THEF MICHIGAN DAILY. *.....f................ THE II C H IG AN DAILY. Entered asecond-classa t ter atithe Ann iti lIIe jir i~Published daily. od .c tdd a b1 o177 t tlle e ar, at 117 F. Wasinagtonastreet, c CXXX a Old Phoae 82; new Phone 7.111t " ~~Managing Editar, J. STANLEY BALEY. 1 si:1 EDI01TORlS :111 XX Athletics -----------------CLYDEa L. DEW Newa-------------ARTHUR 0.POND'lctN il Fxchaages. .......Jsph Y. Kerr f tl Womn .....a.......Ida M. Brorilgg THE NEWV SPRING Office IHours: 12:30Otaof1:30and 6:30Oto 7:30 * 'XXX iv Address: CLAUDE A. TIOIPSON, Bu.Isiess . WOOLENS ARE tlanager, 331 PakardSt., Telephane 4a1,.tr READY a11i. AndtheStyes re Editor Today-W. C. SANFORD. bilga 1(IIIX),i unusually Handsome. ll--11 Thegret firXI I s 40'I'.XX lI;IandXIall ileX' IXX'X .. * **of \IiciXgan 'spirit. \VilaXX'CX'1 theX pe-X' that X I P 1 11 R p i f luii ii resutllOf the 'fair tax be heXli'' (l c:' Iof ' SChe XX oierXX AitX1 X:,tXllCre vi;lai ;;I ;X I( a trI; XX 1 X at I ti C 1but 1l11 erne XXX}Itilld-X 4)1- XXIX XXX XXX X' XI;; l X1XIIIX..IXX I; \'(t Itt'll ,n'akill" around Xit' t lt' XII like tXX;XXXX' XXXnX a;ll XXXI XIX I; laIk wXXihXXXIo huXX'I7IXX r XcIa IIXhe XIXalXr .XaXie)X,"1l) n4. XXXX ;';'XilXXXX andllXXXIII XXII i . hadc1 XXXctII I Ia;' XXIX 1,11111. lad cccal~tl ft~nl XXXriX in 17;'a scatIShow. X.'X''IXI tilt 1 itXI C 'i r n C XX ., XXIXXtCIX.XXX 111111tl \I' X.XIIX XXXII 11t1tie XXt\\X XXIII II a It1l1 a\IX ii XI' t XXX ltn S.XXXXI;rC i X Oi. N. WILD IAJm 311 S. State St. . Sorting and SAthletic tioods (OLF CLUBS ~ OLF BALLS tGiOLE BAGS TENNIS RACKETS STENNIS BALLS TENNIS NETS { B ASEBALL GLOVES SBASEBALLS & BATS Best Quality Lowest Prices SN[[NAN & CO. IUNIVERSITY BOOKSELL.ERS 00 +++++ + +++4+++++41. stiiiie'ii Xbiiy itill rceCive.' a iii peitusX' i 11il l'XNlaIi.X'l'l FS . ,\ 111 1111 ICX I-1XXII IiPS i.iiiii ami gn by theililiiiininaiiiX'Xon al he icketsI of the XcXnXiiate',7wit thelisix tu"tei ps,1713 \i IIXXXXXIIXXX. Xih 07i'l law . 1.Innii s, 'oia li -I A.iiCI FardiH. 'Xl'ucki'('' Sinii i iir II Ii n~li~ten en te m itce are:Xliii F.lii gbeieli law;i. R.III if; Wairdi XS7~i. i owmanlu'8 liIringiiil 1i.ill l~ii' ltul Xli inl r;ii'l/.i'RiiXLang iey, 'o nll tn 'iu' XIX e iilrIp liiXi Th nineontc I reo ikt HOMs ollw :FeikT.1iELPH B0 EdiT;LONG DlISTANCEak 07le Xi XXI; XXXliI. ii SI1 th XX i C lub,1111 \XX;lil l i XAlXX~i SIXlIXv ia XXXi X "= ti11 1 C XXii i Xl XXXnttt l;Il " .1 1 Stationery Sale A hig outiXin stindard lin'Iof FINE STATIONERY A 1-2 & 1-5 RLIULAR PRICES fIveoI s incXlX" XiiIuing. hgh gae 1ll s1)Org dies,. I Ii forml'llCy Se Pkg. llighx grado p71 ii' i'iiX'" fo ly'rP WAHR'S Federal Bankruptcy Law Wih amill~lendmens of 903. Col" plit'uithl ordr nili d 11forms. 25C Abbott's Cases Municipal Corporations $2.50 'he American and Eng. lish Encyclopedia of LaW 1sit edition, 9 \volme $350) Wood's Reference Handbook Of the Medical Sciences 9 vos. liathter, file condition, orig' iiial price $8o~oo, will sell for $25.00 C. [. BARIN[M Both Phones 326 S. State St When a Man Ous poo1)1 soap, his face rebels-becomes soread irritated. Soothe it with WILLIAMS' S; C1 a ; f i M " i i Ht11; III P IIriI11 '11111 Il 11c a- l li'. 1 : o1jXXX1h fa irXil XIX;1 A FI , til wti 41 11: .XIX XCi v )1 cal IIICCX I 71111t S( t~tlli'rIX1 {'11117. ('i'XX.IcrniClul i. 11 I;II 1 1 ii.XX'I 1ti1l111l .11111111 7'1 k.11111 Ni 'IR CI'. HIIhand1111 1 XXIII X atIII r 17.111 XX XX at 1 rI :l;3 to a11. fill11 01 XII p1.1y ai 1.11 ad1 1 +,' 1111 XXXiXu l1 NIEWXS 71177.5 N)II,'- It .111 c''i~lt ti (+ 1111 111l" l Xii Ntil ii C XXll CIII IXsgIand1111' 1c11 11 (1111) i llXI Ticket for fotur shamapoos, one dol- Aar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. University, near Quarry's. t-th-s tf. ONE COMPANY BEST LOCAL SERVICE 1905 STEINS WM. ARNOLD, .College Jeweler.. 220 Main 5t., - Ann Arbor I This Space Belongs to S. L.A. m OUR SPRING LINES ARE NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION Henry & Kyer FUNI"ES To Men STI1VBL~fiCLTHNGLINDBNSGLIMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.