I1 31a: -ITCiiiGAN iikiiQ '"inrnrManaging ditor, J. STANE AEY BuinesMaagr, CAUDI-A. TiiOIPSON. Ailn' A Cciii1. * le ............ Ida V. (~n iii' TH NE*PRN HV i)ii i~. 'liaXi iile : H E PIG:Al M. iCrr arry Ii. Andrew. : WOOLENS ARE A (CIAiltI' READY , 1;.Orlip lrHarod (. it St le * CIS:,..I'.istead JtuioniliWeadoo iAnd the cStyles are A Ban(, *larnceE. lid: BUSINESSli.X TAF Unusually Handsome. wIt. IiIaris E..N. lacy J.. E. Fetzr A. 11,.Iius * Otfice tianra t2:30lto 1:30l and o:30 to 7:30 6. II.1~IlL manager, 331 Pakard St., Tlephon 461. 311 S. State St.$ G } r 30IORS NOTICE! Oilers for Enraved Cards luic. iiiandsatisfactorily fill- ed t lowestratis. 100 CARDS AND PLATE (2 11 i I iii I in or choice of tell steles of script, only $1.25 I.. dt I cii .1 i n iiold I og- li~t and tier steles aCXt pirices to Xliii Ileaveyor ordler it once. Iii I11 0 iwor iiandXsitisfactioni aWAHR'S t 1>.1 r 11 i ;t iitl M; Pt'.Ath le tic 6 o o d s IGOLF CLUBS t .G OLF BALLS G OLF BAGS 4 TENNIS RACKETS STENNIS BALLS STENNIS NETS :; BASEBALL GLOVES i BASEB~ALLIS & BATS " SBest Quality Lowest Prices 11t ' 4. SSII[[IAN &Go. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLEtRS McINTOSH'S TIOFEE HEIRSHE Y'S aid CAII.LARS I CHOCOLATES at lowest price BONSDRUG STORE I Tii'Ly-JERitME W\EADOCK. \\c 1 1 a iii 11' t";1 i 1 .l~ ' l I''~ 't it ( 1 ci 1 1t t l ii 1 i 1t il i 1 .11 i l l li 1 . l 1 1 i i 1 . i o i i 1 ,1t1lt l . I I . iw n i liiivc lii 1 1 11 t11 hlt It Icy 1 I 1t11y i I i 5 1 1 it t( i I ll 1 .1 'cii ;11c i i' I 1 1 ill i,(.1 1 11 t~ tl''.' .,t3Spri ng Woolens T he most complete assortment of worslo * teds and worsted clieviots in all shades of gray are to be ~Itii,; found here. i ,1 You can only appreu- ciate the good taste with which they have been selected by an actual inspection of the goods. You're invited to look i~t4 rl :a ilf c1 I!' 1 1 ili 1 11 j alt lii1111 _ ( (l: i 1 i c ' i :l li I is 2 '1CIG" 1(si 1 t tI 1X _ 1" 1 ,'(0111trY drill 111 If il t - .t1 1 JXX ic I 13 ii Utz tii Substitutes O ii danigcious. Beware of dh ciersiwho offei you substi' tiotes foi the famous WIILLI.AMS' SHAV" HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY I 1 1BEST LONG DISTANCE ---_. - --- - - IftfTrou bled With SKIN I)ISEiASL K II)NIEY THE MANISTEE SALT AND MINERAL BATHS THE MANISTEE SALT & MINERAL BATH CO. ManisteeMichigan Miio n i s vii wrlil ji n 1111111111inad . BEST LOCAL SERVICE C OFFE.. Always Freih--Oor Own Roasting G.oldenii tper lb. - I15c luriacaba, tier lb. I edine .Jala, pee 11) 28c A rabiani Mocha, ipe lecan V Co.e. z lii iii lbII..20c 214 South Maini St. XI .IXiX*iX ,, i a Xi5 i~i - - 18C erilb, 28c & coo 9 a Geiitletoiii's Game, is alwayisitnetnjoyahle pastime at the Varsity Billiard R~oom whielt has ite finest eqitipioentfit the city. 313 S. STATE PHONE 951 STINBLCHCLOTHING LINDENSCIIMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.