sLJG A N DAILY. _a_."__-O-P- "==-- *Studenxts Like Coat Shirts. lhleY's o s y 5' X to slip on, a .11 are1 less Iiable to be torn 1: * launds {wh~(X'bihfrequentiily make 'stoat shslu t of ' the * o ". Ne fe r l~'for qutis ails' a 1(tii s t .$i ,S lic coati * tis wee trl ")ii . £w Row 's au~ndry F)/Ired L. YSulNr,'ANNLAROR & JACK ON RY.AWTiIi AIL is Hoursa X isi2to4 l ls t. isis- XIsiiXiisi,'ii523 is . AISONS isis isp iii asse Phonei 347slJi & iACSON RY.sis iii s TAiBLE- i tlitilIli i. t i i ei i tt r n i sssirut- W~xatlches Clot~tck And Jewe atllryt~t It : p iii: ii iit ve y lieltr iiiilti' li .iiii r i t sas1.s1. i.alile i2 hin s All 15is tes atchest, Jelerks0and Liewerty I 1 G . t i ~ EII\ ill > ssE