MICHI1GA N DAILY. oring THE' "11CHIA N T)AILY'. C olijncd from page one.) Ti lringines:Al ' [IAL NT3W SPRINO t XVOOLENS ARIE: (iow-cAI)EYC ig Editor. - NIA R IALE.t taaeC I.AL'1)10A.tTHOMt'SON. Josph Y.0' r Ida )1. Btti' i" 4 4 4 4 E)sh., wycr ti X 11il . iii i r' r And the Styles are B 't1V1%1; TA W. It. tais.N. Puse .1 . It I ei zerI A.It. u *:1LII1ILIally H~andsomue. * perI-I. WILD 021$$-I.AIjotifI3Otor i W IL 1 latmgo' 311 Pac~kar'dSt., Ihlephtoneo40l. 311 S.StateSt. !.......................... ' "Editor Today-Ctarence E. Etdr'idge. Cal of the Wild By Jack L ondon and OVER FIIIV OTHIER NOVELS of equal meri ticludling it t iti~~ 1 "'tl~ho t r i M t t 1 tIIi 410 1'II 1: li.It f'I: 1 :1 1.1 it() 1 1 ,I N N tI I I ) ttt~ itWit itt ntiN )11 C 50 Cermts $ 1.50 Editin BodinCothwithBeaatifuland DisicieCovrDsgns SEOE TIHEIMATF IWAHR'S~t JUST RE3CEIVEDh Abbott's CasesPublicCorporationsl Price$250) BU.ESY... LAW, MEDICAL AND DFV' TJAL BOOKS LAW ANTI MEDICAL BOOK(S Both PhIonies 326 S. State Sti Sportioq andi '' I i *.Athletic hioods « _1__"l1'" ,4 (lO1l' CLUBIS 001,1 B lAL.L~S " CALENDAR. TENNIS RACK E"I'S I TENNIS BALAIS ., TENNIS NET> BIASIE IAIA. (iiOVI S BIASIELALLS S& IBA I S Best Quality lowest Prics ki ii S~[IAN& CO UNIVERSITY BOOKSLLERS 1905 f Y ..I[INS...... WM. AI{NOLTD, .College Jeweler.. 22011 Main $St., - Anni Arbor HOMEVIE * BEST LONG DISTANCE iHt111d (>i i 'c i . C 11 i t ir. i i l iIt r i 1 l ~ 1 ':t1, i i t l 0 irfc iit. i i. rI w 1111 'II "' 'K ill lit . 1 1it t t':1 i 1 , t : 'I'll it i I 11 1 i I v i4i i c 1i lii 1 1). 1).I I h 1t 11 t r : I t t t : Ml \V 1tillY I' A\lt'l'l S 1, 11 t i lit k i i'r 11 ' :t' il ' '_.\1:\il i : ll 1 t i iitits ' It' \!i : d " i r t t 1; COMPANY BEST LOCAL SERI it I uil it lti itk~ TELEPHONE It 9 W.. JA 's :-r w ~s i Z f. t " y ti: Oriental Rugs GREAT LBA (iA INI 300 E. Washington Street, CJor. 5th Avenue Oingo to the great demnodtn my, ex~ceptionaitl rare and finitIe I.ctollec i I deocided. to remain another woeek. S. E" lKMUlSSAWIR Of New York RUG RIEPAIRING OUR SP ARE NO' YOUR [lent TAILORS t'UtNISntUto nAt ntIFRS tSafety and Ease and ct.'ifot't iii shaving are found ioly ii theSuG hr latheIr (if the 01(1d'reliable WILLIAMS' T 'VICE 'RING LINES ,W OPEN FOR INSPECTION ly & Kyer os To Men have your Pictures framed at De fries Art Store oeMi'aaLbt