il-IF MICIHIGAN DAILY. + Stf.denvts Like Coat Shirts. Th'rht e so easy. to slily on, andI ire less liable to be torsilby t * 1 i .idr} . (whichi fr 'equtly inake coat'' shirt s out of the otl *sortt. We offei for quicik slie a tot of S . anue coat sii Cutting, Reyer & Co. * 109=111 E. ashinigton 5U. a $3.50 SOS$3.50 f tie *j rts 9 f f 'i 1 TANS PIG PAT Ph, [Isk ey have arrived and just wxhat you watt UNS NT LLAIHLRS Oxfords MNI' AXCALF INWIINAL IAJILA All Styles and somei Sty lsyotul hav e not seen before Pa"IdMeyer Z~e44e99eeeeoeee94ee99999eeeeeeeeeseeeoeeoeeee9ee sj Pickwick ci BOWLING ALLEY S. R.OTTEiNSTEIN, Pr-op. 707 N. Vnits. A've. USEECLASPhiGdeRT hi Rows 111 z nt:nL -aunldr T iomas RowetProrietor isisit0 1 Vv1,t 1 WSPENDE2RRCO4 P.iaepi iMiitHi;t tNC Nt, 23 I .,MI)iS N DT . 326 N.ITYPiAtI, ANNeR. O Fred iL. iiuter, X'OiS ilLliii.. WaceCocks andoJewelry at ra-eabl 1)-ce. PAioneik4 J uniJIl.Itn. t heR, HJeweler, 1 . ibet. Visit R.ENTI NEW GROUND FLOOR STUDIO. 31 Special KX..tes to Seriloi E [ la; I1I1X1;'1'"L 55C1Z XX1 \A N.) .: ii t]c 't's" 1'I ) ], ' -1, i1 0O ,,Ah t oit ,tu ,, t) tlIi t)iI O e a Il ii, 1 1,tell -\l -Cr)na S', lr t t I ' tttit lil t~ l114' )cl ti-i I c r) i il I . u )f t e iO t iil ink cXXlI ii i tail li ill liii ii Ilc iy R fc ha iii 11 i i l l c i' :5 iw ualw l u t r-. X l i 0,-c a c~ti t cr 1 ( u t ))f 1 ) cIt . S ic i' llii [w d ' l i-i i i N ( I - o c c it ii.(' )) p11,1 u ,l~ c nd f )- tI y1 X, i It, SN F 1Ic lye l-Ou I .d . , a y T u s d y n i - i ; i 19 ast IHuront St., opposite Lotis' ibrr One ftN ight iiut to rsi ,1Departments FL RID [: \ .11N - IL______..VA "'~ it Z1)17Z1 /fominPige cue.) HBg our Route +f 11 C titi : l1c It,, Ic>1'1 ;ii ; Malo li r\i i1c ciiclalc 14~ SENIOR LAWS You Will Need a Typewriter aiyciriiiandi i ll all F. 'T, STO WE, city 30 DANCING LESSONS 20 Assembties For $3.00t SCOT''rS ACADEMY \Vatianid jewelry repiiig ef all, ehitdsdie at Fester's Art Stere. 123sf Aiiy design in febs, pills, biroocies, madiie it Foster's Art Slur'. i2Ji I 'lhe Seresis aind Hsaan & Son's finie -lioes aiid exferts, soild oily iiy Geiorge I. Mitter, 212 SeouthiMin street. Latest novelties in suitinge at idi- ler & O'Connor's, tS9 E. Wiltiam St. Go to Cashing's for Htershecys & Caillerns Milk Chocolte. t IlYs'MOOiNtLIGHTi. Go i p the ,' II sreiipii' a' ii Steam and French try cleaning unit repairing at Futter & O'Connner's, 6t9 E. Witliam St. Try some of Cunning-s Fine Checoi lates. tf. Got your Gym noppttes at Cushing's. C' rui ul b nS 51ll.1 :ll5. ,l rrn ni-e ien r . S~u ,11 f r ;u u tfac'iy cr f1 ilo l i ii' r)>>1 Jtoo-n LwuCI i4 25 cents Dinner 5:15 lto 7:e00 j. III$ 35 cents :: t idl'Dirnije, 1 35 cents ,** yster Bay' }.. 315 SOUT'H STATE S1' 0. lY. lMartillDr Fonf~ Oicie 20911 S. t4t1Avec. EtPho 8. te'iit,'nee 302 S..Sts Ave. hn31 Ambnlance on sail. WA.SHThNAW LIHT & POWER Co 200 E. WASHINOTON 5T. Have You Seen the New - PIGSKIN -I A BLUCII[R OX[ORDS ~1J - FOR MEN - Only Genine Piskken Oxford In the Clty. Nev er betore been said torles stan $s-5O 'They Are Right. You had better have a look at 119 S. Main 'iiw thit the County Fair is Over YO 1111 t li,' IJ1iii'to -l in ' 1';Ait 'I 'Iti Ii I "ii 10us eo Lt ILa ile ofu "The Pure Food Store" EGYPTIANE V dolltter Turkish Cigarette can he made CORK TIPS Lookf Slit" ii.0 I . PLAIN of S. ANARILOI Always Ahead In Stylesd MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. ofEeyhgInT1O' The Best