"'HE MtCtGAI4 DILY. B.3urclbfield's Fvine Tailorin Trade Guarantees... Y ou the nost skillful and artistic service to he had anywhe. We alwvays curry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- S ens. Wex have the agency for Beach & Newelos Custom Shirts, and can show youa large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- , ings-'perfe'ct fitting. Blurchfileld's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Li Huron HOAG'S HOMEi SUPPLY STORE Ofier, at -Mouxlex cuing Pice.. BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOES$TRING'S, KNIVES, SCISSORS, ANI)COLLAR BUTTONS. You can alvssave in ltiiiorfromi HIOAG'S Corner Main and Washington } INDlVIDUALIIY IN CQOTIS i i retty hard to tell how a nuit is going to look on you xvhexi yoii have only a roil of cloth toijudge by . But piit tin a suit iof Adler Bris. a& Co., Lioclieser. oxade. ready -to-wear and 4 sethecefecit at a glance. t Aiiithxer thing, ycix pay the MIereliat Tailor froux $30.00 tox t $40.0with v thile hope ofsit isfaction while Yxxixpay us only froni 1 $1311t0 t0 $2500 for the actual eertalnits A' lanee at oxur dspjlay widow each weak isill keep o Reule, Conlin & Fiege1l 200=202 South Mlain St. Money oanedALL THE LATEST SPRING HATS Loxaneilo iii~tcixe', liaxxxcxd. - Or other Per'xisnal Propierty IWe have them for the swagger Watches aid Iriseiry lielrild Bargaixis li hlatceseaiid young dresser, as well as for lDiamonsds. the man of more mature years office a1 rexiaier 3 ibetys'r. Ass Arise. iHours, '8ts 11:le a.InI is 3i:0 xandi;7 toi9x1). Ii, . All blines, j j THE CLOTHIER eu~esu.Joseph C. Watt s ALL EN MA I N STREET J.L.}i~yiGJ4 y7, yi'ea~aJLv ayiix Ly40* ! L LJ..v 'J'''e 'xc, a.aJrJ.J__ r.r-. r . ar~" rZ GEORGE BISCHOFF CM AIN FLORIST Choi cut Flowers and "xsxjf cxpt x. 'hapiie +t., beten trs .Ulxxvthe xxi i~i lvslitxlss xi'xlirv'isi'sic N' fiiilxvv Millerveir Phone ,ii xxc lvii iiil+. xi l++4+44.4s ... .*H+ . nc xxi FAtxlhis ein tile lx iiillislxv The Ann Arbor Savings Bank rlixis-dhtix icxit dtilixix xxxiitilt(-c Capital stt.k, ix50x0x0. Surplus. $175,00i0t. ctilixig tlis noIx' lx thllitwo ofxii Ii vii Rsouceis, I$,000,000e. A (eneraltBanking Busiss a n rosacted. lixl ix'i xi iit xlri lii i ~~esv '. CwFhollya ii lxli xi I lx', i l ixligsll II d talrlie : s . . lxx Niiso 5 r .x iililWv.xxl!x)xx.i. -armaVcePe.;MiJ rt. ahir lixl t hecn iaersi thatx ixxipoisi IH ot Luneh I lx .xxl i xivixiix Attention uis l to the factt hat Mr. Slisan-i g 'sresience isxconsectted wih55 g~ I lxxIx' x1x11ioi xx hatth 'SIIANGERS ACADEMY xiulx xi xi c:rlix xxleA i'xaislxotlxhomiidl xxx Outside of class ad a,,srsibiy hose callvsea '"trdx orvii lxxv i wd~it, lae nutie Ill biiingthexxxi pac isntapicy a'i antixiis xc isi is .. hlxi i lixixi. Ianixril lix'a oixi l t i h rfr ti I aciix AsXclfor lxv h is h rge ofTcl II lxxiv xxii lhe'eligixlilty IIUSTON BRO'ITHERS tc icxtiwriimadertilt xaxxlx1x14)r Succ~eusos oxx \dds- lsr. lxrxxc .saes. JASs W. Reid, 312 S. "State..Street II xicll i, I iixiwi a ithatriecr} I \l l