TS IE MICHIGAN DAILY. w~w w~wT I 1 1IC H IlGAN DAILY. 1 1 ar. 'a 11, ko t Washi inon steet S 'Rii2 Elditor, J. STANLEY BLY Atl-----t----------- Cstvsoi L..DEW * e' -----------ARTHUR110C. POUND 4P i'ioohins. .....Ioseph Y. KOe I Wo . ..............Ida MBrownrigg THE NEW SPRING EIU1ilTORIL STAFF: AM1. rI~e 1arryl. Andrewt '1. i'siite.aisyn WOOLENS ARE 4 ASS~OCIATESt READ A i ioopoe llitold C. Smith i it Amooe Louts Stckney :i.. .',inisotead .JeromeDWeadock And7 the Styles ae A ans Caec .Edig IIS1,'ElS STAFF unusually Handsome. J.VItE.} t a:er A.,N,..mu 114115 il a0 loisi$2.00 of paid in , Offietous:s 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30Oto 7:30 6. H. WILD O., .-diy Addres: CAlUt) A. T11OIPSON, Busin~ess 0 lana~sger, 331 IPackard St., Telephone 461. 311 S. State St. y N II_ . ( \ 11. 1 i. wooi ll , ivc tll . it 1 r titfIi ) h e t ,oot i t .r v:11. Ann BraPiiil, APi. Ik%) play titl tt t' . Sali i aiti,11' lc% 1 IIun a i i d 14s titn lad l ° cl: t c ht11 S il i aila us.(Q 1 :'I i. Sporting ad d Athletic 6oods :l r GOLF CLUBS ' wrt ,1 tGOLF BALLS I11r GOLF BAGS TENNIS RACKETt fii;1 TENNIS BALLS ti1 V27 _- TENNIS NETS i 1 BASEBALL GLOVES:1 BASEBALLS & BATS:. Best Quality [owest Prices *,1, ii111t + 11: 1' it SHEEHIIAN c& CO . :,1, UNIVEIRSITY BOOKS[LLERS .1 t tI t y + 11 TI iil Silt. It - lilt 11 w., t McINTOSH'S TOEFEI :ild1111t11 i !lt;,1vHRSHEYi'S and CAILLAR CHOCOLATES Ii t at lowest prices at it iiitiodi BROWN'S DRUG STORE BEST LC 'p IRANIKIIN C. PARKS. CALENDAR. Jeii, (If C siii iil s' league inlhsoialreoitalofy Al- .tt hcilt, of ch l;;t, iiio 11(sot- Net Greet company 111o11It g-11 Iaer iiShkspae' lys. i 1ic1111OF ug t . 1.t111 1.11 i i I Ii, 1.1111of1cor- ofliiili uiverity0 basebll is 1ii ii iite o t it oilasfan 1III Mi1t1 for1101.0rriianre-o 1, l~e t cti iptii's o s by lit The clssta1 o 115 s 1 - ite N.dee exr ini, toso \\ ill1)1y fr tillm at th1 s me ti 11a t he I M.Ii thi las a . Th tasrrvili h to U iv i tyll Wili very ii clay1 lids 1 11 f iiiiii T ti i2. o I a IS I tllr It a c.Tilt o( m t have grto y ip c n ,tt last g 11111aol ,itl ii t h fut i ii i at e ey sal her 1. clig i il o S i , tcachr , ,te O a for11the rehit )ttllici 1 l 1), si) lic li Th .sc-rc1b innngs iN~ ~ I23i t i 2 '07 I i, is ... ... .. o 11() 111n ( f A11.liWit otl and rt Pfor is the ta tdy a 4 P.17011th ;I;o th crrt ild SENIORS NOTICE! Orders for Engraved Cards tyttckio.ttnd satisfactorily fill- _ at loest rites 100 CARDS AND) PLATE 01101, 51 1in1 our choice of $1.25 1G is engravd in 01 told E1o- ii and1 iothter stles at 1rces ,1. iyoustr ordler at oce 1U Prompit tioik attilsatisfactiont WAHR'S Sprwing WTVoolens The most complete assortment of worn' teds and worsted cheviots in all shades of gtray are to be found here. You can only appre- ciate the good taste with which they have been selected by an actual inspection of the goods. You're invited to look 41 ros~nS/sTRi305O It Feels Good oul yoor faci.antd your face lways 4feelsi soft and smoo~th, if you use c WILIAMS'9SHAICK HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY DNG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE _.. . , . n.wv ._ It Troubled With RHEUM'ATISMl NEURALGIA SKIN I)ISEASE 3 t STOMACH, KI I)NEYV LIVER TROUBLE tRY THE MANISTEE SALT AND MINERAL BATHS eral Watein theworld Alitl'.S THE MANISTEE SALT & MINERAL BATH CO. Manistee, Mchigan 'dtol1111thil, viwi, w ea iwIl , inz111 ad vl. a.aaar aoar waaa+.aoa+.ar..ar.a, ., aua% 7C 'ilt H K r, 7 , n 9c S' n C w 00.0... ,,Ottt/O011t~i-,-OOiOO .lokd --....s ft, ;'r I1 .-,. - . -. .. _-. - ,r-. COFFEE... Always Fresh-Our Owni Roasting Golden Rio, per lb. 15CI e Marflsoislis, 1e1 lb. Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabtiant Mioha, pet lb. D~ean & Co.s 131tend, per 10.1 20c 1 8C 28C i C C i C 214 South Main St. JLJLJLJLJLJLJLJL.}L JLJ{.J+.. L"?4 s DEA d~Co. :Bi1i rds a Gentlemans Game, is always an enjioyable pastime when played at the Varsity Billiard Room which has the finst eqtuipmuent in the city. 313S. STATE PHONE 951 - II + + ------------ STINBLCHCLOTHING LINDEHSCIIMDT & APFEL YoUrC,'S HATS.