THE M1ICHIGAN DAILY N *4***** O1TI-I E1 fICIGlAN DAILY 11 1 i r~llanvaI l uilirt rsofiii Niiga 4P;_ t doi t i ar t twardsl a kaing at W E WOULD HAVE [tti'.tlee sge i 'i tt a eral 111ni111arO pin Aasuless * 'a.I A I a ri ttyraPsctiti I it .nThere '1are tfi87:alumiitnitt'and tnolt- Published t ti}t i t tc tiritr - a' lthat.y1 . alyiet um er wol afitirditia lit .lirit;IlE.a ta. liii' atirteit 'rlt 1aeiligManoc a aing Editor, J. SITAN~LEY BALLY. Iltll i111I ± I~Busnes a nsae, CLAUDE lA. rHOMPISON. OUR NEW STORE FtIt: ia a I Athetic . I a MICHIGAN UNION. 311 South State Street i"esa ------- Itc IIi it t lt itjlttid m ag a. 1 'd (rI , ti. at Ilay11. Andrews hard trconincet against the itirlin- That our New \oolY.a ti' wa at ioan of one''s lpurse. IHoaiever, the Tha ou Nw Wolns or i Ia it Ihan ri 1.It. Inyr a iiatis conidetlofi ultimate sic- tile comingi fall trade aref --_ _ Ho 1W ready. * R iiATES:$?.:,1t'.(+rt, o .t , 'liiiii he l1,1ISaii ]lonwn actively engtagr'.ed 4 ttrrIfi ieliariig foria dinnter to he h l Thtwe smake spebgar- p. m. daily. acesit ier rn otthe Facu'tlty, anid Tht nieb fiddress:2L.AUIE A. 010 aN 1Busine730 atmriiill he I.inv ite. thiseansti iuletltS for getitletteni. Adi't US ~tA I"PO.Ieja itit i i ll e to ail.omp lion Ieafis i 'anager,331 Packard fit., Telephonea 461. in ln i a aminh ii h t h1arit ofthle tash. Aftier thai, the financiie comittle atwill tacet' heii That we appreciate your tradec andrepecfulysolci amigtir as ik of atttemtin to sinetret of ". tiian id. for tile liuildling. 'The dininer cotnaneo'tesme oiit li aisnowancorrenspanding nit h Thurnday, Oct. 13, 1904. clasasasecretariensIftrint'51 Io 'ill.with G. H. WILD CO.atnd5ccais elkonatm + tj i, .andti tht y anti ftaterniity atec'e 4 fAILORS ' Editor Today-J. Y. KERR. tae, in aii endeavr toiiblritig the 311 South State Street. itittit mo eent into i di epub itiilctiy 7. Presa CALENDAR. ilrt Anigell isiniite t'ei t he li'worka dillilvt )t om U1 Octoill 14.DeaniiiJiordlansrecepttiona i 'iiig niadeit'oi sneuire Seinator N* + to ohittre girlsatanIlBarurtiarles.,lProft CalviniThoinias, aind I StartRight Your room imtay be mucht imiproved by the tine of ealen- darn, etc. We cas supply 'j "Rush" Souvenirs and 25c and 50c. U. of M. Banners, 25c up IAll the ltest norels andi S think fotr the studnt. NOTICE THIS ! ii n aim oitfit,act. tint'line at j SUITS at $1.00 j It aet int) tiecit. I WAIS a UIET HQUARTERS@ L 10-10 N. ainSt. 316 S. State St. - C. E. BARTII[LL [dLw, Medical siand Dental D ooks New and second-hand. at;111113 ut. Orter 14. --"irntlctu~cre an tciStil ofantaMaceth AbnProessoa tr a jT rty-tb tiod , 'lloo ii. ,C aa uil di g tiEGda~r Ol I- I I la trta' eciti ALL DEA RTME[N S leit A-tr at. tl aretsser Y.- Allqu ra le d.N I . A. at M cillanrMl tllaiihal. October 2h.--Dtan 3Jundansrecepition FOUNTANPENat uiotr girlaat. Bar'boiirgyma- All guNatnaeedaut.rM i.A.NatiMchiaCnh lailna flTI~f1AICb anquet. at Waternian gymna- itertanmttsta i itigati men'iif111'tilt (olmle Insnsitc'essfuil, Notil'mbler i it will nut' at Michiigan a great it. uio of 'liii tyilyn.t 'iiqustin isinsomletitandetied i int I iii raity circles, ''insMichiigan truly.,n i'innte et snse of'theNvord, a1 'nii ittaia W'hile anaeri'ffe'tri, it instisuali c'ncededtthI at NiMichigan acksItat ulity' whichliholtdttichar- acterize a l'tiiauraiiy. MNichiigantisi nolonge itlailaonllege, hut in st ill oni t tway' litbecomnie'aaVnivernity, in iiiita anitibitweietn. The material fori a .ll'ntit tt71ii ally' in hee. Whaliti isilacktng ins the'leavening 'owr.Tis wiilllie tfurnihediny thr tluu settia. INSTRIJPINTS , ATHLE[TIC GOODS C iome in get.outariices. SHEEHAN & CO. :320 S. Stttt St. CANDY Fnchoates ttin olila poruhnd bxertt l~ Saturday Only Brown's Drug Store Crner M1ainand Suran Streets. THE DANTE PRIZE. IMPORTANT? ilT'e lainteSotcityioft ('iamlritdge'. ________NI.tait(hust Itill off 111antmoal trie Theii iDaily eitriial saftltwiltl'mtet ofOnt'e tHudretdiDollairstilt'the tart ill 'oom1C, 1'. ii liit y iii11, Fridlay tasay hy aattilet. ini iaity decpartmnt tilte'rattanat11on'et t'clock.ItAll canti- or by atny graduattteof ntiltotre thian for lt lhe btard mti repor1'11111at tlil arvard'tti'tI tilt itly hut oiis UnIti- mactIn1g. It. ver1si tutuand lotheasiniiheii' iittil the 'life or-wanks atfIDante.'lTe man- Ataitein tmtu ingatofI theiuniisi it Imustilbeiin tl ands ofii' atdts ofti it lliatit tli t a t h aes~itctaitlogu'ei'ofiilait 7c'ar'ant i ay bei inthe it tiNit tof their cotlutrya 1,1 sen at li}fice ii o'tiittrtesidetAnigell. Dictionaries, Quiz Coinpends, Statutes, Practice Books, etc. S[COND-I1AND B OO KS Bought, sold and exchanged. C. E. BARI1[[L Tel. 76 1. 326:S. State St. 111 kW NAt.t.1u)titt 1-1 - , it ht lniiiie rhtdiat. 1f1avtiltoItaAe NOTICE GOLFERS. itivetubyItheli'Aluiminai soiationat Neat Saituday, hOrt.15,an tighten a iett- old tutnhe'22 1!101. Si tielt'tuu'nedlandtitticapttnoth nil t' ." hastn traisted. artintile to pla ty, tatu it is espe- and comfor-t in shaving are '1it' 'tin tti'atiht o111a ucicutiar tciy des'irtusi hail Ithus nt'twth'olifottnd only in the soothing to evetutry alitmts indui nn-gradtluaite i'intend to try' forithe arsanit y gulllather of the old reliable i it i ns, upo dti n ha t.' i$100,000 at atili itian tidto roessr ritattbloo r i''SHVN wat raised befotiretJi.n 7, 190t.NThustncaptinitilitnit, or can mt' atS VV K four theuy hatvet-ru't'tivnrulotautoal iti' lithe ltei. Pilay wtill lbegin at 1:3 ited retilts, ail $1 Sti0tilt Antothierjltto'lockh. lirt ndst coa' pri zesit i llat circula htas listtely lie:.' n ite, tag- lie given.l s ! l i i Ibe Students' [ecture AssociationII 1004 - Jfifhtat ffirt Zcatson - 1053 Russell N. Conwell Henry Van Dyke Henry Watterson Leland T. Powers John T. McCutcheon Champ ClarkI SOUSA'S BAND) Hamilton W. Mabie Uov. LaFollette Oratorical Contest Edward Bok Open Number WAGNER & COMrPANY IIAB[RDASIHtS AND H1ATT[RS Have ito down to~wn store, but are n1ow located in their new stores NOS. 303-303 S. State St. Entirely new lts of EVERYTHING A MrAN WEARtS Except shoes, and at popular prices. Renmenmber wve have no downm town store. Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00. Yo an ee neticketi tran situdent tsloer rat Wahr's State istreett booktsnore First Lecture: Oct. 19, Russell N. Conwell. U V STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LLNDENSCILMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.