THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f+ DART, SCVIAFFNER& MARX Suits, Raincoats, Top Coats atnd STrousers for spring of' 190o5 now ready for your iuspectionu. ZLUT The Clothier, 217 So. Mair St., +4#+ +44 +, ++iof"1-l+l4I-t MACK & COS. TEA ROOM SFOR LNHEN ~Table D' Rote and European .Plan r, Everything First-Class 2n1d floor ...Money Loaned... j On Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and all High Class Chattel and ('ollateral security. 4 W. J. LOURIM. 104 4th A'e. Opposie ort. oos o ro os ssot 47fnew .lM.C.0A OF) IE ' 0o U iloe to to 11:30) 1 o9:0 ; :t9 to 8::0. Business Strictly Confidential. ENOCH 1DIIETERAY- Emblmeor andel Cnoo'oi Director Amlblance -Calls attended day or night. 21 5. 4tho Ave.; esidence sail' llonooo'054. Anno Ar'Oooo. I / . The difference between us and i a good tailor is less than a mile and more than half the price, We're both; alike in the suits we sitl. College l rtI Clothes make this a ready-mahde make-to-ordert store. Just for young fellows and old fellows who'd like to look young. Pat-I terns----cloths and styles a year ahead of ready-mades----prices not a bit ahead. Stdeblc'"r &Wulerth I 1;11 I\l()\0 N OT] CE. Fresh Strawberries. Served in Crushes and Sundaes aC the rlil Soda Fountain.. 11 il Q iiarry's DKVG STOKE illt * o cmuua getm11) Hot Luinch 1 At Ttttle's. 338 S. Stuaten 1~lli Akttention is called in tse flcsthsiai rOilranu ge's reside isss c onnec5td withli ( 1 GRANGER'S ACADEMY' (0Otsideooela sos d a s bly loos taller; sol so Will pleas ne o unceoo so s elloes y ring the so. Ol TO B ACCOS.Ir HUSTON BROTHERS ]>'} Jan, W. Reid, 312 S. State Street I have jost reciveod Sle robo.'.and floot- le or o ,Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes, ever Is ougll osthe city FINE LUNCHES IN CONNE'CTION Y EverythiongNoat and lrso A.-eaots, losr B.It.I. i e.00 30$ S. Stale St. R. E. JOLLY. ' "t it .t ilt( t alt i't3;t\' ;illc't'il ' l ti I, T '1't' c t i i jic'<>0 oiooFf 00 . 1' loo 0 11 .0 >> T l 01111 t 1 0t h -:r :500t lK w ( 00i.10 rcIs .000 00001 .oiil~' I 0 0 I. ''o"vc oo-, p k1 I cI) cNo 01). 'Ill I 1 ,t i s r"ilr tloss. "'I [!c'. c rr'su> o>> o, . Osc ' t000 E. Woilliam St. 0.0 00l1.. I 0011' Gee your (Gynm atptotes at Cashing's. o o 0,0 so . 0 Latest novelties til sutingls at Fll til lt tr ;i li i;2.3 1111 ,' ler & O'Connor's, 619 E. WilliaStl . ,V LCH16AN CNT~ "The Miagara Falls Route" THE aBORT LIREt CHICAGO A AN ARBOR to1 BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK With direct connections at Chicago for St. Lonin, Kansas City, St. Paul and the West. For information and through tickets call on or write to W. Wt CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. 0 TE r-I ..Carefully... iSTED) and FITTED By the Latest and Best Ap. proved Scien- tific I'lethods. laller's Jewelry Store- - PHOTOGRAPHS C.al1 't THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Sont Main It. CASH POSITIVELY CASK No orders toe cabs ior partics or entertain menlo will be taken ibis season unless cash accompanies the order. RATES: )OOnoulo' to an omoo patiesor0001 enter '00sO- tainnoi"'lts - - - - 11.500 Excls'iveoosous o'oo'oOaog' - .00 Coupoe - - - - - ..00 Robison & Co. Holmes' Livery Walker's Livery W. S. Stark THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TI1ME TABLE-Taking effect l b. 26, 1900 !17T11 I NOROTH -lls'1541,. -1. Le. " '+-- lo:50 loon } 40 -s8 15ip.s. Ar. " 5'1---12 3o loom 'tDollyexcep'Sundoooay bsteosensOossosand 'rTol'do. +O'l'to'oosstr oaionvdaily ex'etSun- day. re' arc ar 'o-ssoo Nos. 0 and 4. 0!V1.Ti.t1.1 S. ArO.. '1 L.. 1(tIRBY. Si. 11. A., Anon Arorse. .01s '10Tolo. Ohoio. CniusIsVIL ,lent Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daly Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Might Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks0 Tempt' Detrit. Mich. ~B IlIards Pool Stimlps on TLStimpson 334 Sozsth State Street Tobacco cigarettes cigars WE ARE N~E VR UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE