THE MICHiIGAN DAILY MACK &QC. S a rsand Pennacts . ~ ehs IxsiSi~iti an d oltoantotitatfatmous + * mtakes 01 Suits, IOvercoats, RantCoats antd Pew To1 pTrottsers t:. OIM.and a1 rrt~nit tGI s -atint ssratnt~sanansnes ofall Ask to See the "Surtout.*'lIt's tln'nsaist Lintith lt S[ A[PRrS iSW+ apiav d n n Oc-tta. ta orit«SPCI And LbattRICETHpntsnI WE tEK ntia 4. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. + OR ROOM D[CORAI ION. ~ .Money Loaned,,, an anti ti ii ]a ss ('lsI'inattol an 'nl Itea ti n i t 4 W. J. LOURIM. } til10tit A-t.. Ooi te t'Ititt tt t I t* tFWI:llo liti: to I1::w: t t I :::n~ Business Strsily Cnidntial."' G RANGE R'S SCHOOL[ OF DANCING Grae'ssua Acasdemn ,, Phone,. 240 expet t,tt YoI nIt d some oti ott BRONCHIAL T A B[ITS 7 SUIT FACTS ..--., l ra tttnitI' tttia t 1n' catIi shttit'ytolt jist ttesunlt ilto ttwottidtake pt.lansllra Ill 1;, 9tt) C i l.tttti spiIl l t trim l It i;, 1t sjtai lai tl g paytootnlmutctitt tit'tll tl i eritnatuna'yuill haeafeel ;of acolnattn in yottr stuit and teptrtce yolt lay lflr it. * Wa arnelats n utmilnttgs '4 "i IfttoaaeahultinlpoltllicitaIt YOU ittSlL tttnlOfOitn COLORED FIRE QUARRy' t ' . rilli NOTICE. Candidates for thae '07 Emirittann requested to report for football prna- tire this afternoon at 4 o'clontk ill front of Lbs Nawa Radical buildintg. FERRIS INtSTITUTE STUDENTS. iltiat ill weNt' i altil o'cloc CROSS COUNTRY CLUB. PROF. TAYLOR RECOVERED. fromtl iis rnaintltnt oti last IINvoi in d Itvas a seil 'n n'at ty nl illItis ca ss OBERLIN TO SEE 0. 5. U. DAME. Itt rlo nQlei ititli t 'it t ot' laiyi l'el'sit5 y t i t 'e Illt'ill , lit ,ltI ait )Cil'- Reading notices, except to Univer- ally organizaios, oseensee a wend len ts suet payabte trictly in advanne to the Busintess Manager only.. Uni- vensity orgntizatiosaallowedosee sa- line free.t. Tr'y atsom tntfCunhing's bine Cio Suts prensaed. 25c; troutsnrs, 10c. Futiirn & OtConnorl, s19lPtWiiimnStt. Izoto iCutshing'safortr ashteys & tailtanr's Alilks Chbcolate.s tf THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA auris ttln sin inornnii oacasions. tine aipaciaity,. AtinressaI.. it. Fatea, mtanage'a, 8t8 S. Fourth aven nu.NewlliPhttne, i1n It"d. 2sf SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY. Subsiptiottt ns ttsIDaiiy taintat CI iittsl's Drug Storanntniat Mya's _iNttaStantd. Iatas, $2.5s0star aear, on $2.00 if piaidi in.advance. tf '0 ~ SAVEi A WALK 0DOWN TeWN : Watches, Clocks, : e (1 \ ~~Jewelry Repaired+ 4 n1- ilttthnnn'ttv. Inn our tnt i J. r. SCUILLE[DE, 346 S. State Streetl . C rnvc1 6!t~esj rIen You mast dress; therefore attend In it ; not in order to rival or to excel a fop in it, but in order 1o avoid singularity, and consequently ridicule. '-Lortd ('Iest'aield to islsotal. Your apparel will always conform to correct standards if it bears this label ,Alf ldBenjamin& (9 MAKER5 -7 NEW YORK ]Equal to fine cuflom-made in all but price. 4g The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. ql We are Exclusive Agents in Ibis city. CUTTING, REYER & CO. 109-I11it. WASHINGTON ST. not Lunxch ATmt' 338 S. State 4' N Ne Drnunnwick Tbls CORRECT DANCING. Get your tGymosupplliest nCushing's. Flue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a e Ci arond To a co .cat~t ll oin t.tit' l lttit i ttltt t ( n it t tttratt tnti afln a ti. I . t tlttt it itit in t 151 tN t tl S et'ns t t'e N A T a Fls o tI.;ins wh lt i o111 d. " i in l s (oo Ili(-, tait ___ Meyer .11 .1BILIAR PAtOtS I le on $, tpe ( tinft' t(lttttNt l JhPrnin.Mkssa'dd tf, t TEEeC Sr and T LINEccos.111.1itil pa t'ieinta n .Not vis t ~ l Tw otwtandlis. orsae. In IaS. '.1 e ' Prp.. ntne',s 511111' hors anmttd i tIiicasho r.1 AlNN ARBOR to, BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK With direct ronnttiort~ns at Chirago ifna t. Louis Katnsas CitySt Patti andl th eWst. For informaltiton andt throgh tickets rail out or write tolENV. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. _ lme. Starr-Astrologer, palmist, NOTICE SOPH ZITS. !and clairvoyant. Headings daily- at Jlootim, of Soph l.its Friday, 1:15 151),) S. F{ fth Av(,.; lit nrs 9 a. iii. to 9 l . m. Nominal ions for office. l). Ill. Prices from 25 cants t:o $4.00. h'RII:I):t1Aly. 11-LEi. IlOfri"Et ItLP110N[ CO BEST LONG DISTANCE IPARItNG & MALLEAUX.... O"PIANV fnichsigan Pillows, Pennants BEST LOCAL SERVICE e nd Room Decorations. ..226 South State Stree The tender feeS af aid age, by wearing he Crassett, have she freshs restfulvior of She barefootlbuy's, A light, srong shoe__ thaS ensures ease So the tederest Saul. t I t in l I ti n t t n. hoi.'i . nt a; EWI .CO BSTIc I T 11 - .11, : .1 - - I havi't;just n civec1 the l; rnist artd lillei. f I litre of I Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes I THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD " teIt nlni;1I iito lfin t 1.tNtSnEAMS'IPtI NES51. FIND LNCES IN CONNECION TIME TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25. 1904 308 S Slate Si., R. IE. JOLLY 1. Ali. a - ttt Lva. No. t11-- n9:0n0t. 11 i I . m. S '11At-. 1 1 1. 12''--1;:41 WASriIN.10i:l9:)NaST WesternAND iOWiRn-OPafRATO R I~'c n ly hrs-O.l.ea. V Stin" lson 'u Stiml:,so.1.ircapo n Ns.I d State St. A;t. WE .ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE