THE MICHIGAN DAILY ffffffff *fff**f ff* TIHE; 11CIC IOAN DAILY. FERRIS CLUB. ~ seee ~ e~ f* O oo le idisicies featues of~ f W1E WOULD HAVE iitr l. i e < h ubraoil ih tchigat11S art Riah TIYOU TO KNOW j - lhch teformer stdnts01of Stegu It l50 t~-'err linlust[hula hareher it lursi lot Maagn hito J TALE-ALY ineto' hGoseror. Your room may be much Titwe are 9a~igIdtr3 ALYB~Y Sierteary ati the camapagna lum improv ed by te use of alenl- Bu siesManagrGIAUL)I A. THO0MPSON. 11i of the trig Rapids school har das etc. We can supply OULE TR -i~ . Die, ihIaltttf their former chief.1Thre- Rs"Sovnr n * 31iot taeSre :Aottit- a t salt has traitthe formation ocil- Football Posters at f !± a Li1-7t1"S risO eltbs il snaly all of th 1larger iK\y (ryi lha Ii.Attls citehs of te statethe cuIs whle25c and 50c. hit± 1 i _ IL'.fr se mo vryn tsaltlr tsfU. of M. Banners, 25C up That our -Ness- \\oo a f for y y fottnitlet lb Feiris intstitutt stdett s.1 the comting fall trade arI - - - Last Alnataynight stict a c lt twas Ali te latet nuvelandts 11055$. ES $ ,1!- tot n , a llittformtaetd asig the exIsti tt il l~- 9 p5 1 odital ad eversi ettlo ittosain tae litisersit y. T e tie, tarthe studeint. Tht sike siisrb~,ir Oih our..:a 1230 to 130 and 630 to 730 tteaa at the cluth to to furthril the ht AwermakeAsuperbA.arl'p.7m.SdailBu Intersts of Mr. Frris amongigMichW NOTICE THIS ! ntents for geirtticiieti fAdrs:CLUFA *PSN usnsgait stitdats in the ivelsrsty and *'tanager,331 Packrd 'S., Telephone 461. is Isased on les sinilar to eo re buytal i ai ar I f _- ___Il__ earsi aid Iarker clbs iiuh s r ier aita tai fith, se oat lie of *I Tiat te-apaipreciaIeyoiii tirasic*fo rmttd last spring. Btute Ccl itt 01111 isitctfiliy solcita ~ran tut Itntorat a-i I o lr t liiSUITS at $1.00 f d ~. ~Friday Ot. 14, 1904. Boh th le Ferris and Dthstio tat ic lt GHWILD CO. ii lt UAE4 FAILORS ~Editior Today-. W. JAYNE. inii oditty.Flt -iti laii i 1115 it RO K 311 Smith Sate Street. - -* -I- -- he - Is t-itiat it-(lt iiexitditgto fCALENDAR. Mr. Ferrris a ret recpttin multi * ' it t i tr~eoiltarit I i}itaii- . ,e, s ih. A hiait i i i iI- UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS f inut lte1 1 11is pa Stilt- ctiltr 4. 01alcJrtanrrcet l hat-il1it. Fi-ris ftrtern it tiu lla 103-105N. Sain St. 316 S. State St. to o uhmora girls sat tarour i lThe Arimotry.-Tit-let-s cati betse ff f f f f f f f f gmaini noil at Cushigs Drutg Stun. _______________________________ OctbeLiii -11 Shitthtslut n-oa t httcital IXl tof abet hi' lit roft s-.or Trite- C. C. C. ELECTION TODAY. is[jI/ hI1111111Room , Lotw Bluildig, Ths tfteittnootni at 5 o'clct he i COLALLE DTEXTBOOKS ( p.T TI C.1rot1 11115 '- tlssCoutrCth ilul hotlttti' tint. ALLDEARMETX. AICAIl lcttilot an al. Xtltislei-tttlii-sec'eta-trel-I dirtssLcre Association Corse 1111liit- acttaycattedob-tihe rli-esig- by Ittissel 1. Cnwell. 101na tion of 'Slttlgletti'Latib,.whit hias Otobetir -.I', l i e-itt.Jordta's reception soutghtiderlds hus at learnitntg adth{ [OUJNTIUN PENS to juir girls arotour gym- gniei10toalt. f roin $I up It mtt 2 hitilDXanta ghttanad rrsses ofitcat Ittuis Conger andtu Arian Na- All guaranteed. Y* tic i> A.0 at M~aillaniaIlli. or. hot hi aeS eiortirtsand Ocoer b DasisJora's receptionian y s t-it a ti intierst i h -ol iottu'gils atir bouarh gytit fa lir'o f te clt arlt' o(nugr' S isosisnt. c asus-ml l the ighti tiweartIhit 'thr'it NiAIIEiATCAL Novembiir 11.- ichigan CubH house (tostie lt utbettbhlmIno ihis frs-tt ~l~1[1 ~ bA anqueti at \Waterman gynna- lau yat sr 11and r. Nogi-Ivirit rs-s D RAWING sam.dentis atincis secretaryas'-urir I-COATINGS- Noileimer 20ll.- XX'ltltti's Leaogut-e- tf thest tolti he lseo-rcti ipro isssNS RREN SAepioIt al -dierit w me, A I Iclsean NerintcntsS 5 ____________NOTICE DEMOCRATS! E-very' 10loal Demo-ratoishituldtiat - A~I[I IO~iMPORTANT! Tendtithe hiolttittto ho-etteed'H ont. mcnOanTn~ n X" .Irrts airltae-lg fe erao and Domestic Wolen. " thit Daily t o riah staff w5iliniuet- ite hrmisisometiohlg. STetbanqtl i alit The only complete assort- in roo C uutu t'lhiysi -ot iHall 1riay' litIe el-llat O(tercBay.t Titkis ti I 1mt in the city a mite 5 ~- aternoontitiat ionei-'clock.o. All cottdi- $Ii -s-ia ut liy e obhtained-ulat Cushitg's Come n i;t o Itprics. ts whi o hdesire oti- i nue-sit11 ra-initi Drug Storei, ior 01of tefow inttg Ci-s meeingi1. hssi, IToddl Itiystont. GO O DS PBE EliD&SON Si EHAN CO.GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. CO I io's footbtushgotmeiitht Drwolletitge, alt edutcaitioalin- TAILORING DEPARTMENT 20 s a 3 luOhcrSttUiversi ItiTitm gill hit stit itti flrts-tieln, condtuctedtby hie l 110 East Washington Sreet IT WIL PAhe h ardesi ttt-p si tonrltht li l ils 111er-NYo lksCof Arnersfiti hei.f g0 190 ® N t as ace ths ar. 'I'l(,B luurcht.wassreccntlyitdehstr'tiytil hi es 0h si thauo g teli-i's-it dtutu de,fireit. -T1h0 ldormittry, 5whiicht hoisedi ______________________________________to__ us I Yst.'s u-t i o'u-tutu It',U- itsi uttusis Fatuty utetmb tits 'itiliti'' tp Ii ,,ug score.t F1-t t atll tt and n ueruis srvan'sts 5015 burnedt-i, ______________________________ IT___WILL___PAY___YOU___ at htintliT IT,, i colnltlst 1will he ntut iu l w 111 as trt. Tiltri- was a.noml - inhfrteAlvicsitifnaillssf$100,wthnyTOB d aL n na ei.Yrpiinct il;ii'ootersXXit s able gel . to Northr opi l ofuuuslinnta h isdn istsfe h 'untilr .C elul tit o iii cii l t t o 'ttm utti'wCos iilcitul 'e a rece tionb tu de n ntissen r st s fe watches tinkeedwthfl tutic: spcan I iifr hegae lidthi rl ti tsrfth'itus scond reay*ltheMo lt'ltu'iyuiet h,!irteuiu ti2rOuuua51u7ui mii liii' a iii ati th.Unmirity.iWWIhutsMsat tutuM G WMWANO LEVR I -[I[IIIO [CfrPN TC 220 othiohstreet 4 - tO TE PH N CO AN BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE Assocatio ____________ Ihe Students' LectureAsoitn COFFEE... 1904 = Jftt~o~f1~t ~at~o = 19~5Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting S (aldeut Rio, p r lb - - 1c itt-i' e-a, petit. - 18c fIa OoPdaeg; lavas, per ib --28c Arabiaus Macha, pea lb. -28c i I iDOeLa C.'ilend, per litt 20c 9Russell N. Conwell Henry Van D~yke d Henry Watterson Leland T . Powers alL N~ Jon'IMCcutcheon Champ Clark21Sot aiS. SOUSA'S BANID Hamilton W. Mtahie ttttteyudi-miiuhdd tyuyytttttysutasa5aF Gtoy. Lalollette Oratorical Contest ________________ Edward Blok Open Numher . -_ , &"he New Vai rsi ty Cigakr Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra ,, Stre ,and Billiard Single Admission $1.00. j' t Yu can secare tickets from student sellers or at Wahr's State street hoot store ±Will he ready in a few dlays. We shtall hue pleased to Firs Lecure:O~t.19, ussel N.Conwll.snake the acquaintancs of the stuideint body and all Firt Lctue: ct.19,RusellN. onwll.others. Drop itiatid have a peep at our new store. DeF RIES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 2-7 S. Fourth Ave.