoi cotnstrutioti atid supttltts AR O AIR A "The Niagara Falls Route" Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and ANtt SoEAMSIP WINES THE HORTL~tE 52 N. If a AvElectrtrir ftutre-s, steant and hot TH SOT IN 26N.Ii f hAv.Water heating. TIMSE TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25, 1904 CHICAGO isi 1ttsi, ~ tItte207 If. Washington St. ofnNOT ANN~ ARBOR to .I Funeral tAr. st7I'.l.1.h hrlN NEW YORK 4.M atatinr :1pm .ut ""0 --tt to,5 tttt OwitIYUII Director PH T G A H ,it t It41tt 'ih d ,irect connections at Chttcag fo r * ~ uyt hc ttday lit -, , Annt Arboru tLo Kantsas Cit St. attl antI Ofite, 201 S. 4ltl Ave. Pliote 98'aS>1dy §i Snda toutt teit l i~l es.For informationt and Its i ieall S. Cih Ave. Plhottc 314. SEYMOUR'S STUDIO, n oeo 1 ee(i~ it t . vl I If os t n4. W.CASE, cgnt Ann Arbor. Ambulance on call. 316 Sonth Mlain St. .J t I 3 A An Aror ric WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOL.D-G OOD YEAR'S DR UG ST"ORE