'IHl MICHIGAN DAILY. SStuzdents Like Coat .$350 REGAL$35 Sirt s. They have arrived and just wvhat you want *They're so ease to slip on, and are less liable to be torn lby tbe+ TANS KING CALF * laund vs (which frequently make 'Icoat'' shirts out of tbe otbet P~ISK(INS EVflIQ WAXED CALF suit). WXe offer for quidk sale a lot off I.'50 sadoe cat shbts .UIUU~ this wnek for $i.Io ATENT [LAMEIRS )j ININAL LEATHER All Styles and some Styles you have not seen before 1Cutting, Reyer & Co. 109-11 E. Washington St. 611 E. W111ie.mx R t BOWLING ALLEY Stcoly Uso-tas-date. S. ROTTEN STEAN, Prop. 707 N. V"Ivn. Avs. Visit R.ENTSCHLER'S NEW GROUND FLOOR STUDIO. 313 Last Huron St. opposite Ladies' Library special RKates to Senitors a l tDopart~mewts I1 BRIGHTON FLGARTER CLASP P irs"N n pinO o stsMret Forweall rudpaundr Thoman fromwePoIetor 326 N . . 14 tsve willl, in lh 'ircci ric feiihr OtiilN. i, LAWI!L4t ftdl t f"~lt, 52 F Ii. MADI F S N CST. New hone457 ellPhase 3457-L 'itliTd rItypSwiLAtin,rAunNsh Arbti & A1CKSNON RYW L.IiTAL. "p Beeh'iorg An2to anlP.im. iiii.in 'i n liiii ciiiPhocne 4 . j Spe' iai crs between Afici erbor cidel ri ce Xc Aii Aehor ecy Ip wo hius, ro Sit. ii nii. i o in i me Io horit Sice t15Sinceacs. 5 ci os lrietcen AArbloran arckschot leecAnnArhor erninehouteefo 1:30a.c a m.ut in:3 . m.'nimroe . hut .rianct15 loca rs l inerenyAnnoArborad tro it in.lllll 1:17) . n. 'Tit elhour cs d1 incutesl Watches, Clocks and Jewelry ltepaieu by expert workmnic aL reasonable prces. Alt work gunaranteeit. J. IB. IIIILL, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. (Continued fecos page one.) ga intierestoin9li heii'oii and'itill bI' Ii Ntin b lgtii t'ui i getcr Nepllits'arrivl h:e. geohdout im ancellild ier 1b11atartheoti~nis liiuiit \iintohve IcowntiherMexrican111 ig Solo to Am lAborantelie ontySfir(-i li llliom l),h fr c 1 A d~ci,'I'll , lin $On Night Out to ' $ FLORIDA {Big Four Route ~From Detroit and Toledo (UNION DEPOT IN BOTH) Toledo and Cincinnati No disagreeable Transfers 4Wrte B~ ineoA Agets foe informs- 4tion, or .1 W. LANDMANt .General Agt. TOLEDO, 0. lul(wig mlllll),ig on ii ~Ii''Vicl j"' '7 ' l in r,1loot of i lit t e t. N o ofln.L euflL' ____:___i__r:_ ona. or. to 1 :30 P. t11. t ,{)Cl i 1\;ll'1\ :l 1 \\ I '25 cents Si11111uuI 1111111111Dinner ()I ll l ile inl l li e nii n I l111°- '' 1 a l u'' 5:,l llil l4.51t0O 7:00 P)' it. cn'~lt 1'tr' 1'.1 1l3' 11 I tY \35 cents lt'lllc iguiii llll'c'll Inlllill' 0 rttl I' bor . eiSun aye rbDrne trait, 'Bll. 50-55 3.'5 cents ____________ i. Steam and Fretncth (try cleaning anit repairing at Frutter & O'Connror'n, t619 0Y-)-t",-prI?!7I F7. Willtiami St. _________- ~ 315 SOU1TH STATEI ST. Glet your Gym suppires at Cushing's. + Lateet noveltieosin saltitgs at Frit ter & OConnorrr, 619 E. Wiltianm St. 0' M. Martill Funeral Try some of Cusrrng's Finte Choco- Dvrectot tatex. f Office 209 S. 4th Avo. Phione 98. tResilence 3022 S. 5th Avo. PhoneO 314' Summer Schsool it Mechanic Arts Ambulance on call. s , egnel ankScl ~ WASIITENAW tho NticaelcticAl sub cots la r, ratir oar~si. p 0 i W S I O T .strawberry Short Cake Served at all hours THE PIECES LIKE MOTHER CUTS With plenty on large fresh berries PEN1 NYCOOK'S "'Tile Pure Food Man" SENIOR LAWS You Will Need a Typewriter if tyouiwantti lwstIcdrop a aird aid twill call F. T-, STOWS, I City 30 DANCING [[SSONS j 20 Assesmblies For $3.00 - SCOTT'S ACADElMY Have You Seen the New - PIGSKIN - B[UCII[R OX[ORDS $ 41. U U - FOR MEN - Ottly Genvslsine Pigskiln Oxford In the City. Nev er beforiebeen raid for loin than $r.50 They Are I[fight. You had better have it look at 119 S. Main EGYTA A~n Hottfer Turkish CORK TIPS R PIPLAIN DE I TIE'S Cigarette erzn be made Look for lSia qi s. ANAILOVI~0 The Best of bverythftin g i~jori Always Ahead In StylcsiR MIL WARD, THE TAILOR.