THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Buarch field's Fine Tailorin~g Trade Guarantees... You the most skillful and artistic serv ie to Ise had anywhere. We always carry a large sod compllete line of seasonable wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, and can show you a large, heautiful and ecelusive line of shirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Biurchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 If. Huron HOAGPS HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer, at Momey Saviug Prices.... BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND COLLAR BUTTONS. You can always save in buyileg from HOAG'S Corner Main and Washington INDIVIDUAIY IN CLT [ I siieven h afte tola tell ii -slt j;oi a ( It E l \ii X1000 itt he hopiei ai ;te Sl he ii if t )ti la: (ml zzI $151111 to $251111 for tihe actul e i-i i ii i A glfl iii- a1 oer dislyN - ii v w in- w h w (, il ,l- Reuleonli n & Fieg el 200=202 South Main St. Mony oaedALL THE LAT EST SPRING HATS " A. G. Saldio' ro Loaned on Watches. liamnoc , W -rld ( ii i tii trl or other Personal Property iii'i. -Ii~i Watches and I 'welvy Iteliired Wc have them for the swagger ATFHLETIC IMI LE TS Bargains in W~atches and young dresner, an well an for BASE B.ALL BASKET BALL Dimn.-the man of more mature yearns GOLF BOXEIG GOVES Ann Arbor. Housn.-8 n on:Ma. i 1_______________ to 3.30 and ,toi9s1. i. All hiniiGYMNA"tSlE 7' GOODS coficenteidali t fisiy N. SIRKNGB csetllAT D THE CLOTHIER A. Gi. SI ALDIfi &IL[R.S Joseph C. Watts .&, .~'- ANSRE sl ii;IlA ,H$,diiA I N. ST-- - - GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers and Chain sSt.,. il Mlle Ave.hoenw09. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock. 51l,000. Surpls. $175,000. iReoren, $''.0010 A General Banking Business Transacted. 5rricss Chas. EK lilvenek. IPc-s.; IW. 1). Harrimas. Vine Pren.: N. J..Frilz. Csier. YDox cam ,gat a Hot LunchI At's. 338 S. State Will Close June 24th Girangjer's Academy (( ninmuii fromiipage law.) lic i l l = thi i h it a iiio i, h ii i. lmu h h ir. c lv. nt I.I I*1k ;i ;I I III t-Iii i 1e 1 a l .I I Li win clary, ndt hi a ha e I OPT ,b adc1;, tath A lae in a h-. r aw lnd i.d ot ino Soi;. ctii n liiri mnal Statei AIl l-;1\(; Thlirda\ i4 ll. l' ttlln tt1 theii rc- NOTICE. :REMOVED "iiihs ri c-,k~ Reading notices, except to tlniver-I i - ii. i - 9i~ z rtif sity organizations, one cent a ward TH AHITrRESS, ePiinters. per insue, payable strictly in advance _. _ " Q 4rlb : i'.rtr .; S ..I I.; Cy %-, . to the Buiness Manager only. Uni- versity organizations allowed one no, tice free. tf. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Addlress L. D. Bates, mnaager, 801 S. Fonrth avenue. Phones-Bell. 1066J; iome, 2811 Reid. 24tf rightl. I arriliglei, 3191 Caiiivverm lsteet COOK IlOU1SIl?. Leading1lien-r ales $2.00, $2.70 111i1 $ j.on. Sundayidinincrs Ia specialtyix c fslISSI NGI SI~ lRVlCEi. Reva-sonialelratn-sliir Ann eArbor ;iini iieitial. Ann Arbor Mess-eigei- erie. P1es1174. cuol tf of Biattle Creak Saitiiariuiii. Po Ticket for four shampoos, onen iol- tar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. University, near Quarry's. t-th-s I!. AtieM k;BA1RBERSHOP $ j and eArnifROOMlS. J. R.Troja nski, 322 SoithISaSte St. J. F. SCHUHiI, Sanitary Plumbing, Ielectric vollviveui;, il suplies Can and Electric Port"ables, Can and Iidleciic fixtures i, ste~animid hit waler lleaiting. 207 F. Washington Si - READ - Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE Al All Besn Stores Save the Walk .+ Down Town i i '' ".1CliFS aiid JiLYEU ' ,' ++ I~ l,1't II' - u ++1.r[i i tl' i ;illL'1.1J-i lii ++i+ Ii+++mm F.. J. Si~tIttiFi, 34031S. State Sineel+ nicclephne ii 310 Will Open October 3rd H USTON BROTHERS-- S uccesnors to NV A Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. State Street LOST. rc iir 1t't> 11 a\\ i- elaim Nrlll AYT ONCE. I have just received the argesnfin eel ti iii ii01 i11 01iiii11Cii. 011iWCC ise of (1,1\ x1i1ilat1oiiiao hSllier at Mack's Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes tia fr I iii liv l oveer brought to the city. viiii ii Mack & Ce. FINE LUNCHES IN CONNECTION__ Everything Nest sand cleao Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- Agents fr B. B. 1B. Pipes. r& c 308 S. Stale St. R. E. JOLL.. & o'Cnnor's, 619 E. William St. a: *4*N1* . 4 *N* *4444 SUITS WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR Fl TOP-wCOATS INE NEW SPRING LINE OP CRAVENETT-vi-ES4 I We lure Ihe popullar lue serge ill all the dlifereit stylesanatd a line if fancies thaI are sure to pleshie you. 0111 11-1and.It1 1 Iiish111i Goods Department is replete with all tlle season's latest styles. ----__ WADHAMS (QCO. 121-123 S. Main Street SIEE ovl. WINIDOWS V, i.,.......**N **e*2**8e***ea e99i*9*b****9 .* Oo rr4***4A*,***.******* SXICRIGAN CGENTS imvt Lav Of THE ANN ARBOR RAILROA "TheJNigara F lls outwu-aring linen iith woin and frayedii up-n AND -sosnrtie i in __ the result of mour, indiffereiit o ei-al TSR ~aRTLISII -- eckiess laundering. Espencially is lhis -CHICAGO+F the case slie ne do sulihcaliltal work it TIME TABLE-Takingefefect o eb. 26,.195 &WNRBORARBOR to BUFFAJ.O n- - ,, ci chlssthianfor iniferior or Iii'S ot~i BOSTON - ca reless handling. Yell liave only Ito all. te. No. gi- "rm:3o. it). {Lv. Noi. It- 0:05s. 0 ii i; Li. - :5015 p.i WYith direct connectlonat Chicago for *he n-iteinlidn lyalDnda hll u ie l cptSunay litweci Oosso at the West. For information and dasy.Fe hi a ilN.Iad4 w: CABS$, Agent, Ann Arbor. ss y-21 . t Lv. any J. .T1 IlIs1Y. 0;Uh c. Y. A.. Ann Aimo, SMichi 6eCPi,21S 0 v.Both Phoares 928 Tl-il 1li WE ARE NE VER UNDERSOLD- GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOCRE 0 s5