THE MICHIGAN DAILY. RBurelifield'S Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the. most skilul and artistic service to be had anywhere We always Carr} a large and complete line of seaonable wool- ensv. We have the agency for B~each & Newel's Custom Shirts, and cant -how tou a la rge, beautiful and exclusiveline of shit igs--perle t ltting. B~urchfields Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron s4 4- 4 4, 3 4+44+++4. -14 4st INDIVIDUA~lIY IN GLOTNIIS I tv rettyv hard to tell how a sail is going to 1(ok o00you wheni you hate unit a roil of cloth to judge ut pat tiIt t viiit of Adler B~ros. .& Co., l koche ster, ttadle readto10wear and See the cillect it a glance. Anithler ting, yotuipav the Mlerchant Tailor frot $30.00 to $40.00 Nv ith thle hope of satisfaction while youtpayiuv only fromt $15,10 to $23.00 for the actuial eertainitv,. A glatnce it outrdislatiy initdowss eaevwelikswill keepi toil in touch wt aithi lie doitngv illtie tworld's favshioni Reule, Conlin & Piegel 200=202 South Plain St. HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer at lit Si ng rice.. BRUISHES, tCOMBS, SOAPS, SHIOFS'TRIINGiS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND) COLLAR IBUTTIONS. Yotutcan tlways vs'tein hutying frot HIOAG'S Corner Main and Washington Money Loaned WXatches antI.Jewelry itt I rd Jogisep Wth C. Watts Dimods LTHE LATEST SPRING HATS Vic have them for the swagger young dresser, as well as for the man of more mature yeara LLEN MEI SREET «w r A. G. SRalding & Bros. ttcL 'vttt I.muatre rs ithlle tIlorlvId official AthlrtcSuplieslr ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. U. SPALDINO & BROS. NEW YORIK l0tltli'AOO " GEORGE BSCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cnt Flowers and Plan 5 II tsvi The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C .tal s itk, e eee 'vS1ii hut $75,(. AleneaBin,g BusienTratlnacteitd. ' C~tts: Ch:L. iic I'.llisiot. Press,; IV. 1I Harrlimani. VIk r-v .: 'it. .. Ii ti.l'asliit'r. (Ceittilted fromll page one.) ltdt tMai, s)IPress clblitAcaciat, 31 tlhtui2c - caii',.lb, .3.3Sigmta C'is. II 14h6I t liTheit 1ta,3 aat, A~ Nit Sit iii.t \Nu, 'vi3ii p ituaPi, 38 Kappla Kiaptaltti M',ti IsIt Deltltitlm, 40 '-: it s Is 01 u ru 1bd;fe h W t12 ltap a' Icilk Tht, I heiet Ic -- -t- - ic all ''d cvviiitheir nber lbef re lttl ____ teptll ,i on. They' niijit be ren. Yo~s emi Idet e.. oft une for the paa teil' stalk,.5withou H o010 i aldtoeftt l htt Sr f(at lae ; j s a grA utaid 38o . t tate itt ird(-1 .1 il 5mitat a te' 111y QIRANG ER'S ACADEMY t 'ipeie;ofspritglitinnratswr t t fcass aidaissetblty ihtursivcallers u t e dd n te iicti b o arI at (t'e will pIease stiuet he11111 l ve s Iby lir ing t nl"ist Gldace i not a pulic vhutal-nd liii ooviis __ SIL L I A R D S I I~ yaapoiinasmto I'IJST N IROI'li\ ' )' i l .i1titig littsc ttF Its lc ororit, WI TC T N B [ 0'I HE1(ai~eti S 11I'I t' piae h m . II ur ,W . S., Newbeicrty tall, tel- Suactcssors tol '_$_. w Reid, 3 12 S. State StreetNOI. 1 tsy5155 t','civ'ed'0thie' rges aitdlfine'st____ ineoflit'Ii tutamora l iti hg vof testcock- TIlrkish Cigarettes and Pipes littlit iv ofItheila'ndelr PIbltlinilg a1- evrbrouight totcie'ty. s-'ittlllstillb lt atilit a. 1. i, Maly tINp lUNCI 11ES IN CONNECTION i('),. iiitn t \t 11,111il. ('iti-yltit Neat aitle'un Agets vfor 1it . P itlti. I T 1t. 'ellihl IIS. State S.1 R . E. dott.. Setcrtary. l'ARITil' 11 IltIt DA5 ths at i iii ttt 'lict s isill lte a l1l111 ctInt tfirtciti ,uStirdayI Iin' der tI,- ll t c' va t tes, dIile , Ilitg , lit ltil- Snert.l n eatittirtl dtivltt .5 it,Iheeler, II gg, liv1, Sticle Krn 440-yatritisli : h hurdes:lvtHck berti c-ii oltPost, IN'hh , lg lyer{ aicl Iig-iardliigh : hrtdl-: IuI i - t , lull, ('tic, rdLeele, : nniii elecli.g decklltKrinc. IatcI iItttc SIt p'tut : SDul', Carrcos, CItis, Pitle -vault,: gist i' t' ihlittii'y Relait, coxe, Dill, oe leSolMnr GometohCowhlnaCfrtiHermans, Caillers tMilk :Clclse. It1, ur RM VD1'"cititAttenstichea-2 I~ ~~~r RbuEI rc ilditig to Na. 'W01N. Mai,ficatdosor nortatf(lost- office. Phonte 391.f THEATHENS PRSS, Prnter.1 3 ietic B RBER SHOP utipand RATS ROOMS. FAlu c Ma5ASSi1AG '. ECALTY J. R Troanoski,322South Slate St.u JI F. SCHUHJ, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction and supplies Gas and Electric Portables, GassRnd Electric fixtures, steam and hot water heating. 207 [. Washington St - READ = Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE At All Book Stores Don't Miss The Sale. 1-4 off on all U. of M. Pins, Watch Fobs, Hat Pins, and Souvenir Spoons Call early at f'. J. SCIILEE0E, 340 S. State Street WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR FINE NEW SPRING AL * *** AL, AL A '+' LINE OF4 ENETTES SUITS TOP-COATS CRA V 4 W.e tate te pputlar' tleserge in all the difh'erentt styles antd a line of fancies thtat are sure to please you. Our Hilat ad Furtnishing Goods Departmeteu is replete wills all the seasons latest styles. W A D H A M S fC O. 121-i123 S. Main Street SEE OUR. WINDOWS 1 i 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - - - - wlwwlw w **#$**# 7 F XrloN-n~~ ~0$ THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD "TheMagmra Falls oute' I) 1D AE .XS 5 jjH I'I. 4 5T1 MSt TSR SHORT LINE3}Ot' ' CHICAGO Y You are particular about yours. ~ 1 ARITku ie e.2,ta IY RB R o OSTN e reparticular aotterLaundering. Lv. No. 6*-SuT: oam. Lv. No. 5NOu gsta NEIYRK""211:35'l so. Lv. "a3- 4:50 p.m 4t- 8: tit.. Ar, 5*-1235 p m I TV L~A~Daily except Sunday between Owasso and {ttithdirecot connections at Chicago for VARSITYI'~ otoa.I hrug y dalyso)tt un $t. Louis Kansas City, St. Paol andTld.tTaog isd al y xcpssn tt WeseL For Insformaion and BEllLL PHtONE 9258 daA E y. Free chair carsuon Nos. i und 4. rough tickets call on or write to W. 110ME PHONE 99521 S.'TA VE. W. T. WILLIS, Agt., IV, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J JAE gnAnAbr~t~g(tg.vvvvvv'cc. e... KIRBY. 0. P. A.. Ann Arbor, Mich. WVE ARE NE VER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE