,The Michigann Daily
VOL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1905. No. 155
Ilen Will Glo After Varsity Recordsi County Fair Committee will 'Turn Michigan Wins Game with Chicago Fainous Soprano Who Has Won
to Win Pittsburg Alumni (her a Big Sum for the by Scoring Three Runs in Eauropean Distinction to be
Medals. Club House, the Ninth Inning. ( lHere Friday.
''cd 1 t "l )cia tk Iice c'arll it e dii T hel counItV fr i cniittei' was busy i tlic igs' liSlav 'i-ii'iiiuiii 'teteitid t)nt. )>t ilt' ciii ci ieig featuiies'cof
wi u c call dayci'Monda i tiiiring up1)tie receipts 0licgIi hereiiPuI iiii cii ibyc
cicollil '4 1:611, iill be cale il agail ) ithe f i llut no deita i ie s aelou ii 111111 iig l i ii ll, i riig tcciii Punili c ) rd i iili, p~ r u o la-
wari ig iilicu'nc fiii tihcica~tirci in icclt c l~t i ldaiiutigon\flh dmclaicliI(, i- rtcg eciucoily))
'111(i th trii lirP icciiithecii icii lft deatatinailc cicpc la meet ii cii cli i iliI iil i c ic aliilu iiii c auiii
]cleour i i ii iiiicili - latiig t. g iar a fll o ihefcuan tiat r i liia iiiiiii chili ciwa c'icapprare os, ertot illisia,) uri aiiulna el'e
- n1ic1t1)cc)c1tcgout icie'c ali cerdi etsmacce a enu Inyt lcia l iic i rcd lii isi (o i l iu rc iling iuiirica t'it i i cr ii Ifcui i iu 1
seemsi gldithiiia t II(- ir aiviasi H cc -Ii c i fferen ctatitr cint ait s im 000 ,iclun 'c)IIueu(ld teol r acictel ai great ill ti tiiiii i aa a r ad.'i
1al~ i s I li 1 t c~tet i occ cc cc rcis ricda frigluea ul n c ial r ei 1Ic lI wi nd wlii une \'eiig ac'} ldi ' li la ciii ci cr clraid anotice
Worn ti t witliii ccun t iiiclia xe isa d p' ri ii iof the i i iii i r sliow.c I II(c lii \lllii 1111tc hebdcniie IIi liiiby hr s~gll t Ved'
illnouit ciccr l i iiil c ciii(t god ccok iccibiioweerIthe iciliibtr ia oficnallylw s ncce d y De eeat heb- f erlr eIIRoi in 19. ir
ininm e as i ciiihicthaiti ii eiabo t '-,00 illu teti rd I d nger itcei ., rn hstiew svr=rpd n
Ilic climadethtccrat: hevy an slow w if r ciecfo l o r c esfo h h ithil cr:inm lsew sgvn h eoaino
ticarnll ccii ivacccilg cll ieOf tis imo gt con idea te ic ll iuiii'.......c0cci 0 0c 0 liii 'i3i---igci
aiint iii li iiiii i h g 'trcici icc~lbed cc-ill iii' ill 'dciii ccii' '
dcii icc to 0 i cctc11Ic cr cr11ii't pmti ii caI rciccir-r()cstint iicici it c i cci ed ti t Iidrtccicti c
tes ccil c ill short icuns ian ccas lbo th lre i iiiibeen madelbecliaue lcct comrpcl i ciexi- i cc cc iiiiiiciiii ci
b-c accc'ii lic c cii ccdlii iciicic apontd t ttei cc a
li 1c cii ii i'iiosiblliieissued i cc I as sisic iiiiii
head cithe cic cc iii l he tic l i cki' y:l " cir cotilte p orti c
x ,wy .y roce,.
Psi ilitytac I icaani icill noti 'rui, a
beis notci11 condcli iticonc andiife'ar's th
JohnnC arrieIlisi aschecdulcced tiocctcrccw
liscus into thicdcdler ofnxt weekic,
dc since esedlit cccsc shoti' uct oiiver
414 f cc ilacii i's hairihas lbcenttstandciing
I'vr cc ancccwhclii breccks acarsiti' rec-
iced tchis'afternooncl lciireceive a golci
mcedlal frt icle, Pittsburcghc AIccIcii as'
soiciation.c 'l'his is the first c'c'r ticat
th1y such prize has bceent offered acid
competitionicpromiises' to ice cnucsually
rinse.cTii recocrds tlice n i llcciicndcer-
lube ico loiter are as folloiws:
looyardl-1o sec.; C. M. I .eiiclee acnd
A. Hahn.
2ac-yard-2I 3-5 sec.; A. Hlaihn.
44o-yrdc- --5ocsec.; C.cTeetzeei
88ou-yard-- -2 ini., 2-5 sec. ; I. XW.
:Mile--4 cciii., 34 3-5 sic.; XV. IB.
'wo-iilciie rint., 22- sec. ; N. A.
icie-icrci high hurdles--- 15 2 S5sc.;
J. 1".;c. icrcit
,ico-c'crci'4,wI curdlrs-s c ~c. ; N.
Broaicicipcc--23 et i: J. IC. MlIecic.
Ii igicicuccp---b feeti;-VArms~ic trong.
aole tacti cfeet,3 cccin. C Dvorak.
Shoilctiut48 ft., cccn ;R. Rote.
Ia ne thro-li f., 1- in.;
Dicus tic cl -12i ft, :; t- ii. ; .
Worrk cesicericcyccas necy light. Thle
"ccii, goticcui acid cc'armc'd ucclit tleicc
getth inkshu accumuciilatced over Sundayci
outt if iceir legs. There wcas icothicig
very strenuuccs ccclic e icent cere giveti
Rued card rcub-outis acid are alli in e
Ccndtioiinifoertlis cfternooancs coniiesct.
Thr officiials forthedeet are :Start-
"~andi reteree, Keence Fitzpcatrick;aic--
iliiuic rFracis i1. 1Hollister; cerk of
e~trse, Sici Millcardl; assistanti clerks,
lI H'olnces, G.XV. joclyi, N. If. Golt-
5chlai, R. C. Sicirci'; trcack judcges, F.
atProt. N. Al. Wecti 'y ; fielci icidge,,
Fred Norcross, J. N. Mbayniard, Paid
Miller;titters, Dr. CGcarge Mayci, 'T.
licclootic, Ceorge iHaler; scrers,
Chles risHases, CG'orge Roilinsi; mr
shals; ,0LotgmrilI, Schlte.
1(cii . I I. lr r lucd X cicc I ii s ~ I cccii j l ci tIc ', ll lt
lJit i C . "rcci lttill tcia lcaciu 1' N dg i.Jaiiiie,
l~ciiilc, . i X c ictic). V.i i ii cci It a
FoXI s c'ic ulci ictiCit as bu nR.C.licig 4cd riccug l. sc- crc-i-c' -I .It i. iiai. ti ccii' of i. cr ic a iciiti t
'c. ciii S ctt IPr N. . R. hlle, hMr. IR. liit-speaincg cursonccncr ecir ciponic
'huN Ni'-II' NAXIiTiNTIiON. . irk. Ianl
- - -It wca theIi cciiudi cl cisicuccucf ith' III iiFr i cIiglt concerit Xiaciaccce
Vacrsity emi s meeacll citic-gills liiTue diy nominacuing colicduu eeuof lthe 'Michcigant Itiacicelt ciiw ilwig act aria frocci "11I
at thiee occ k.ii iDraccintgs crc is ftl-t Uionllic t id piresencctfficrsa renomcinitatedii ticrhiire," clue Spiinincg Sonig ofL Ieli-
lows' a Plii narycii cc roundcc . XV i 'iic slIci e tconinued c in powe'r for anc- Icaneccuct c ai cdiuet tromcuc Nuacc andc
Nuticv. I''-'''uit3:'1 ;fist ruccii, ttcer year-cut',c oniclyibeausiie citheicir
Stewaicrt v'.lBuckleyia 4:4; 1 Ihocg cs. aiicpleidiserv'ices durinig' their itilnlof
Wh~iitecat cilia offic,cbui aiso Ibecauise' tlie'incfcancy cut
All conctestats ta uii t lhe'onith.anduiat the ltnioni, tlicmliiitcitd o 'cpro'r'ts
theline tthir cmai tch iscacliiidio01 tliiy'still sacely- 'foirmuatcediand ithe ric'
cciii forfeit, nlescc they haicce-previosly i' ls ncon cdfronctinug te organizcationc,
crcanged'ithccii.XX .MicNieI conccering rendeiicrs it utuacdviscable Iochancccge' leacdicrsl
theltime of thedirmtch. All theiabivi'acu thisic ime."
mace iut hiisd u esdc-ayafcter- I I ugic Succuuci sciceii,
110011i withucut fail. Przes 'ave eet F. S. Nocross, Jr.,
i Co., anccIlen-try & Kcer W. Merklt
'tis toudrccamen'tc ccill dcidea oCL.Iye
ait focur limilndcmike diceamcact t C omittee.
meatslObrlict 7May to andiii2"0 atiAttic Theiicoffi c o tutunaccilcsciielacy us
A\rt dr, anChc .liccagccatcCiicigoa Justeo.iillcedii y t'irhe Universiy Scncciiiacd clue
'Thioneec tcoftwdoiicmenicciicicltcrrespondi'gsecretary 15isltcscrerdiy
thecir cc-cut'o li the '' cdcnfr metcniTe iscrtarycarlls attetiecuoicto Sc
Chicagoc ccciMay cia. (Ccaptac'in St.iJonc, Ar.cc ,Xouthdie Uin consitution,
is asuffeinicgfromciicai inucred a rm11butii hch protvca-cies dchai anyp-teclcmembers
icill prtuibabtly eicshape'fccrdihe'call- cut tc'heuica no m uccinuciatecanppiosing
tiucet icc'filinug sauccwithclii co c'crdincg
a ecretcary atcleasttedc-acysibetfore lice
'07 LIT DA'1 cXNC 'eeuct i.
''ll(e 'o17 lil;a cre goaing to wcindu thcle CIXANION EXTNRAS.
iiear tituhcca icls dicinug prityct --_
Grccnge-r's on lFridiay, Mccc't2. 'ice e 'lrmaccuning editocr cutheli'Uniiont
ciiiic 'wihMr.X-Vcnc Ilocose.
In lic fsthdie 1mos5tijoyacbile cuthlie
"Co.' m tcccuueelies" of chc University XY.
XX'. C. A. wccs held li their puleasantc
room;catNewb'lerry' hal 'i'iurcsdiay evenc-
tug. IDu'pitc' the liimpicnig stormu,
thrre wac, a gooaidcttendiace. Tiea was
seva lniti ihe dneiiytfurcncched draiwing
roomdu. Seven'cte'e'n ciaitors do lice bien-
ciloccnentionu helun it ic Detroit last
week spokechr ciflyonctile subject "XX'hat
Imrse ccii ci 'ii'ost cat the Conventlion."
Speakrsromiadcucctiof tccwn were Miss-
Care XWiinheccdl presidientdof lice
acscia tuciuochoe ccc Chicago; MissmIne
Vose, stile e cretiary of stcudentl work in
Illinis; c Muss Xicdrews-, cathlie Wo-
man' ccol ccleg'eNBaltimccire; Misc Mary
Irnd ccciiicutIlyoke colilege; Mica Flora
'ii111cc cciie creti acy cit Illinois; Miss
Birdsall, genceral secetary, of Granud
Rapids; Misc Landuis of DePauw Uni-
Mits Davnidsonl,lice genercal secretary,
is muiiech enuriagedl at Ihe increased
intierest inc ihe association and decires
thait all colege womcuent give thceir teacuy
Tlilay' istcehiciunudredtch cnnivcersary
ci th lie iaiat fSchiller, aciddtce tinciter-
siies alliivcuth e w c-crldi ace ihoilding
exercises icc hoocr catihe great poet.
Ac Michciganc die Cermcanc tacultcycciii
lake chacrge and wccill hcolud their celebra-
tionc ad Sarahc CcaswcellAngell taillthis
evencing at eight o'clock. Adidresses
cciii hi'deivieredt iy Presidenit Anugell,
Dr. dorucke, Dr. XWinkler, lDr. Diekhioff
acid others.
commcucittee'incchaucrge is madceic'ccc of Situ-
clair, M'iechemu, Cowltec', Ccluncy, NBiyer-
andii 'Misse's DresserrandiiiVanc1Kleek.
'lie prcogram-c ilciiconsist citwlcenty-five
numccbrs an1asthids n-ill icr licelast
tccc, uction fchecur t is hol'1115cped
thtaltciii scucreticikets acs5s0on as
M 'ihigcan ciucuuici' regetingugiisiy ali
aloncg' die title. T'Flalestunecws conmcs
tromu Secattle cwhere recenctly somue forty
old grads gaithered acidtformed a lend-
porarciy orgaiza~ctioni. J. iR.XWilsonu tas
chuosenc iresidlenti anliiJ. T. Lawclor,'g
lacw, secretary. "Dad" Gregory anud
Br1cr Shcorts are amuonigIke organizers.
C.ouncty' Claia anct uncccces that for the
benerfict fthocse whio failed to secure
ccpie-s cud the' fcir, a numberiid.of extras
wciiihbe pliced oncisale at XWahr'cbook
stire froullfour toc six this afternouconc.
Thos who tluc wcih ccies cncur h
'lie lst f cisebaclliplay-ers for Ike
class tecits lcare all hueen posted in dice
D~aily'oficereoomcunC. Thiey clay he seen
therre Icy all manucagers cuthlie various
nineus. 'Maccager IDuttonu slates dchii proc-
tests mustcacbe ii cotlalecrltcan Xednes-
day ofthIlis week.