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May 04, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-05-04

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The Michigan Daily
NO. 151
Michigan Defeated D. A. C. . ;ter- Celebrated Esgyptian Mus'eumn las Corresponding Secretary and Treas- (Styms W ere Taken pos'sessio of by
day in Close (lame Score j Ben procured for the urer of S. L. A. to be Chosen-- an Army of Workmen Last
Was o to 4. County l~air, Change in Election. liEvening
Ol o~ its 5515N.5' stits st it tsW 'sisisedthe fmisiits sselsslsthsss o\
liii Xw lislssits lt d fete t he f alst 1)_ a, *1155 listcii' ofsthe l i dei's >51
X:k .sL'- tssgsttssstssly a 'ssssof ()s0)-4 Ississ' agen a'is ttsssis'is'ts'tslcir
The l~al to ~ l', roln 1)et',,i mit flit lua i tatis l it heIsIi-itea o e am
th s'r it sol'tisig s'lst lit-.sif t X ess tis sl iii' si, c ll osti'm o ti \ltil
dlwid Sa -i. cr s-\\ Is. l.the t ' .st s iy hs-i tcot s wissm i i l.s or ny5 the
Campb~ll',I uisr o uld i I A. ii i isisi t lii liigT , i tillsgiast publ li y n
"cttt'd tl \5lt ilste elslsight iittllis ~wuni md et
"l ire v and \ startedil ,wim 55 inthei'all thlit. -is It's's- s of.thIe- Sphinxs'
Wassaf i No on (Wh rdw ero. -siits' ldelht isisi heiii t~eae
C IllA~)s1, oft'l,.lil s-. cI(wl ig tlt sis ilt ssl~lis'\ia;snighi eiiatid
TheVA stidll 1'~t0il A \\as a i nt t ' l ls isr is 1-s ts-is ii-i Chos t r'I
cif thesi thidbhisisIt lstin sitis's-msi 1.11udcrcareul.rstrintTh
\\ ,\v it ii 6 ute s ils Iscliit l' i lhi's .stIla a sdirit's' ino is lllki et a t a
"Ittre ,tWih t tigs Ieaofs atstiret he
\Clhs.X ',ls 1s rt asi t t hem I I ipFmyIt-i t i'.rsttes will ai a
th fu th ,'rll' ill\, It i i h 's A .5 ia liiltsre it611 be prlits dss oriss
sitsl t' litsrrfic ssi'c Ior ihreis a l w In uvr II T its ssonsistsofSslsit' b iflo
st lshe l tisifthI sss'ssi to m~ iut ;} ;sisfith u'l l''-'i's s sil.rf tse Pyra-
x ' :Is'/ it)I, Iit1 ' I lt I()da tits 'I151tU l l Oil, 'lir rvi'l sil ii is issits l - 'l~
t i stiic c .1 .I ltist Ist is s rrtis l ss1stiti-s lii t-I1 i, tsi_. lis
tu t ~is' its cl' I.' 1t 'i siis isslil Isis
! lu,1 lists's ill list''. Iis1 Ad
sltui'"tl'il iiI lits'.'l ist s'slar
ansit sui t lr t 'i tli-.s l' v gslits' si's'tts
tlc a l i sllli lit' sts\gc h it t il
; su l rsk c-, lti4sts i g, l tilhistsn
I'll usssts'l t is r'aclts's st tush s-i
ual ursl . h hastil 11555555's ti l
It'rtis its \i ' s ti lt still lust:
tiiitWard i stilt liii t l l 'iii lut l it
sI ll 's srutll fgs s . 1 itsm ak h
c'i~c ~ )irtI.1 tlit's'lst lw},-bu
tllc si \si i s I ist;uassI tilt suit io tt
'it'sicc, t tisi ' is I a ittidti s I Rut
stil t il td lis'at d )is s i l ' its l n-s
i-st's lain:, ii .stOxil Is ins-Ilist
XX l !lck -i co0lt,-, \O th iy, i lir
Xlitis I l.i's' &IHsis l c;i sitls .
ca 1 Xll h s li ds tarted'.lis'i 5 ven
silt -i of si s's' l_1 t als wi chs i ars to
issibe ~ t i tl' th hn ts f t is sc t'i aiedIi
its XXii-sitnti gxiiilist tight
a isti stills sl with theh nits lboe
Is' the 'v ' smalIl hour 'trintg ts e
tinteiors' ofsilt : bitlg gsii ilslst 'e liot
te fail ' l Te st s's It'' wsillcotinu
th i o I ssissssttsti sand it ssis pi'stt
thtal i ~ ol l is ootih isisstitistit ~ sill
irs o 5'islsl i l is T ts 'silt) tight.
Th t ill beginstsic-ta'ttsk if de'ora-
siltshIchstill he, attte'nde'd toisy Ih-
Is' t'is 's'> it Itmsi utsifti tdu ts's
dlstil ailtistis iss snutg paidtosiel
atity a> t 7:1) oti'clck Fiday eveingt
it still g~ldden theu e'to's i anitold s'ir
cs Inwittills ictpursof ftrsaks sitd
ill OI cI w 'sl d fttlia'shs if artistic' st's
si vsii tIIItiul 'trilt- all I s -. 11i
{jII' is-t s illgls' It) righst, I tlig Ilis'
' 'st's.'lThegusts- -its is' I ilt- sdll.
U til tht,- iglsils il-isigltIs-Isllssi v
lead5 wich ~ ~ ilits ilflItiii sits-ti
" to - Is-isfits's. stit fild iittti' i th-
lruday Alscs llists's sill 'si iv ~s'til
asgainus t's'slistg sAnts Xi it tiits Isi
Pin andgic os WIs its l' tWit i
Iasugit s'itil rt dcfgats XX tilt itits i is
Isr. lts.~i- sslts ~ -ss- lt
R ii Fir l
t) [) I ci
1 ti a i
1 [ 1 O
1 1 t.j 1
ll ii t) 1
Ili,. l ti'sc'illatilig horrorss ofsthsits ~5s itStl
si i'~i i -IliF'} 'od H rad)ae~ac a ts-si o'~rlt-I-, Mich., i 'iv 2. dMi. la'st It Its utu ibe-st defi'teily ts'dci c
- - ttgssiaittsttli t i n its lss s tt ,s uisl isatthelis dooris 'f ithe fair still soe t t
I Xii's t . ittils' out (Is t'ire orh fsit Iss olists, - jo itt-lck. l T'e e'trancets' sill Iii
-s t1-ss-ssssg iats' hitaltly 111l i-tdcrel lithrousighs XXats'imants gym1t snd ats silt' it
twoili I t t~ ltak lck. ''is'The sss se' It te igts'eesho'sli whtichttis so be
hit 1 it1t-l d ii heittl t'rrk "sll t 1 tts ir1th.1e i - isi ugIsse ssss ig is f5 tl iss t'tstsu ths it
it Io ~t'ol~il 5.,iiesilaIskXe'sou.d - -i ,l lss lr M .H i1 w is it 251 si 't I I tlse ot htug art nvad s ill Is
aftrl1 iisit iiss'sit+1l - t sit sIsl . ii ns utisi'ss'n' tt laul i lss sl liit5 'wtgb i
's's it eldt dasy ltlie to;St li,. it tlil hts -1a, ..Sjo i is.ev nin Clalio II t i ti s-suli a tessssm i teslur ha o~l
Th puitc at icedtusta tingnditu lgsuasage-sdt05'r' out fsr help.'i'heo slit 'i erformancsit's-t te osis ofs itSatrill
ran a toule'of hsudres 'I'lstlists'rdlesrus lLckIs haI list storied us drag th body LCaswe~-llXAngs'll hill wsill lbe openerdtatu
putII a s I s1dtdayiofI,--s tug Isormsiwills ii it sits drt Pstings..laingst cutug a512int sill giottusrnlurhe bggr'st
ndgt ingthirtide blt't titol Iso b tsill I Its's liustiasil cry Io tsporushedl saudevo ills';houstsf'seorgusvon bysaudist
tilt Itttut tiul ~ ut isi t~ t o ths i fi lst tlls ps1555151 s i red all Stt I l tT c tsiiu il 'tl 8 (,'it c
ugalis :iii isit 1an5 is 'aIts aslug Ithtetre lst i h nrttrrs '1.1 sn it ils o
lhiislast Ihardl iuklusit today. ''ls-l'sIiately droutpped tteopse ans'std ran
miesoss'crcsit t ti fll stile-wtitis ug Iia wood ne sar by. Neiglhbos hoar' As soots a'sto taudeville tcruwd lit'
netgottiauted. uit fil-tIits'e. 'l'ife- suater-is lug tilt~-,hosts pitutsrs t he negroes buss boon ass-sded to5 anditu ( it' lg thetat's'
.11 5' tiAs etosi up ils'ster tye lsta' tilts'uttli'stalsii-. filled, ''Chief tBarkor" dust trill gut's
dli's iii5. Hstings ushosl ists'rviesoeve by a siginal asid thie Midst's) sill its ass ist
Cutis, AkorL sand l ,duuilI e this'Chicagao ct siIr listrald i sorter slant burst its activity andtuthis'hsilI
fis int'sisthlsthis' lanitts llsnd,hIsintg sailt1 "?.'!loise awtliistgiso's! iIIdoltsofithe barbers still resounusd thsrouighsts'
ac lists's1 this'kLiack osfI saintg its thus' this' I.i'i nougih ussisms usithisuit tsing t's big gymunasisums. 'Pihe- 'i tuiap
its", ais'setintusghi-ut tetslto thue'ittushma-e51wa5)stlls the bodyitfuslsitswill be the phase of costsssanti actsity
elevatin and pi tds s imberedilso poorluh iusbandssu' i1iwonder-t ilt'r evertissten Iisoaclutckwthetis-u ilvaudeville
up a ittles- ttiltI- st d isco u tts s's s-I lus t t-si lsts 'l51ir d sription? Ct)ih 5programtu sill i ss for'uthelirtlst perfstrm
I . Is time tt' he I' lust ubidl's. S -tuhIsesIy wletreliis I'l.) it'ss its- std te bll sill ise at soics's e
I'~d Is tushti lt St1c i lt'er hu ut u ii ht's.ita bsolu l saed hets 'skits's ats hblsik'sa s P tIiul liti lt' lliss ibaikers still
Slt tisuut' the pole ' tult stud i.r.a tr l ust lth t!l it Ws itd, sitwftly set taut' a irst flust lots momestil is wile'
jumph tospft us lt 'hall llttuhin,111 strsotg, it, lust oue of hesitcrowdsula~serlls forItanotheurbug
himscairiS iedthseofhtstIttit s si rsits-,howu anduttickets arsusli fststhus
barsd. ilea.,s saturesi'thirsssihs'dlt r 'ssecondt.ttuisillopcrfosinance,'Whest
C 1,87; '.A NXI FS BR-i I(tIN i.Dl XX hiss-first chlice tut' sthus's."thuse'sormsa islitie's las'ebhostsgosne tirursighs
Comprintslg this dust'rip~tti ofbits.stllsthis'basrker'sstill ressews tieir bark
hrca'-,fbasibal o-ts's ass' ll hils) I hasuug'ssw ibh luautuoftheossaupedscas-annstd thus'big fair wtill agaiss be a carntisval
tsslsruss ust tus'stis-ulss or's 5 ushtuits, u s ubetlisdthalits art .ir s7&1ofstils' anud tutlitustilthe soors are
heIiogs tMondayu isisr's ight 111010 tre Ballot's otunthais ars' travelinug ittwatrdslstseddforthus' night.
i' U t I 't' . 1 1
Koh (- o.55Isit si c lts' oss-tul_ i-ia
Lullits th,;b.. . -its 1 -'
Xi, )onnes-ll If 4 15 5 1) 0st
t51id,: . ,.. . . 1 1 o5
15ssharttto t . . .4 51 3 9 it) us
kos e gals ...5.t () 1 us8 i2 1
br g tcf;t ) ) us
I t r d, hh u1 ,) o a i
XCarroll, Iit utut i gs s 0
Wen ell i lt fr til sits' ir st bise
lihila -X 15. )04 1t} «isutut*
lust C.. . . (list a'0s0ss0t 1)'l 0 tut
F't' 'Ih tr i t,,s its LIshti-11, uhCarsroi
ltrs isThrsede-ba se-s -tIch, Ohh rt
(la tch ~ttuu 5.5 p-tit s - al - t.
Alsiort isi 'Ng n rtitan"X
classstai:, siu ls e:iti i thil sirdits
to its> isiibs' oftthis- suit tt n usi tai
mititeos' niiisi'sitig i-ifdMISS Hlll, I. uSS
Shots' Itrasnk Diii), XXilhin Coc hsanesi
kal~ph Sopel, liairlii
a 11111lc ofu is -ipratti'scti lt'am s. It s d f
isiss1 t i) suits- al i seus otutuIi tra
luts f"l liSispu -usi iu-v,( ts'apcaancs it los
ltrutit Ists' ault stud bs l t'e puss'sthat
a hIltg huls the 'sae forth hi'sIaTupiotsiup I~lO IL PP LIX Is. Istht1lLI AR-.
w-us d silhe' a l5oesuit ts 'The 1(otitu Iss
last ti ya'"suhualilsarts'grItl> stak- Its l bombardiu will gutits luddrsess itn
snitssihitti- lo;, ofthetuirtrack s'ch,is, T appan ha lll at fosur )'lois' tiis alltr
, ttt t I t I "s. nostu plaitsslg usithu Ian susuon, ..ss -- lcnital mtus h Is tushFaigueo
slnit oitn Is,- Pacific lutst losigieT,-'hu- Isi t' u ,iimarihslustorps'dagougical
I; Iv iN-N YCOt_ iiti's I;- D t Ilhis'Dalsuithau ussusi's thessfollowuig
N-steait- tus ia i Vc'i .,1 C I'131't NI-i's I .Situ'sial - ia-
lusswitu1 iltuoos'sthe well's ittu l cIi's ustititi this notusis Siihsu w~-
tie ll ofettncr ie thi oeaccompanieusssd hut lei hbodygua~rdldoeap
,)tla .t X NIIllstreet ft l ii 'slthetOSkiut aid thiuaiiFac,5'passed stoughi
sssslstuuusuhs sssissuit hast lall bitt 5115515h i's,'this afternoon o1t hes li- s'ay to Annt
hu t' ,t tt. s t s hi s h i t It(- ea suit i -XthbotI tilue I lehi-it1hi apear a-t te
sut-l~ ailait itsorsrs iveut' ist s'touni)tilts
som rliefthsitsdot'ors allowed'u ltot _______
take miorpiesandsitu-1stdeahrasb un- it NIX PRiITX X illI CA.
dolbedy al~e Isalusoi-sd-->e o
the itsssLsil os.~l isdrug.Pit'htt'st eveningh odisusionthesubect
thrs it i ctug llb ,ocl 'le " ous it>g. t' till et e adt't'sbyiu t h loew
b hit mansuts studentl paossand Isfrd's preitdent, iWasters I,.Rogers.
The falirt will bh o ismstall shots-atil
the comtutteeisa's stoked altosrlte
nsosf its paitrontis by prstvidiinga
htandsomeis'giuides'iboL wicho wiltls's
plaints t rys'atsures'ofthss'shstw.'Thoso
who)u uisw isa o s'ehss'fair intshtes propeur
us .s shossld prosido theso eletswsiths
ani ofificial gidet hoostkstud ts'>ystill tiud
n)troubile in fidisng the attr'aciuis
thyac loing fsr,.Anotheimispourt
ant5 fi5ature5of tilt-1fairis55a.5postrilli
tlurs's'colorts uswhilthli-s bootsdesigined
by WX LI Shawi, srtaryi of this Al-
tlit a ^o ilttin T hliii Ituss is ' t its'
oldiilats'he AlphatilPlsessstand. Nl.
iShawuhIsspiltntasisch ts'situdsnergy
'sithiii produculti sitofte posts'r std its
pputlarity stud sits 's are assusred.
The couity salt abeuen adv'ertised
f-is anudwsids ni nsdicationus pstint to-
staid a gala wes'k endl amoung old gr-ids
whoareplannsinug to return torIa itsuit
to thirsalma ~ imaters

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