THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ~ct4 t4~4 I: 1~1114 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARXS Su its Raincoats, Top Coats andi Trousers for spring of iqo> now ready for yonr inspection, LUTZ The Clothier,, 217 So. Maink St. MACK ft Co Summer Shoes for Ladies i DOROTHY DODD'S I JANSSILE' Itn all fashionable leathers, black &c colored $2.50) $3.00) $3.50 '+t+I+ .4+*++++++i+4+.i.4+ ...Money Loaned... On twatclei, itatuloldsJ over and all iH ighltSSailatc and 1Collateral Secuty. W. J. LOURIM. 1t0th11Ate. lpitt _,t ztHos iT o d()(lis tt )-ti i u wY.M .A Business Strictly Confidential. tNOC}L DItTtR1,It t'coicslti.r ttt and C ol Direit-r &nmblance -Calls attended tiay or.nilht. I Fresh Strawberries COEMU NICTIC (Te Daily assuntsicnoit ittat its.) Served in Cruses lt nt ci t - tiill >1- anad Sundaseat te c,,ii Pr)ii dirc'- ic -itt Soda F ontain. . 11 il c 't ttitt 0-r Q u arry's I illi tlil\t tgh -w / l ll zt the t it atit 01, DRUG S TOVK E t Ii trtilthIl )t-iOtt:1 ii i th r a t-riic hi-IltI Yon an Attag. -ll" tllc (r ldiii tll H ot L u n ch ' ;1 0 I11111ca s _______________ itltltttiit 'tit tlci AtTutsti.'s. 338 S.StaenilIi- li Attention in nailed tn she fact that MrOrlan- t \\'itjititl ti l i lIlit a ger'srenidence is cosnniectedih' Iie 1 r iit C ('tte GRANGER'S ACADE~MY b :,i11i; hit tit11 lith Outsitdr or casand0114assemb ity fiouiica lletrsi. ittiit I tt iirai-iti irc willpleae anloutce temseves ylrig th T 0 B A C C0 S z HIUSTON BROTHERS 110). \t-arb }"tiiiiyit lolicl S uccessrnon 00 In i bittitti : h-illit It tilt u ti das. W. Reid, 312 S. State Street 1,\rtoi lipr 111 ttd ak The difference between us and a good tailor is less than a mile and more than half the pricz, We're both alike in the suits we sell. College Brand Clothes make this a ready-made make-to-order store. Just for young fellows and old fellows who'd like to look young. Pat- terns----cloths and styles a year ahead of ready-ma des----prices not a bit ahead, Staebler &Wuoerth IN. i il aritti %%,I lllg IIrt I lt-It iii tilts reaposaibil- cear: eitdes, i lth inew bank ihas> ls wl paItt lII >1 t vllt '* t le11111. thei toa rtents from iiilthtil.stresan It lti "tI t{C . 1 i 'l 11 $11- d pe t 11111 ate that dIt ti M . ll 215,4 11111t rgl~ r l g inl titiit ut'fi l"(. a 50 55eial\e i tik lii 1e~t0 r ii ng a1c lt Fule r ConrY.'s.I:Il" , 1 9 e ii IC IVI o tt he t iiS. tWilliam hSt. llt Delt ii ta. ts. LW. H.;ar, a i . l QUARTER siZL IS5CTS EACH ;C2FOR 28CTS CLUETT, PEABODY a CO. SHREDDED W ttEAT THE FOOD THAT -ATHLETESaorMADE OF ITe problemt of tie atlete itsipeirct boil- ip ly devlopment.1No maran excel in any sport if he is noat perfecily developedl in 01001' paint or if one part of the body is developedrti ahelirexpense of the ther Thi is largely 0amat- Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuui -0 is lth dai toed for athi- - it is miadr ofitewhol wht klrel,whis t tshown by- antalyis- to caontainetery elemesint neeedrtiltthe nouirishmtot of tbe hiumtanbody-teeth, bout, inao- cetissues andl brain. It is good for theltsomsa chi, too, biecause, it rn-ables itto itork, initialdtaf rob- bilig i iitof it nturl ucticoon, as "prdigstdt"'f100111 sdo. THE NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Fails, N. Y. Shlredddhe i atii,ltestandar~dce irl S red wi11th ilktt cramfrutoil r vegetales.t "Tlitper0f1ctfod t perect man01."- CtTriseuit, lie neo shredded ohetlcrackert,drliitlos wothbutrcheese or preserve.Tryt 'Toa- teld riot " with chesirrinIllace of ordiniarycrackers. -Don't Miss The Sale. I-ONI- WEE KONLY 1-m4 off on all U. o1 M. Pins, Wntch F Iohs, at Pins, and Souvenir Spoons ; Celearly at , F. I SCNLEE 340 S. State Street i . { I avju tre ivthe ti andfies Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes eitortiroitito te ity. yINE lUNCI-IFS IN CONNECT'ION - l-eroythting Nf-tandiict-ttit 308 S. Slate St. R.E. JOLLY. 1XLCHI6AN CL1EN .Caefll.. "The Niagara Falls Route...Crfly. THE SHORT LINER TEiSTE~D and FITTEDt CHICAGO Bdy the Latest ANN ARBOR to1 BUFFALOBOTNadesAp NEW YORK proved Scien- with direct connections at Chicago for tific rlethods. St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the Went. For information andJelr - through tickets call on or write toW. --Nilrs toe W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. _____________ PHOTOGRAPHS? Call at THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Bent Main St. A C Q P n-QTTXrTVe r A111HU I W 1 rfl LJ31 I VJLLIL iI i fl No orders fo cabs for parties or entertain THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD ments will be taken this season unless - ANn ovuAMnuiP LIeNS. cash accompanies the order. TIME TABLE-Tlakinge fftect Febi. 26. 1905 RATES: Lv. No. 6*- 7:20 ant. Lv. No. lt- 905 ant Oso duple i-c and frontp10ties or enter- ..~ -- 8:1~t5ip.mi. Lv. "-12-:35llP.m tainmtents -$- 1.510 - -S-Si n. r -h1I5~n Exclusive useof cnrriage - - ate0 Coupe -11 - o nDaity except Sunday between Owonno and .0Toledo. OThrough trains daily except Son- -- day. hren. chair cars on Non. I and 4. Rnbison & Ca. Hnlmnes' Livery WI~thY .W T. WILLtS, Agt., Walker's Livery W. H. StarkJ Toteo ho . n roSih *+*++++*++.i.4ef++41144*9*114.4*4.*4.4ieiivli.44._1._4._ U~rVI~I'! 1AII~'V ~IJ Continues Its Excel- I1U~1IIU llhiI.Li L t lent Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daiy Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Traims. Sleeping Cars on Hight Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Temple, Detrit. Mich. BSlliasrds Pool Stilmpsore Ce~ Stimp son h ~334 Soisth State Sttreet hTobacco Cigartts ClIars F4.4 4. 4~4 4 i44~t WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOL;D-GOO.D YEAR'S DRUG S2ORI$