THiE MICT41GAN DALY. r +, + o++ +++''THE 1"1ICM lOGA N DAILY.1 I Managinog Editor' . STN E BAE1 uai onifl IBusiness Manager, CLAUI)E A. HMPtN *4 Athle'.'s ('--------- 1,Yl'1 . 1 .. lo * News -------------ARs'111' . O UND. 0 f1x7hgs1o .'. .... ... oph Y. CKerr Women. .............Ida bl. 1Brownr'.I1i :THE NEW SPRING AM kI'TORIiAL 11 1'V1: 'WOOLENS ARE Oose A 1 ai.tb$ay .ine '.1'.1.Frnkin . Pat Is ' . .EarVle.'..1e. .11'. REDYA. 11. Ortineoye'r adCl'. Sm'.th Hugh Allen XWil5U. anford Chas. W. Ambrsose Louis Stickney Chas. F. inlstead Jerome0 Weadock.i' And the Styles are Geor ge A. Barn'es" Clarence50F. El11110175 BIXIh'.I(STAFF unusually Handsome. W.It. ans . N. usey~ RtA]TES $.5 peruoyearor $.00 if p id'.in : Ofice o urs:a 12:30 to 1:30 anod l6:30 to7:30 Go o ILDC : p. mn. daily. ~6. N WILD CO ~ Address: CLAUDE A."rlIDnPSDN, Business Flaoagosr, 331 Packard St.,rTelephlon 461. 311 S. State St. tf______________________ SSporting and IAthletic (ioods "fGOLF CLUBS 'ff fGOLF BALLS ; SGOLF BAGS TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS TENNIS NETS . BASEBALL GLOVESX :BASEBALLS & BATS Best Quality [owest Prices SHE[[HAN & CO. {UNIVERUSITY BOOS[[[[RS McINFrOSH'S TOFFEE HERSHEY'S and CALLARS CHOCOLATES at lowest prices at BROWN'S DRUG STORE Editor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. N Il' ,VWIII R FOREfCAST1. 11i1111i1I1'.'.. 1)i1' 11.'. < '.11 1'.'.Il,'.'.t. 1 flay 1r 1'.'.'. 1'el 'of lal c1va' l dcss llls S . Pul." N.'1 I. 1.' . I11 ial' ol~l ','n ll'.1t I . '. 1111'.' 11 HOME1TELEPHONE BEST7--LON1GrDISTAcEayel ~ SIMIS NOTICE! Orders for E n graved Cards I .quicklyllandIIs'isfor'. ily= 'fill' (. .It 1'.%'.'.'.'O ates1.' 100 CARDS ANDI PLATE '.5115 1 '1iii'.or choice (of $1a25 11,1i iarl ilier t 11le a '.pices Prom t ti.ti-k a d 'iis'factioil WAHR'S Spring Wvoolenms Thie most complete assortment of worn, tedls and worsted clheviots in all shades of gray are to be . found here. You can only appre- ciate the good taste w'ithi which they have been selected by anl atctual inspection of the goods. You're invited to look 0o r '/ 17sfuoVT y {II'" K '.11.; 1.1' I.". E A Little Money bringsi big fice comfort Sfl I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11ke shvn 'eNasy, ii~~~~iS5iNi10 i10if invest. I ed iii the f ailsous 111'.' I WILLIAMS' SI COMPANY __________ BEST LOCAL SERVICE If Troubled With RH EUIIATISn0 NEUJRALGiIA ' C Yom? CATARRH x ' x SKIN 1DISEASE - - STOMACH, LIVER TROUBLE [Ity THE MANISTEE SALT AND MINERAL BATHS 'I'll WotrIll ti .'orld. A1))I ~~I.SS5 THE MANISTEE SALT & MINERAL BATH CO. Manistee, Michigan COFFEE.. Always Fresh'-'Our Own Roasting (Golden 1<11)11p1' ib.- - 1 5c 1'. Peodant' Jjaa'.p10r'lb - 28c A'. Dean11&,.Cow. 'sWend aicaba, per b101'Ii. '- 18c 'al ills' M oiha,. ps'r']i. - 28c DEAN & CO.4 14 0'.Sooth Main SI. a GentlemassalGaine, is alwaiys an1 enjoyabl~e pastimlea swhens playeid at the Varsity Billiard Room whichis athe finiist equipment IIthe city. 313 S. STATE PHONE 951 e STEN-BOCHCLOTHING LIHDBHSCIIMIDT & APFBL YOUNG'S HATS.