THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. IB arch fiel d's Fine Tailoring.a Trade Guiaranitees... 'oh a nwen You the nest skillful and artistic srvcetobl hd nyhee We ale v ca - ll ar land complete l neoseasonablewol ens. We, have he a,' 'x for lBeach c& Newel's Customo Shirs andl can ow oe beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 L .Huron ; HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STOREr Offer,1 at lo .1ny (Svin, P ies.., BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIV ES, SCISSORS, ANI) COLLAR BUTTONS. You ca n al wars'savin mi t) fro HOAG'S Corner Mai and Washington INDIVIDUAUI1Y IN CLOTH[S Itnspr'ennty aa'dltonItl how a 'uit isgoingtolookhon voo nwhen ayon hare only a roll of elotl i udie ha . Btmpun on Ia suit of Adler Bros. i& Co..,I torheeter, ((ade ready-no-we n d (( senethe effectat ia ilance. Another thing., you pay the Merchant Tailor fromh $30.01to $41.00 (1 iitte hope (If natinfaction while Y ou pay us onlny from $1-5.00 no $2.00 for the annual certainity. A glance at our1 display nwindows each wncek will keep you in touch with the doinigs in the world's fanhion. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 South Mlain St. ~IMoney Loaned 13(((((illl Valcheno an Joseph C. Watts i 4 4++++.I.4*+4..t+4+ It+11*++115t' GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Ct Flowers and The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Calpital so 1 . I.?. . Ott0t11(1 t( 0 00. l'et~ ar" , 5('300o A (I eneral BIankig Busness.,"Tr asacted. AF ttt tCtls. 33 S o-. PS""; Wt 1.e Wlr illn. Clce ures. 24.. tri h ir 6ran~ers~cadem Yorki r Ciarttes andPie 3 At1 S. ,S le 's 3 SFEtat e tl ALL THE LATEST SPRING HATS . Wc have them for the swagger young dresser, as well as for Lthe mars of more mature years ALLENT THE CLOTHIER r,. IVI'AI N STREE A. G. Spalding & Bros. World of Official Athlreic spplies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GY14NASIUM GOODS A. UI. SPALL)INU & BROS. NEW YORKE CnIC(AGO \'1'lll;TC n;;aOXFORD,'~ r~c~rt eitio of he e Yorkl !1 I~i c I 111 ll r a xor r 1 17;1 i;' t ' ;11( 1 frontl Oxfolrs O 11.11 Wo1d(1( at(cr1111 ((nl hexpis sred _ 111c 1 1 roll1,1u b a sTH ATErSpri5sedl r 111oi0 ' al(1 111 I lo~s ii I n s ' I tIle I THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Address L. D. Bates, manager, 805 S. Fourth avenue. Phones-Bell, 1066J3; Home, 289 Red. 24tf Cornnino Indian m~occa~sins for tis s1111111 s's outin~g;rel b uckskin. Prices Igh-t. I lrington, 3(9 Caterinestreet. MESSENGER SERVICE, Reasonabler rates for Ain Artbor and~ 'Ypsilanti. All bus(intrss strictly confi- deta. .Ann1 Arhor Messenlger Service. Phone 1 l~t174. nod-tf I:()R 5SALE. Two re se'rved'st s'10for tile 1las leo- ~ U. of Ma 7Antiseptic BAIRBER SHOP 0 and BATH ROOMS. J.R rjnwk,322 Sonth State St. 0 I F. SCHIJII Sanitary Plumbing, Electrtc construction atnd supp~lies Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Electric fixtures, steam and hot water heating. 207 E. Washington St - READ - Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE At All Botk Stores +. Save the Walk +4. Down Town ++ ym-, ATHS and JEWELRlY REiPAIRED 1 0I~ iISt: s )I I'I:.1(lr, tclt.I- * + Pins and anes 'aiteduacedPri ces.; FJ.SttI[[LDE, 340 S, Stale Street+; +; Teecne310 11(1. A ll1d1,1r 111ccnttiv 1des ati, h rvaeilfrlo n th h .ls 110. C A.wllseve cra "Drfte ito 1 fots llt11 gam~e, the Get yonr Gym esupplies at Cushing's. r f 4 N +b +f ! f fi~bfO4d4. Nfffffff~4 fffff*f9**94 .: A WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR PINE NEW SPRING LINE OF SUITS TOP-COATS CRAVENETThS We Itave thte p~outlar blue tsrgtein ll thte differenlt sty los antd a lite of fanicies that are sore to please yott. Uur Hat and IFurnishling ± ~Goods Departmttent ts replete witht all thte season's latest styles. W ADHAMStCo. 121-123 S. Main Street SEE OUR. WINDOW S H..,.,,.,,p,.f,,,,,....ff......... ..* *f*ff*fN*fN*** f**df *N****** .........*........,.....4 AXICHWAN C i HE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD "TheNiaaraFall lfaia' ~ 'U) ~E~S 5~-iIiTSAND STEAMSHiIP LINS. a ,THE SHORT LIME BFFIAGO : You are particular about yours. TM AL-aigefe S 0 s NNABRt'BUFFAO We are particular about their Laundering. Lv. No '- ,7120o0a1m. Lv. No 1- 9:05 a FNEW YORK ,4t--1:50p.m. . "5*12:35oo. m with direct connections at Chicago for i * DLP' ..,)'~Ui~Itaily exreps; Ssnday 001tween Owoson and St Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and { 11 Toledo. tThroughitrsins daily except Sun- the West. For information and BILLI PH-ONEn 928 7 L+41 -da Seechar amsnNesA1aE.4 through tickets call on or wite to W. 10511 iI ONE 99 " %" W ,' I. T. setLLIS, Agt., CASEAgent AnnArbor ~ ~ ..,.._ ..!.,. .,.,,,.:,.,....,.._......_1_,,IBY_,OPA.,_,.Ann,.ArborTledoOei. W. CASE,", . Agent, Ann ".^ "i Arhor Ts.tedo Ohi i "i " r ., ,. .. i' .','C' is.Cn WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE