THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoags Home Supply Store t Corner Main anti Washington Streets F{ish Nvet, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses aitd Pookethooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictares, Ash T1ray s, Paper \Veigltts, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and Pipe Racks at Ipopiuiar prices. 'Tlis is the place. - & E G. HOAG. t 5 -Uurclhfield's Fine T'ailoring :. Tra de Guarantees... Yo 1,mto 1 s killfuland ristic sservice to he had anywhere. II i11111isii andi 11111tttiiline of seasonable 01001- IIes.\( ]a . to' at n'ifor etach .,w: Newel's Castomi Shirts. a an C0 ShosweY011 L ayge. beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- .. Burchfield's rine Tailoring Trade, 106 LI Huron -J Li5 r. Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats Froa the whlesale' tailoring house of L. ADLER BROS. & CO. Rocahester, N.Y. Ist raTitih e latest atnpro ed dcr1-oenow toady. We 111110 Olisil 1'sale (o1 L..A. 13. & Co'. 'b ll hg i tils locatlity. Mietiwoaeitonre stiatiordint- ari1y1paticlarlabllout the style I and it of their clothes arc no- toocil. invciled to ittspect these 111'1llcts of Riochetetr's ttost ')p- toilia0e'clothin~g mlanuatory. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule M ~ioney'Loaned o Watck0., Dialsooolls ,r1 (Ae c sonll l's propelrllly o vlue. i a '0 Y '. . as~l .W. I s, 'ik" c. =;;< tl. tilli .0h15 5C. Watts "A LL-;r' S FO0R QUALITY" td~5 1 NI .r c iK Is' 1111 Vi ,, 0 1I tl Allen's IH5a 'oTn.lore Clothe 5Suldin's Official Intercollegiate [BOTBALL Used Iy All Leading Colleges Fet Butt Fasts-Lace front.15 11111 nespadd i1 fineilIIZr lbiandg i Ilide A. G. SPAULDINGI & SONS, Inc. IpsA New York Chicago Denser l oiited by W' torila 1)11. rimot'Ci. SAYE A WALK DOWNOWCN f O[O D NCN 11 a} , lss Clocks, l",,is'c~. 1tt lllyiinoiotsllide gencOV p 1 "i olir tll1_111 ' '.ltO rotikS oar~ t ni I sf5~ Jewelry Repaired "tr;f r edes, Pene 4 I Oiittuliti 'd. it it'$1.001 Alarm Clacks .r re y, t'titotiln11'5'i tr_( l' 0010, _ H ot Lu n~ch I J.E. SCBL[[BL, 346 S. State Street * t Ts..t5u's. 338 S. State LAW SOCIAL CLUB. Reading notices, except to Univer-'FI 15 jst iteirgtooaisd finest OntiMtttdahy estnitig, Octi 17, Ihe' sity organizations, one cent a word line of Lttw Sttcial C'ltb sill give its annittl per issues payable strictly in advance Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes opentng paty atIGranger's Aratdemy. to the Business Manager only.. Uni- ever ton~l gtte i ity. Theislilb woul giv" a series otf eight versity organizations allowed one no- FIN[LUJNCHELS IN CONNECTION dlatttcts duintg tilt'se'asottti eIt'Acad- tice free. tf. Everyt t itu 'indiilea In itormtte oars thet assoiiatitonihas Try sonme of Cushing's Fine Chioco 308 S. State St., R. E. JOLLY li uhdsre oulrt ae.t.aogte1stdenits fortunteloenough N w r wik abe t haoc sttiretd tickets. A feature Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, l0c. I~Y D'l~~U of th'!tcltb this yeair soill lit'a''situ- FilherSi O'Conntor, l6i9 SFtWilliam. St. ime iTuin; tie lserits. AlreadtheGli to 10Cutshing' for ilrstieys&' REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS met~rhpis tiearly filledtansitu ho (aitter's Milk Chocolate. tfFine Cigars and Tobaccos. tipteninugtdance has tvrryjirtioise of I IJis. Wt Rid.IPIsp3t S.tte re suicess. tMessrs A. It. Niecholas, Jr., THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA HI. I,. C'laniry, anti J. fi. Stietarer htave- arraemeng't~ts iti charge. Furntishies tmusic for all occasions. GEORGE BISCHOFF Dance niusic a stpecialty. Addiress L. *t FLORIST Choice Cut Flowersanud ATTENTION 19055LIT. U D.ates, nianager, 8s8 S. tFourth ave- t± lants lT lis etng ofS ''io 1Litfootall i hue. ewPhone 289 tRed. 2tf T haiSt:0Millet noseo 115 si. andI duL l snoi A on .No :AMilleri tic lisiont£+rJ lern ilol b l u tlrsdlay, 4 p. mn., ait t'etiphy roomto tieect a cap- SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY. "=..4 Stubscritioins to the Daily take at lua (' Cliintiglut Orceistra willi Cuishiig's D~rug Stotre atid at. Myor's Parker F nl iPn play tfr tPr s(-;orScott's assembly kNetws Stand. tiates, $2.60 nor year, 00orintin Pe \V'edtnesdiaysot nitg. 1$2.00) if isaid in aitvantec. tf a herguleritli-weekl nettinig willi Get your Gym suppies at Cashing's. Mann's Drug Store 'ticle at Ni(-wlitrey Illtthis evening :.3t. M soiS.. foW1,t 7: to. iTeiteatiert is Mr. Sec ohe' Dais its Cuttitig, Rolyer & Cheistue51 S. aes'swo l s pe tiaka C'.'s winditowi. 1115,t bettecr 11,II t- ,t ti lorosi ' I s on Th l'atll to the Langter Life.' -h ave one of oar 1 ' } , ti 4 lust is god i wil r t h 5Allia t c riaillinitdhued cill Oiie. Two tie' tlaidlins for sate. Ini .iiiil11ets 5rt7tiy"Ajx" vii Srgio'ttqtire at . 7Packard street. .tiDOLLAR ALARM CLOCKS "r II st olmI ter (ticy. it,' at i, I Iiiersity of Ca'aifiirtiiain uhe litchiganen'ians $11.100 each at J. B. [IBLE, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. G1i-r1 hati-c. 'rh1'lireforttianict will Sheehan's, tf. $10 anti $15 hei uGre. Aifeatire of h'eli'ocea- p___________ Its' w iiealarglercessiont alter 'itaoiu. St aei'Atoltioer, Ialith. DARLING t&m, MAL.IEAUX.... ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER tlte Oietiial fasslhi, ini swiichi oi'r ad lt 'airvoyanlt. Rhigsihtgs dilait cignPllw'enat liiion t tihde en u', someniltiandii liii' Sti9lS. FitilliiAtve.;I itour s 'a.imi to ' ihia.ilos1P n a t Maisn Street ii to itillisingita us nun of Atoloianitip. Iii. Prics 'ino 25 cenits to $1.()0 1 nd Room Decorations. - 1"t p laesits on the altar. .'.226 South State Stree i A % A ' 0 r"' T OSfV o n w ill alw ay s fin d th e rig h t th i g at t hte rig h t t i e at t hte New Clothitng anid Haherdashery Stores of W D A[ t' " NextlDoorNtoUhe SteBank.I [ very article new and this season's styles. k LCxI AN CRL . Rowe's [aundry "'The Nagara Falls Route" Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. THE SHORT LINE 326 N. ifth Ave. CHICAGO No"Ic Phioni'457 lol luonei'457-,t ANN ARBOR to!BUFFALO BOSTON ff Ma g~gj n Funeral lNEW YORK U. li. JM1II Director withi direct citiiteciions at Chicago for St. tasoti Katisas City, St. Paul andOtfDfice 209l 5. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Ohe Westi. tFor information and Rtesidentie 302 S. 5th Ave. Phonse 314. thIrolughuticets rail on or wr~ite oW. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Ambulance on call. JI F. SCHUHI, Sanitary Plumbing,' THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Electric constructioti anitlsutilies Ae TEosASHIPIESi. Gas and Electric Portables, Gats and ____ ElecricIxitru sscrm aiuhhot TIME TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25, 1904 water Seating. _________________ 207 It. Washington 5t. SOUHl'NORTHusa Lvu. No 6x 7:'t it. Lv5. Nuo .. .'iT; .lt. LAr. " 1 Nut1pm. t li p.,. " 'ii 1403 aa. PHOTOGRAPHS or6:1p1._110vf:5am 1 IyexepSundiay luctweess Ann Arbsr Call a hIn ''oed. 'Ilirugh trains daiily except SEYMOUR'S STUDIO, an'i'o~ledou. IFrceelsbar carso(n Nos 1 and 4. sv. T. aWILLI~S, Agt., 316Sut an t . . .1 tItiY, i. 5'. 5A., Anni Arbors, Mich. South Sta~n St.ledousuo.uu WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE