THE MICHIGAN ]DAILY. r ils for L UT N~ MARX + + " tl i11 ?t. (0 1tj - h h 4 Thew I othier, 217 So. Maklri St. , Sunmmer Shoes for Ladies DOROTHY DOID'S $2.50) $3.00) $3.50 i-I ..4.4.4..4.. . .+ k-F ,b , .4It I...MoneyLoaned. Osa trti,1 t I i i'>.« it trllt i t , } W. J. LOLRIMA. Business Strity Confidentil. 2 INOtssHislloo,5t- Amlbulance--Calls ate'ndea dr or night I iu ii+. to it , , The Gillette Razor ItI QtTa ar-'. r38S.St¢ Will Close June 24th i fiaor ~ae y, Will Open Otoer ird HUSTON IWOIHE:W; Jas. W. Rid, 312 S Sate Street Turkish Ciarettes and Pipes lINli tLtNt'ttl >IN CONt ,Cl ION lv.r~is ' ' atad 1hM AgiLs 51 I Ii.B Pl" 3M1 S Sate S. R Eoi. "The Niagara .Fal.10 at> THE SHORT LNE fCHICAGO ANN ARBOR toI BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK with direct conectons at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul1 and the West. For infortation and throulgh tickets call on or write to W. W. (,ASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. 4 and 4 make 8~ and 4 x 4 make 16. Same figures but you get twice the result hand ling'em one way. College Bra.rid Clohes k get twice the results out of the 1 same figures that other brand clothes do. "They're made so cleverly and shaped so) smartly that young fellows who wear'em have all the style advantages a cilStomdtailor gives at half what _: a merchant tailor asks. "' STAEBLER t(t ,WUERTH I C. ntiioio'from pfI e tone.) ,.. 1\ 11: ' ,11ci g m t ' . Iiii ;i -! ll itr it 1 fi ti 'i iic tl it tc ii: I ' 1 i _ lt 1 ,11- ;t i i I4 , i 1 1:1 ' l ] i , t i i iti :1,1 lick 1( t i1iit * itysthe Latett tif;ic rteods. ltl --holler's iJewelry:tore-lt( -l }Iih ri l V ( , I C " F( it 3 t "t l 1 ilt ilc t , j lit wI nci l l t_ ia is 1 1. h THE ONTATRLFO Sayt rn~e nofthe Wl is dee I) otiteexese o fl. te.otooth. hisislat lor at-s' Shrdde IWhoIL[1111 5 leSGrEl j. rs I hitr st rit e r 3111 THE ANtkc:N ABRAN hiLROADn b mm TABLEt ~atiglIcI . 26,e1e00 Cs n. ded fot . theno r.shmnt1.Iof- t e s Ois,' '>105.1and r. It s 11.od fo~l~r tes ol tch, f()),iriisrr s eitsso n bill1 101, i fi ts ., a s'sralu cio ,dc. Toas'. itli,. c ft ods o NTtICE$. N;lilc iir t il ;,iooio t:;t t' i t}i PHOTOGRAPHS THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Sans Main St. CASH POSITIVELY CASH No orders tar cabs for parties or entertain ments will be taken this season unless cash accompanies the order. RATES: i 5111111, ii sis -i ia - ' s Eye] i1s1 seosfiii arril-e -15 Coupetis'- Robison & Co. Hotmes' Ci Walker's Livery W. H. ; 01. 50 Avery Stark 11 KN1Y I LY Ry. lont Train Srvce- You W~ill Find Four Trains Daiy Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDIO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Temapi?,tDetroit. Mch.; 4.1'44.44..+44..44.44..4..4*4+4..+.+++4++-+ + + 444+ + ++J 4 0 Billiards Pool Silm1pson(Fe A6Stolmpsori 334 Souzth State Street4 Tobacco cigarettes cigars -----.____________________________________4.44n14n*4+4....___ . _4. . -...+ + .i...i...'w..t.,1..'G. .i'.+A .taa#..t, "- ". s.. . z... ...a. .S L .:s. ....s., .... ,. -"- -"- - " .1..:...ti -- -. , s I :f 7 WE AREUVVhR UNTDE RSOL;D-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE