l 1 u LA N DA1L\. , F +i i+ sf4 rPĀ® * Oa44 4 4l 14 b fi* + + + ** d v S; q P -- 13SEEM3MtNSThATIONi D. t" C. Looscarf+I Collars Incour Nvinidow Saiturdav,. T April 20, 1Q0)5 t Q~ tl bG~ Cu4Ttng,. Wahingt&nC5.: $3.5Q REGAL $3.50 Thev have arriv ed and just wvhat you Nvant TANS KIN GCALL PIGSKOxfords ;WAXED) CALU llt;style--;and lsome Sty les ou i onti i e nlvibfore Paid Meyer sJ Pickwick oA BOWLING ALLEY stritly VUp-t"-date. S3.R.OTTtkNSTEIN, Prop.. 707 N. V.13.'. Av.. Visit R.ENTSCHLER'S N[W tGROUND LOOR011STUDIO. 319 List Hulroin St., opposite Ladies' Library Special Keatcs to Serniors i all Departmrerts i7\3 I\IN '.\iUN. 13 11 W 1 ll i , ( \t)' it ;111i1, lct' tit* 111 ttl \i 1 j(l l t~ \tr t . 11 1 11~, ,t' t )t t~ itu lt- 'I i 1;i 1 l tl , 1 ~ 1* l ii il.. 1 , i-i 10 1 ; llrl i~ i u ird ir , \ - Il 1 { I ' I -t 1 1 t I 1 ,t 1i tI ' t ;1 , li , R31IGHTON !. GARTER 32 !,N Itilt A;- . toll.+'+toll'o itAto i718(MarketIStt 1 ,i (i. I ;, 1 , ,1 11 i, 1 ;S t'Ill '1 I Row'sLaundry tic i, I Itiw : I cI I ' l i ":i 1 1 1 Chi+I}r~ Steaks, 00Ys t crs , etc. State street One Night Out to SFLORIDA '. VIA - $ ig Four Route tFrom Detroit and Toledo (ION DEPOT IN BOTH) ~ Toledo and ' Cincinnati SNo disagreeable Transfers Wrt Sit;B tour Agents 1ur lnforma- L. W. LANDMAN, ' eeal Agt. TOLEDO,0O (A) M. MaptinFluneral 1111t \it tts 4I 1ll ti 111 il I I IItc ~ i< it,1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 11111 e, ItI 1Its, I w I 101"I w1 ,". 1d" v l i 1! 1 rig t,11111 11m111 III . t' il 1 It 1'l I t I l IMI t lbo 1i o1 l t A I ii Itt tl t11 11111 1t' l, h 'k 111 1il y 4 th b I h - I~n C K h , s IVA# Ii 311 till ':1LrCIV ter & O'Conillr's, 619 E. \WilliamiiSI. R1 lnoll e 8112 5. .1h11 AveI. Ph Ial1 1 1 1. I .1 IIAmbll ri0ce on call. 1 II I III Il 1111 at .lusters1I5Art store1. 12311 X 1\ IIF A c' ' I111 hIll Sii~itiIt111I\iIIIIIII & $111i111 Ll i(lIT & l)W k CO. 1 111' 1 ot1 1i111111 200 E.. W A SINIO ON ST. Watches, dlocks and Jewelry' J. Bi. IBlLtk1, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. A0 lANGINCi LLSSONS 211 Fo 300b SCO( TT'S A$3110M Fresh Strawberry Short Cake 'The (Good Old Fashioned Kind Like Mother Used to Make PEiNNYCOG K'.S A fAI Te l0utt. Iood" Havie Yiou t >eenth le News -PIGSKIN - C~~ - FOR MEN - 01-,1y Gemnca Pigstkino Oxford i.'i the City. Ne1111before be110 1 oldfor 113 1111 111 0 5 011$,1 ITicy Are kieltht. You had better base a ot ok~ at 119 S. Mlain EGYPTIAN DEITIES ATn 'llptter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look fSic W r o R PLAIN of S. AAL0Y0 Always Ahead Ir St y lest MILWARD. THE TAILOR. The Best of EverythIng in TallOlrint