SThe Michigan Daily
VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MIAY 15, 1905. No. 152
-~ -~____Varsity Leaves Today for Second Last instructions to Showmen and
Clash with Illini Coach Mc- Patrons of the Fair Before the
Great County Fair Starts with Gay Pageant This Allister Optimistic. Gireat Midway Begins.
Noon-Initial Performnance of Big Midway Y~ra tan i'thu' an .oi rurfi'attr'l
Tonight--Lots of Fun for a Small gng defelatedf the varsity in a ire i212i- shotw whicihiareto bhagiveniillthecon
Sum n of Money. Tlt ame by the sre o tor . '}' I -t' air atpeared yesterday at the uet-
iii iiwas ill die. boxsforn thirvarsitya'itin tg caliead b h ei collecrtiiig treasurer,
shwe ta h i i tid-seasonii oru the i' siiiiiiitter wishrs to give tiltafo
The fig stret p irade wfich at s oriill aleft, "'Pir Fortunesi ofiifh-'by lii. m is ppnens o wohi; iwitig instrutin.t i v ry thow is
fronti tile: gri a 22 tdy w1 11 at ye 'atl I liis ifEs tu lp- fPileue mllyii'.todail 1:,.5ov r sked to 'arri t hesefti to thei letf e
ttitiati' what Insanise ii t b fl bg 1(1 i ft tar lat fiiir in alioig ina lil h m1212 iArbor tilroadifor t f ti If sa fhat ft iawrki if the rioumuittee iIi
get tinig alolig teline iotf iia n n . vaudiiiiliiistilt -tellittititti 1it. all Iandtil ia, whene theyi ll t rtunati~rtoniiighit. couitinti heir rsults ofieacfi tight's per'
mtuu eniiteirprisett' ii i \iiit lasft i' irc neafatuire. 'Iota ou ili' norul t heyifr go intoi Chaii- iuuairr iti ay be sotum fiat lesseied.
,)out- 1witi t i tfi the ii ii f itr a rifal il I'ohg ranl as rrirfbrateduf iiar ai~tis, the i, f 'ijd ii i io fieruies. Nliftidfay tickuttiaherandufto hue itt sttwn ticket
as more tif 'iii its pfot'liltiws pfromuiise;'gnor a coi'iie rtiire list iiigfih t. tfiiy iiieit C ticago atiuNlfar ffliafifd it o
fur it th ifu stslo e ;lby avekindy uteres' ifr rit ices i~,to tfethir las'ut 'gamirifo fis' yat'r f itr~igo, a erfi tti usitiittf reuf astiif fi
a iiilii'sity ill fthfe liUn ifd Siates. N it I iiifi tff i coutmtittr at if an have befi sreti trii'iiiiui fiotii fiifnda yit t ii'u' irflow aidthif IfItIItIfer mutt bii
imy aet he tf i sIiiiiitti'is ii cfiI ale gldl'acetuefaid i vferu a fifacerailfit'- 'oft \ft hffi itt iiifaidt tiiigfiiifiati pfifeir iliiearfi tirket hox. ifife tuataufe
in tueir etiotis, hut sterylt' f f r iii'' iTalii il i uf i ica fic iiibu t i f t uit uufiundcied ufulrrt if.not apptaf t hist
izattoa nduil it eesi'i evei iry suetiii a'ei 1s h tfi(-fper formuat ance i tfhe.ifieatr is .is to who wiill pith is \hentdellf Sang 3. Etfe tach ' w iffill tntits ontitic
toistl u tiri niigli toi the saiiiiiiif to liiti ian11, adfmission m yi b hada t r 1 N ft I iiind fii ii iiii ac: lin grei acntigfit attifplare themi i nitl
Miake iiiiugfit andf tiiiioroiiiiii ugfi's Olytittli ict uin fi'ig tfi resnainfr1. pef)1\'i hn ~esdsodryianrs htte atb
11w s hge scces tatevey licl- f he )n ac plylt-:ift hh Ili iii iandf 'aii go jetrt e, atil couteds'f fy lie cottmtittee. A
iia atcn fela. s ich fi ii pititeSin itiii o' ri .si iiif i ifi ifiike ith fitrip: iTaf t ifnd fltch, fip istoiii'ha pfaced it n ra th bax by ite
as i itt itl ivrrs in's ct i ut r ackif ii iii'' '''i.,\f iii N ftN e, Wendfelliti t and rria~ta t han's, statitig the axact ttttii
luff ';Gin to lhave gaithei th'e ifs iii i', pitafiat's f 'ree first; fellfy, fiat'of adfmiissiont o thi fat tiatrtitflatr
frsi i tat tef . 1x11it' e i ni ex- secondil; Caitpbfllf, shorlt ;if'lnirit third; sftw.
'ati: autiE.Ii i~l i iitir' Iiti ifltalitfi ii i lrlcrs. right :Manuagi'r J iiltu's're 4 ftenrutifplyitng witfh thu abate
Th'fen taradfaiilf iithiout i mfbift ie lffli trd It) lit I tfut lave thlei iirfockt fl t fat fu r lau i'il't fr 1tirt 'it. acf sh t s akif ftt eaf
litytftitig alaong simtila i nehits wic urih ii1) bo Its bliitg wittfihills. 0(fithetf on- i tit miii' Ifua} at Il ts s li a' ih' ~rftttitc o tk t o i
Arit' fa Itil glti a'i iifut'Iii' ~ ta i' at iif i ii li it f t II 3,fi t ffito f taecouty fair comitti ea
of g'aigupnInfiit miain a lay. TIe f I~ iiisit piniple.Is. f it aientthe p1lan_________________ rflf sf a ittfe dui fie o
routteioveiu i'i ci' ht' this gargtlii 5 fagiat t ii heflu. uuttutui tof a r rangae teprices.
as te saIaf ilsitiatu ee I s ta t u of tearivl. 't e illfitsrecounteuf by tfhe cotm-nttee.
pleastot cui l'ls arit.tit h ' fisay u's iipro- iy21111I threc ofaTh e fastds iisnt I t iiii ii. fatiil t u n At a friae. is to he givent to the or-
gnull ptstuusiiastgiventi llt IIili gtiiventutu htitittcb il t udeigonts iuf 1heinIuftcll h bselusies begifins tti uaufpirii uii h ar af
tattttts'tuu wa t' fuo a ifaus fick of fi'ilf at uftit in lik utuf hu r nt ex t ti t iii ithll gamel et we eniflt aiythe ilitit tg div i i kueall sow th ri ateac-
(la's fiat iy %ea tiitat ha norkedh acoircflt'igee iltufa in ti lo t lev l K iifunofritsisut tal t ottitlitftptrsti duriof nft tcetsaittakes
tutit ~ ~ ~ cnnln eilh'nifta. Al ii p gimnt ufa(.ti'ut go at d X07i andi08itsf. tI is iiat tri lae
iaf tptiuttn ian attratio ua'uiiis'n'ill he gy - iuttcacii t a u'x11iefs tedi IfitheiiDaily tir li is ilrg ad fiatke uttesestrctcanatid
ttasuff fit ututManyt whasetiresi l a t f litend j itswhtiyuf ikean fie r tstt' fttt t nti'' h a .htgicesl tcu rttypssble\Vatet i t s gyt takesn
spfaceti aif ntfi pesri t iite t e woredtt havi t ttu rs gflitedluo tatyu tillt t eu I i tim in C s fdtfa aufors sauitihto Baruto-gttiwil
au l b e 121t tl i. iifitx1 itt the s fidoa btleii toseetasgreatt'eattftrfufit' rts it tleu da oSl a tt he c0~ lss oma ftsb Motudy heretu illt bexiut oe etac n
hut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ny aiil fa tlchanceft ss ui il iftfu i til a sr it hu aif4f t s o th fiatd pttfitf l Ifteir ''art aittiug t l ftt if
an ir, t~fthes'oon-daici cu s pafil rate tim ii utlha. tflut 17ttuis mit iitu* 'iouf* fit thrtoae t h e a etiff il
trti fat it ti it Ifis taks a ttl t t i atl p1-'o iittu 'olitcst, ifoFda ,act' o l s a xt
andt ext ns e ha a not 4i tit tu islttae v r at sou tf it ai a 4 ,4P.n. ]fai tct.h Siat Csill A gf al e ea
and admision to tie. showssil ti isI1. nvetlt-fiele asttoftFery field
Ahs has bhait nnouuuncedai, te.fit0u1's of
thea Watermttanu gy'iu t(tutaini attrance
toi thu showusiinsie)fs'l ut he it pen a'i tt
7:30. Tae first perifotrm iance fflthe
v'audetville showutat slrts at 23. In itie
ieanttimte the flug friee'hfibitiontiniia
raited arenta ill the canter of Barboaur
gymt tillfbe futlaed if'. 'T'ecmmte
adfvises that thea crowdufcomeiuearly andu
"see it ll''"IUfonathe Iidwayfiuit evtenry
contceivalesattracutiotutuharacutritusic of
the. St. Louuis Piki' will fue shownuttforthi
ll a fblaze of clruftawthile i fthe iiiual
barkers iwill tltuut III lanuage:u'ngt'ti o i
bei qutesttined the supifttotrivty f tlirt
Ouil p artisculari' sfui And it it is I titu
Wfhispered afuttthat the gameitispn
site caordta haclteisticth io f the ntive
Ameisricaniichi'i p.'T1 1 1it uu t'lias
piroud of afppesaigtiiwill prpsis btle
planitatiosnitmi nstre1lthi yterii ifth
Mile atduf 'i sfit/tif wiulIf-fuiaitutufy'all
sit: tt 'et'tig
Bleginntingtig efirst u0 ii foruinancattt
eightt anid followuuing fit a s'conim-
first, the'aiudeillefshowtui willfe fit' g
thtroughouut ite grea'ltser'pfat Iof flue'
evetiitg ini Sarah Casut aell Anigellf half.
TPhe t'audaville wiifo urm a adistintrantd
exceedingly bhrilliat fiaturei'of ills
big fair. Thelurotigraml tartds notingl
bttellf1kniown'mrit'4,thisi ra
performerstos iirecommenduui t.u I Ii t ill
sftides Jose hei tgs t in ftag faiiuifiig,
John iRutyhWiflitusutvuion soi, Dlr.
Mhay, cub .singinug, Newatr ketanda
Hfinstwange rcoei nstu the' gymteamult
Withfsoteattawtutn' triinagtu lstuts, i-i
tirrbfrothiers utithiguitia.s, Gordon Men-t
delstoahnt astsisd fby Mi sMaudf II
galIf, i theitr t'auille'uuftskit ;"h
Charm, of Musicr Paul DickethIeI
eapoks tnd MtssF l'aa nins their
furtys' wsn tatnlkes i liie vauideville.
Howevert ain astudtul whotit doeats nuthwishi
ito fsend ftetmaxitiiiimuamunut caurag-
uaehis rxfusi tureto til'wt his fpocket-
bootk, andtuwiti less.itant sart-fivte
Ia ut e ill hit.aleltto f t hi aveeeinitg.
of realh cullsegteeifjoymtiettwifichillif
everi rema inhis cheurishedsfcol-
hugs' ntilutua
'lhla futt costusruionttatud decoira-
tituit sf the giuuuuuimn h las rogrested
rapilfyf. Caitrpentes a ndiu electriciatis
aeIbetrat workIf' _ n''onights atid
lll hit' t'esteray.i'Thif comniiteein--
sists thatseierythtinghue compfleate bty fivr
t'clockfthits'ening, adutiu 'i7:30 wti'u
itifooirs uuhuuthefisbig fairuuwillfbeuoi
w t :I flush iniiiall riiutm ilat~ st.
The coIlliuty fair tcommtittee hasit beeni
u'uuisifualfagitatedthes tifeat ysii'
bec'auiseaif fteiir ruitlesstefforts to hut'
caeta urious sothiniig" titishi
two i formrisM icihiganthetun havet'named i
hiftuiciuu anth forwutardedtftomt Mexicoi
fo xhbtona he a ir.i A tletgr'ami
rceived testerdayuuliltits i5ii - is
uirtg. ftred
Cictago, Mtay.1
fV, 1. sitse, G nifl(Charmn
Coutuittyin Comtutee.ii
avlcatadrihiinpo.fHas stoosd
the iti eIf r Sar i eaminetl
uti.\hVihf ri-shif toiiiAi Arorhilt
tr ails arrti tg itere it it 05
Tti Robetais.
A,,s ilhe'telegramti ii iicaias, 'Prtiutus
fRberts twtthotas ianiafe far tile 1()i'3
fotaltaamt, andha itiat eetlocatedf
ini ther Shind),t'City, itisituenattemtinig
toi locate ttir'liaitfiiu fronmi thalt fpoint.
fir. S:hart ill hi' recognuized as antattuiti
suit anhriuhiopotlgist anud headuf ~the ati-
thur()( iifigiu'ah idepartmuent of Chicag&
unit'arsity t hefrlfaheirfishas eenahbl
(Continued on page four.)
da. 'ia lay 9, 4 P. ii.,out South. Fesry
fiefld Klfatch 5--07 fruits-phiartuuts,
S"auhutsdit Ni it1to 4 ftP.iltn nSoth
Fer ild. lhiatch 6-ta.5Ofits'o6Iililt,
hh'ahuursuf'it' Mai'. 10,i4i p. iii. tautfteId
cast of Ferrytfld. fat'7- oh6etig.
'rif mliiis, if muir sdit' 'hat it, 4fium.
tutu SosmuhiFeirvtfireId. hMatch i8r-'
feics-ftaittuniltosIThintsdat' Mat'it,
4 P. tu itnielrd eastomaFerry field.
:fatchfQ-i-'05 medaics's05 rug., Mofayi
May 1,t P .,mnSuthFierrtiy'field.
Malth 10-innertu mtcih 1t vs. witntr
mtatcht-hi itith it 'lhay 5, 4 P. i]., out
fied est f sr.vifil.Mhatch it--
hh'intuue ut m fu ittch ' ine umtch 4'
TPue'sday, 'lay thu 4,muilSouth
Ferry fid. 'ltch 12 -Wintitus''tach
Smvs. mwitnr tutcihIi6, Tesday, May16,
4 f.t. it., nie ldf east of Ferry fiehd.
Mhatch 1t3-Winnter mtfh 7 vs. wiutter
match8, iTursdfaiIMay ill, 4 t. it.,
oni SiuthtFerr tintlhd.h \'atcfh t4"-Siti-
tier muath iito vs muwinnera lutll 11,
'PTursday','layf'mu'itt4 p. tn., ottn fieduast
of Ferrv fieslhuh Matchi t5---Wititte
mtch 8fvismuwtutuert matichIi9, Motnday,
:-lay 2, .a 1,tt, f o tiltFlurry fiuld.
'latchfitim--\minnrmtch 1tit2m is. withteri
ma ftc mmi;, iniu mud Si,'la}'2 , 4 ft. 1i.,
mii Somut Ferfr'' ielda.ti'-late}]i 7--witi-
tser iimtchi14 ii. ititner iutteah 16,
We'dnesdayia Y 'i 3 0, 4 p. Its.,a0nSouth
'IlAfIff H DloAN,1'S RFLCf'fuh.
In flushtnigfht's faultycoatcart AMa'
datmti'SuaI Doanei was hetard ini a pro'
gram of umoust deluightful uiiitmberts, itfich
futly conufi rumd tsr title as ant artist
if tigtalit'ank. Pita c:Schooil of Muisic'is
tart' forutntem'iifhatitug so fintished a
piatnist onit's faciult'.
All i1ta.8 etgineers repaint for -practice
at South Ferry field at 3 p. m. today.
summitol~ all side shotws iva cetsi ; ad-'
mnission tto vaiudevtilla fifteeti cetnts.
All1 patrons of thu counity fair are
askedf to brimugshtall hills atnd chtainga
withtl thrum soa that the tickatsellhers nat
hue aidud ini tmakintg chianga. Itt accord-
aurt' with thue custatmtestablitfied hut'the
fair af tgo2 all pierfoarmerus inth de var-
touts shmmis tuill hue amitted boit nights
for thie stuim oint h'ttttfit catnts. Thety
are reuesuted' to fiaty their admiissiont
tefirst tight atnd tickets will lie pro-
videsd fthem for thme secondif tight's per-
forimanuca. Thote wiho have bieeti asked
to sall tickeats antdfalsolthfle ticket takers
for ther tmaitietntrauceanatd the vaudevihle
show a lre requestted to fbeott hattd at
6:30 o'clock atud report for'TPruasurer
Any itnfortmationt desired during tfhe
progress of the fair can he obtained at
ih ftatfire of lie coatittee in Barbour
gyim. IDtoorstofma terVmhantaugymtiwilt
be pe t thia ge'ral publlic at 7:30.
TPickets itill ftc good at all shuotws en-
cit theafohllotintgiwhteresuch a sy'stemt
traiteenfoundimpftutracticable : Alpha
Phut L alms' Hoitnefourniah, tndaputndett
girlf, St uta Nit,/"ltasi, Theta Delta
Chitus Iniian bsket Pi Bela Phi, Mit
F ollotwitg is. a list of thu booths antd
thusr itstubers i Alpita Tan Omega,
2 Delta TIaui Delta, 3 Owls, 4 Zeta Psi,
flPi Rho PSigmta, 6 S. A. E., 7 Phii Delta
Pit 8 Beta Theta Pi, g Y. M. C. A.,
to Miu Paihi psiloisu i Sigma Nu, 12
Delia Kappa' Eptiflon, 13 Southernt club,
is Alpha Dulta Phti atid tsi Upsilon,
up Delta Clii, 1h6fPenntsyhlvatnia club, 17
Daiufscfir Varinti18 Pi Beta Phi, 9g
Ciii Psi, 20 vacant, 2t Sphinx, 22 Delta
Upsiloni, 23 Michigainuta, 24 Phi Kappa
Pasi, -5 mckyMouuntaiticilub, 26 Phi
Gamuna Dtffa, 27 Alphua Phui, '28 Theta
(Continued on page three.).