I IAVV, SCH-AI-T"NE & NMAR\' . MACK& CO' S. TEA ROOM e IO1; C1 )l:ix ~tF: I~i{}it' FO LtIN II ON L U '; 217T So. Mi.iri 'Sft. + ercythlig First-Class. cFlo #n 1++++++++4.4+4.++++++ ++++ ++++++4.i + ++++4.+ +44+.+...'* * +++++ + 0 4#ri#riri- 11iirri #^ i-4--- --M+Y-#-PA--i -1-#'--# ...Money Loaned.i On W'tei4, I444i tt4i/ .It 44 ,/(\ m id tl ilgh t11w t, ti4444 W.J.LOURIM. + BusinesStrlictlyConfliden~tial. + ENOCH 0ILIO-V1 ttlhlance Calls attended de., or niht. IFresh Strawberries For Meni and Young Meni 1 tt l 't t I i 1 , I ~ ' It tf '' i : 1t i ) l '>) I l t i C it I y /4 t~tIt :L )t° I I' II I t 1C tll ltft tt I m I 1 C I~ II a i Price5. areon $7.50 i~llI ~ihttiL}to $30IIl\'Il (i~ ItIt' PIN-ScAN sYOUNG $7.50SUtS $730 t 2 STAEBLER & WUERTH "t) 1 \l/.N4I I Il/N NOTICE. 1'/t 4 1c/i tS/44 t:44 4 4 t'tS4 tl/ 1/! tl Reading notices, except to Univer- 4ll 44,t / /444444441. 4:n4 444444444444sity organ4iztionx, one cent a word t44/44t4i4s1 per issoe, payable strictly 45 adxan~ce to th~e Boxiness Maniger only.. Uni- versi4 ty orgniaion: 14444 l.1wed 4440 0o4 tiice tree. ti 4 .tl ' 4 441. 1:1 1 , I l L L t 14 Y SIIEDDEDP W rEAT FIELD-DAY FOOD '4444144/4444443 44 41 Oflili F' 4444/ 4 4 att t t .4444 144 44I414/i I Serv ed int Crushex andi~ -xunddicx at the SoidFtontain... I j zar ry 's IDRVG ST OKE Hot Ltinrch I At Tottie'n, 336 S. State t -ttention iscalted to the 1fact that ,Alf.ste..,. ger's residence is connected swith (IRAN(il3'S ACAD)EMY t~utx4iit 4f .1,and 444a's,4,y i 44444444, ails r Will iii ~taxi . 1401i4 4444414 444,t414444,44 4 44 4444 4.t5110t a 4 4 4Chal i L TO B ACC OS Jas. W. Reid, 312 Q1. Slate :street 1 Tlurkish Cigarettes and Pipes till 44 44i wi 44 I i+1' 44414 Kvl hi N a t a ll d i ati THEF SHORT LIRE CHICAGO AN ARBOR toI BUFFALO BOsTrON NEW YORK ;itil direct contnections at Chicago foe N.Louis, Kanss City, St. Patti and1 1t444 West. For itformtation and ~thtgh tickets cal044 or write to W. W.CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Try4/so444444 of Cosnling s 4rim, 44444444 1111 L l- - II c If 4l~1 l,~~ Go li s tolsitg'o tr I 44rxlio4 4,& 1 4:+11 ailler's 14Milk Choliate. If reir4ligat loller & O'Connolir's,6194 I~l Laitext novuti es in i rt 441 1441r ler & OI 'Conno~iir s, 4619 E4.\Willimi Sti S1THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Add 4s, 4,. 1), Bates, 44444o, SUS 4 1; li 1441 , 44444444e, /28S) 11441. Litf 4 4/ 4. iichh rl '~~wf1 r\,4 4/4 , I; 44 1 )t1\44 ,\ 44 I / ,r i l:4 4 1 4,7 1 1 /'. 1 ': (1 ' T ik te tisor fou4r 444 44444444,4 4440 dol- t 4t4/1,11\Iar. Soft water. Miss Vauighian, N Un1iversity, niear Quarr44y's. tIth-8tf S hredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 4 4t i 44 14i ri4l4 14 t 44/4}IC4c 444I /4 , 4444444441('} 4444444,44444 4 / cic I .ShrecdddWheatixsuit 4iy I tx. scui. hr:4 4,t a 1T4e Natusral 0F44441Comsary i 'i , 1 ,' I , I; t' i; . 4- ,' ; 1 4 ...CarefLillv... 1 ITI S"I 1)and I 1I'1 1) Hty t..'[atest prosed Scieiit tific lelhostd. --hailer's jewelry Store-- P HO T OGR APHS THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Soot brain 01. CASH POSITIVELY CASH 44 ....4...........+ F+++++ + lDont Miss lhic Saic. + S1-4 off t}!all 11.(4.11. Pitis, Wa5th Fo.-;x, 1411itts, antd Souve5nir >44444441 JF. I. SCHIVIttF, 140 S. Stale StreetI No orders 4f4r cabs for parties ac entlettais THE ANN ARBt)R RAILROAD ments ilbe lake..tisxseasontes,44iANN)044 ,4000(444 4411NV cacSciopanies lhe ortde. f 4IIWE TABLE -Takingoefec~t eb. 26. 1905 / RAsTES: /}~ Gu ~444it 4IA)4and f4(44I444 4444444401,444444444 RoOboo & Co. Holmoes' Livery Walker's Livery W. H. Strk Lv N) G I II . .4 . 1+V 14, a.m4 +4 214 ;o .14,4.111. Li. 4 :W44 p10m 44 - 41544.44. e. 44 1:2::i4 . i n day. Fe arcurs44 44on444Nosx. 1,and14. W. T.4 WIL1L4S1.,Act.4 .1.1144 t1Y,. 414.A ., AiiiiAcbo,4Mich. 44olc4 ,,O4144o. 110iue IKINs VAI1LEY 1jJ lent't'ran service. You Will Find Four Trains Di Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DhPOT'S IN TOLED1O AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Elhs' Templi Dtroit. Mich. +.4.4.4 #. ..44 . . . ..4.#...4..* t 334 Sozsth Statg Street Tobacco Clgjarettes Cigaras 0 1 ++4.4.+ + + ++ ++-+ +++++.4.44.4++ ++...4444444..4444...... WE ARE ML ,rVEFR UNDEgR SOLTrD J'GOODYEA ' r.1R'S DRUG STORE I