ichigan Dil VOIL XV. WILL BEAT CHICAGO. fleet Wil be the lio-est inYer Mlichigain Scheduled to WXini Staggli on-Conmmittal. 11111l ii l;c i 111ii c ts t( tit 1 511 I ,P a 1 - 1! 491 wa1 m n . iitiml at ;1 m t it i ll i tta i ll (t11' '11i 'ire its lilii Pt ,t ltt ( ;i Sl ii .l t.;lii p1 o 1 h t i w t ai l in a . ] ii F etrt i , tlts t"i t l. n t . ~,.~ ANN ARBOR, MICH.,'T'UESDAY, MAY 16, 1905. it 555 t1-C till 1(11).l IC I(, P 1 tSP l I IllTIPIs PvIS- 1111' 1,. h l iii)-, 1 1t en- i l,:O d :1 mi a tll t l iroii l , k'-\h llf llc a gesin lac d u rt4 11:lii't' \ t} l~l\'. C')1-ik'' I i i~r)'° ll S it ii-c rl l iitr ck li) 11u(11 Varsity MeetsrIllinis louorrowlatforithil to dfeat 11:11'116 follow s Iert ie -i T iGa - De=C liis freeOutof lame ( ~tl]11iiL ighPimpBr1wlS(ii a-i : ;1 i-i tili; l an w lf 0 vIii i d isiiui-1 111 n Chca o No.z t6 1905 MICHIGANENSIAN ON SALE MONDAY in all departmient bucildinigs on campus. The Largest, most artistic Annual cevem published at hlichigdn. Price $2.00 liuy Early, as First Edition Will Soon be Gone. ;1111 1 1111111< Ils ho s c n Ii',' Sh t p ti - pc1 it C a111 ,10 irst; ae 1l ;1' ld" a 1 111 pr ct l('(:. 1 t11 11111 11 f)l u fSh t 1r , ic llll (EI 11c 11111 ; ,lit t nlfrr ) , a the 2 -tia d J m- urd 1s-- atli ,11 ic2 lili- 12 ii'i 111011a . S vtr x11- l ve s, A i ln id, 11 I'it 1 11 ;l tli )1', 11c 1in ni', ll'1 arllls~m C itago, se 2o 00 ON FERRY FIELD. H~agenback Trying to Rent Grounds For H~is Animal Show from the Athletic Association. I- illg ito renit parti1of bry1fi11 forl \\ doitii-ahI'. So far Dirctor 13tird 1as1no ltthfttlie1h11(ic 1Ie iauthority to iliH let iih showhavetiegoudc u hei 1had a cnifeceilwiithi Presieniit If rraiigmnts cniibei me 111e tentiltof thlimalilll show will bt itifced inili theioth enud of hurr fied. Iias- nin st his part f the athlitici grouds ha oiyt been icmpltelytlveled~c, uandi the lgi-iiactcshowiiiiuiki mosHI ci- o111,i i blievie-iTda noi damtage to te grundiuis wouiilresult. 'The cash siwhicti I iiuiti migtltatcniithe hiatiti day whIn free iiiisioiis willlbe1the r e"it FI r i eld.I Thiiiii 1 miufil udreamii, either, fr In igh tile)lathlticicics lea ad ViCag' sytm f frie stuidntitad- islchatging ifty chill for inifi-ek Haloei iow illotder to get thesec Ill- l]keiii lii paiduhffor aH HiiioniaH 11- III case llagiick s IIhowi isiiimals i I Inm s ilito the assoctioii d ii Ithis factmayavh is iishioiVfiomuthe tiuter 1111 i onthtipart Iof Hstientsh11111 has charaterized h tiy of eviii ir- cus PuttAPt iibir for yar. lrsinc a ariityoof lboseros su- dent senHiltIiit rimtth woods0THback ini the '18011 Ain Arbor has btenitsiun- et s 0allac- of petitlceCCb1) thiccircst miiinaiger. Somitielf, whIlcituniaviiii- ab l i tslriigitia HhowioiVIiAnitiAr- bothecimanalgr woiiiieip 0111all their i itch wtihtlilies" 'atd brckbtsOtc tfiglinug sentutoIiDeItrot for n extra ga1110of rivr rrats artttciot brss knuuckes IIn st fic these pcautCCios the ights tuscditoliragc fiast ftros, adtherfis otore fertitheme ofI~ i O~f lalte1-ars the spirit tfaitagoimu betwelit-iheticshowmtentiandu stdeticts has beccntflaggfing. -A.circuitenctt nolonitgr inflaimies a P1 ictufgan coti iias a rit rag doesaul. Iast yar Ihe Iarnumtiut Ilaile- tshowi-inaded AnnitAbot atti nolthing mtiore seriouis than a stampede~t ,I1 elpts Hrsultcd, Fromuuery i- dctotie anuials ottxibftfott wilt ti lloe tuuclt iothe11i-rustrits wftithot mocsaiiiloniPWcidnesday ight. CRATCORICALCNEST The animaill ortitunc at cotestlof te Milchliiign nteco lleg~iaIetPriitiiot lcthgiic iill tic 11e1d1iiNwberry h all sented~i areAdianliltOur Nt1ion's 1uty, It. CC c r t;IKaaitito1/1111eit' Problieimt," 11 .Birns; PtA C Wain, tut ftXXIStephentson; U of It, I" T ih t1 111o Intempraofcet" inte1rtatie contestHItoibeticeldcabot 111May 26, Th aticIItit ycirs tieC. of fi. man11 tas w11111b111111fctheicse cottests atti spokencithe Iicgrindintialttitwict is hld lion11c11i11111 yars.'Thte ries 'of $tg andit$to hatve Ieenlgtnriiuslydo iill b Ichcarged. IEveryone com natc tielIp the Cf. of M.- to ttaftttain tier dig- 1111y a1s te chtamiontiof thce w11t1by I. C. Brownt, tate Secy. 111 .ld seti t ii inih- Iti s G g i the1i ii ndi . i' a d ("W h 11 thi in 11tihll n r t om. frt a " i in the isc s.C Iil he h lf iii- tlrrin the W DiiiOill O ith 11111 Ii d~h n N lra fttumip. tilii lo lrr i t a lIlc f 1r~ h It SP I t,;l~ Ill 1.cc1', a t ' 1~ftesitii acitti - -t> i a11111 . f M ch g a' v ns1 1z l ~t i iiiiiiiiii I C li t1 tii ii i r is llitllshot o li a " m s lit ;\ ;1 C lilt liii'()1i. ti-st it t. 1 t 1 I. I Ck Itf;I tollh tiandl- Ill iiii)aI nst:1 C icgs cnd; uiDonovain, not kuo ww iic-itainli it ll-i 11ce, 13 fet 7 rata, c wil nut e 1 111111l r 1 - I ii sChicagofirst; it ii I 'T ft Nilltt Cthillq huid-t iiiiic 0:3t -5 in is 'i1orclily-i1m itju p Sctuiiiniicr Chicagio, ii kl de ide hti nces "l l l ll"+, ar, 111 ahtti 11111e Yai lc !t, Ii- til i~c-itt work a~tr igraittat ?t il l~ofe 11;1 c~ol L ity S ii- Ill tlw nc^that lan he d t ilwo S ii f l iiit , 11, l i in ii Suii ai -'s It11 lSiti frl(. ,flul thiroe tuH "o ().11,- 1,00 L 1S I01111 ir. i cIun eithr a ordifeCplat i11n whichit pr Il li intedwer ioftheradable wrti-iy T RI Scull's studicnts ini N W:tzh ndastc ittitial Book Stiscabltt N. f PVol. i, muorc are toaptutur. If a little irregular thle lust ft& t hiie 1111one 1111 isinitta post- il i i nt)kowsy htnext yeair the 1>0i01ttShel f 0witlt 11in its lapptearantce