IlI MICHIGAN DAILY. KWA ___ P H 0T 0 G CA P H EKR Study with a Good Light Thre is n IbeterIi Sht tha TIHE WELSBACH RAD)INGI LAMP ALL STYLES Al ALL PRIC1s. The Ann Arbor ias Conipany. ARRIVED tIUVDlAND WAX CA[ Wini-s Tips or Plain tDoes, Msilitary ltees and on tile Verv Latest Ski-rI t_,LAST <&. \V tIt 0 x F0r I\N Gi.Ii i Tan and Black, Broad or Nar- A. G. S~aldiung&Bros. Wo ld-f li i I rtfli {},i AITHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL? GOLF BOXING GLOVES STIRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A.0. SPALDINO & BROS. NiEWIYOR115 liii Ass ii-' 0. i, ci 11' I 7!th s'l!r,, lt tlc fa t .L. : [~riix. t fi:ftc" and . t I ~t", tsct, tft 4+t;lO W N S:(ttwt'tt- !, MaetoOrder Rent[,. ted CAi 't . lLk ONf7'"1t(il wUr P T^ TO KALAMAZOO 'ross tDols all TRAINS EVERY HOUR WALK To ALION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, r°:LAMA'OO and Points East and West ° Ga . T. RY. at BATTLE CREEK x' l SM LOW RATES FAST TIMi lIakrx St. i+ cA Visit KENTSCHLER'S NEW GRODUND 11000 STUDIO. 319 [ast Huron St., opposite [adies' Libriry Special Raektes to Seniors Inre alt Deparrtm-Aemts t wil! I irom pf i/Cdlne.) JOB tI{INTIN(; Msesr, 2tj Hais) street, soith. IlluItssd at. ti i Ilc 1"'i i fLaes t 1nsvetties in suitings at Fil- ts r & O'Connor's,119 K. Wiltitii St. SENIOR LAWS YouL WXitl Need a 1ypewriter It i " ai ii i t w dri F.I, SIO WLE, City 11 Your Vacation Homne-In A Kodak. $2.00 Up E. . Calkis, IDrugs State St. 1-4 off ont Galners adIPennants Special Prices ott silk Pillow Tlops 01110 CENTRAL LINES Tile iStutdens' Route i S do to Aten I iI il is h 'I li STATE SAVINGS BANK ,I t i s" r 1 't i i . . C ; r r :-. 1 i. t irl ir i ii +r FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi Ann Arbtr, Mich. 'BI1 133E & FEDMUNDS 't - l icc l Ii) 11t t~1itL lclt l i t Go In Cashing's' tiir terstes' jCailler's Milk Chocotat e. tf Steam anid trench iirl' ctiatinan iti repairing at Fltler & O'Cnso'y 1 0. Wiliami St. 'The Soriisis ,iiditlIiaall SsIl '11 If. filiilr, -, Souith Iilinsti ici Summer School in Mechlanic Ails, t' ' Sl YE i'us tFU t tch JOII 1.oursesaretpoddei-2~I.r 'iils o ~"C .HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY int ishNislorLcoatie-Anii __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B EST LONG DISTANCE. BEST LOCAL SERVICE 11' i t 1,11 iii s. Ai ii Asisr tli'i. E GYR.TIAN DEITIES kTa otter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIP'S Lonk for Si~irsstesre. M. PLAIN of s. ANARGYKoS Niur t IIa t Ith CountyFai r isfOver YO W llll v, titte tt l )P il :t I 4 ~ t l' t s t I i c o slt I ~ Too15 Li' I1% sesi m ' US I tils. "The I'lre food Store" Always Ahead In Styles ML W_ ,ARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring