The ilc <*nDaily VOL. xV. ANN ARBOR, MIH., THJURSDAY, OCTOBE;R 1 9, 1904. No. 11 AWUL SLAU~iI1IR. Varsity Showed Up P. & S-Seventy two Points in Twenty-two Mn- utes-Tom Hammond Kik Every Goal. It ;s easy nowto10understand wy the PysiciansadSren re tototltof pilaying te Varsity The Chicago aggregation went (dott to the worst defeat yesterday tht anly eant ever snffered ot Fery Field. In twenty-two mnitutes of ploy the Vacsity, playing itsatmtst fatti less style, rlet tttta settre o seentyto,an -average tf 0111 toulchdotwnttfor'every- tmitets'ant i fftt seconds of ptlay. Evet the histtrit Buttfato uassare of three yearu agt vas nuttatuite as latl as Iis There were totatses ftr tltt slaughter. The'P. & S. ernts sa lamntiabltysweas antt clesrly sowed the lack of practice, lttt at te gai the YelloweadutHle outfit twas sa- eling yesterday any taut ithe cottn- try woluldihave hat toetinitstatt- ing up efore then. The eantplae the fastet lall that it ias ushownvtisi Year anti the tlay-u were rnttthirotteh vith smuouothesuthatswtttlst haes een cmmendtable itt a Taksgivitg game, 'Tere were tutl- three fumb- leu antI tttt l enty itt'ftrtff-site playing, whil te isteferessee wesu asn sealy perfec as it cl e. Wit eleven slrs inth le gue al the timhe i iu diict. tto sigle 0151 anly pat-ictultat-idtiituals fott tttnor ale Mentiotslttt for stetacla PlYs 'Stubbty" Norcrtss carriet tff the pantFurtim eotle little fel low hbtoke lotseton a tquarter-ac runl and sas tntter headet. He ra the' team inly, andunlyonet tsttisly marred his wrk,-that ieitg a tottt pasu to Hal Weeks tut the P. attiS 2-yrd line, whit-htcasset a fttmblle att gave the umedicite men te bttllIes ton tmate is ttsul ntitmser 015111 satiotnal endtl-utts Garres, Clatk. Norcrss Hestont Haresy -IHammontdt~ and Weeks suttedt to adantatsge it interferitngfor le'rinne. \Wet" Ilayeatheitoetie gsne tt1ftPulatt tadte a strog htiIfr a tlace ontheIt tanm ly is trottng conitett sotrkI Let Tactkle WVtgter of the P. an] S. aggregat iot tess aot th whte tt team. Althtttght le reuttrtetolitues tionble tactics, is wtrk testsly fai theeuv feattre tfis Sites twttk P- and S. neter hat a chtsatce fttt-fit-a down, There was a noticeablt- itproe ment in the ootitg Let by Frntki J.1 Clark, tlwttoticistiel as ell-tttastr the lleaclerites tttt a little gisget into their vocal etsrts atitlsttece 'ed tn prucitsg a notise whlict ttttld lit hearti Ils-til the cttfis-otf Fery Field. On accotut of tdarntess bttt seve tninuteu ofttfle sectttd half was play ed. Ftorty-tighte points were scoret in the first al, wictatittfiftet mintuteu The ine-ttpt wastuau folows: Mtichigat. P. atdiS. Garres-.... . I ....- O'Lear Ctrtis-. .L. pT - Wattne Patrick Schlte.. .. .. .(. .. .. .. . tBar Ted lHammtontdt Carter........ R -G--......-ame T Hammntnttntt R, T - ....Shsch Clari.. ...... R.E [ tt. it is tn Noreens.....- ft B....... lGii Capt.tHestoit, - H.B.,1-'ti..Aoutl Weeks......F. 1.I .'...- ottro TouchttdtwensNtrcrtss 4;Hesston, 3, Wtesi, 1ICrt is, 1; Clark, I1 Harry Hamtmotttt, I;TttttHstmntd 1" Goals, Ttttn iantmont, 12, Cotm Ire, Cale,. Retferee, Fislseiglt, Timt Of halves, 15 anti 7 mnuttes TICKETS FOR . . U. GAME. The tickets for t'he 0. S. C. game did not arrive yestertday as itatd beet expected. tHovever, Mantager Hairt is confident th at thtey vill cttmte to. daY and will he on sale at Meyers's, A large nttmber ttf persons calletd toi tickets a at Myers's yeterday andt every indication toints to a v-hole. sale emigration to Colttnsbts ott Sat. rday. MICHIGAN UNION. BAS[BA[[ OII[OOK. r- Several Veerans Back-Few Post tions to e Filed. REASONS FOR ITS EXISTENCE-AIMS TO FURTHER MICHIGAN Altought he's nt saying very SPIRIT-ALUMNI INTERESTED-CLUB HOUSE PLANNED. mtc, taptain Tom ird is keeping yhitseathereye upott the aseal d ;iicator oe next spring, It in a 1ri11(, early to nmake a very extensive t1 Hesraltetiby ttattysigns atitiielyiswsliels tlestslit'Harvsart,Pentsl,"lot( e-hee," bt To'mmy is taking a ttdvrtvi'std by ethsitastitesuptport ets, I attanstttClsiesgo ciss, a stcial ptige nera accunt of stocr on hand, itetMichigtant ionttsttt vs ect- Sltwlys lose large-tv, First atitifotremot,; nrdogalilefuigfrhs suttn tiefintle form. iltuttfalitentithe ,lcligauttcbhouitise still e Isottdbedeit.altl igrn o i y lchtiso1 atis ati ittas tiltsotwo lameting place fr le tundergrad- ot hteft t prminnt ne ae sowl gairn-uats an Failiy me, wo nw iSeveral of th veteranu of last t yeart'si otesartesaielsgatitigtitursnaidd-stuply s-ngstho no te controlItFollowtintg is -utiesellent liel in lti' isolste geltp, w ycheemhaettrenupaan e:tailg them "Carrie" Carrters, tittuti at 01 lh int 115sIf Iis U111111 I5 tshsy Ile-ti ogeitet- ifomaislly att ll, ail-ti;g t' sttnd-by- in right field; tCt'P it it titist-ilit'theliytaIi tIt t1oaetodesC -en, seho ptllu111a fast game on list1111-Icis teits-s lt .1 tiltat ItsrtystOne c lbltttuse cile tase't .coredti; Vettle td Nagle, who di ofitt l oft'i :as , 1 it-i oe It ieiigaubdshsiividedhoousithIe pitcher's box; S ttsiti -'itt-v oils t'ersoni the11 re-iIthouse, 1thl11on' is111(elHoustonttlb tDere, te gardian tf fitstase, s t-1aktdI11qus ~ a i i In t il.tis l tou'1is -laendCmpisiel,vho wot ame at I d selihit.ass sitre--sicolee pri's l ait' ign iifid ,heesorlol ildig sor-sop., Litte oyle, wo made tandt eve Is sies'this qitry isas it1111tdl'OitaIr stoneiwtithis " tt l"to iuchattetesustat'playu at third has Ih nI St-i ."a111111 d-grullt iusti t e I tibot isetcetO he itItvlrst - ilitlhdllup iis ht atd glove and gone I s111t.Itl 11ltu t iststtsi cliiTheliterior,111'1istfiishedit'i)li tio lite honors at Lelnt Stanford, ai skitliIl it'(heIrseot'cup1111d1 'ac-sisi akisiti l l tefurisintgs aeinsItti 'LittleEs-" Tsrter and Cptain 1 si I oath, u11eepgitt11,~ tltte uihtle. teRedten are also ot of the ranks this elt-itttil h~ls t Il ie- ten eseryting is fgred ot eiplce-, eadtinsg amsli ttisle esttt h iere rematint aout tree positions o '.c on'r .t o: illIit, pool a tdt'hs Itttms, te 10t heped by11 n tews'material. O'trien ;yl ; ii - I a n lu111k tffies lt. tt I tht sc111111fttttr silliproialy bito voeto 50thirt this Itl his t' i'tttsslt' Ilt ve it' en111 aet ineiiaudiitoium t t~ltil six1im -! eas, andth1at will leae secont hse s agand1111 u t I i llt t ii i iiii titt Iit 11111 rttl lieu551fielt positions vc t, the'11'usitl.l 'Ntttt. 1i1 si l iite f te grd a i s I Il lf stt tsllls -s fr] It is ot' ealy to touke any definite 1 It isei ht, ll, ttl aru fuith1liieu illi 5t'iii il Ilit 11 pr teictionsabut t tis eam, ht ith II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11llt I'111I1rtosili-hg tst t~~l ar tge ntumber oftold nnackasisand tpoi ellseached ktwhtn tCoaci tuet camesitn11111o11 ets t' I IHrI-arthtit'hll-Illseeraliprom~iing yaungters onitg itr st t111.11 ltit Iiaittoitl Iltisti~toi foe a chalnce to get into action it is f utnipl ftotall ter i 11 s gem rllytit diressutitllsle t 11ou1 ltim I lI sf osyta h e m wl en t agreedthat soething s wantto.sooyethataisitendtWrtoleviiir he no age mittesar itss-ith tas ttrnecilently.tttbeen tsiwelitslItwits ytin tferior to that of lst year. "Manyithett tll'dtigratds an 1r11 lltmterte- 11" iliTHE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP. nohetilt-tieIwlit'the ttinditittniat swim initool alta. itan h u t1It sswil beh ees-sle'Ieththat Ie late 'tichtilgantaeltsutith lat it51es ill psitit eil Jtthsn Rhdes 'p irovidet y his lle ittr eachti ll litIgttltitt'I I to be- liet'' 'i ''ailili-tllsue-gui -byi (its 111lfot ie st ab'l islmetttot'male come111acquitedlt istlialt'h lr 1111111hiu al logtet iitli I- 'Ii testtIs Itt scholatships of te yearly more0fitohellenltil' sitil