TIIlE'MICHIGAN DAILY. *Spring4***4*S4*4 v I Talrn 4r TH E PRN WOLN R a*E D STaoring [ 4 TENI WOOLSAR 4 unuRsualH"andsome *A~ 311 WNS IUSlTOESt: THlE 7IICHlIGAN v'DAILY.1 A V ( I 'c)Iutle Maonging Editor, J. STANLEY BALEjY. BuinessManager, CLNAUDE A. THIOMPSON. N tI- -----------A NN1vNNiN (. 'oull 1:s11)au t~yit-sph Y. Ker Wr llN............. h Id1. BIlI nN ril; 1.. ai-leIallA l(laeogeA. 121 1- ANAlArtur'I. 1. ugg I'rn iA i AC.XPIll:,A .1. 1larN N rl..r A. 11. rnI N-1NAN 11,1'()il dIAC NAsh tigIh AllenN Will C. an~lfordI ClhaN.IV. 11AinN IIIIIIN t'Stic~ney BUINESS STSAIFl NV. tt. 11 a"N, IF. N. NANNy .1. E. Fetzer- A. 1II. u $1215)1pAerAN HerrI, IN $2.11) if Irill inN I111111. Offefours:ON12:01toN1:3110 and630 to 7:311 p. mi. dally. Add~ress:CLAUDE IA. I IOr1PSON, Busiess flooNager, 331EPackairNdAt.. TlphnetN461. Edltor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. j i l 1 1 1 1 . 1'1: 11 ;.1till); 1 ( /N Di) l I 11111111 tIil))t'lllsII ll i j , r r 1 1 1 1 1 11)i l t . ( ( II t ' i i i IO N11 ( 11 t ' i ) I' ll 11) I !-? 1t't . ; 1111 t.l 1'1\ 11?1l.11 1 1 I ~ ' 1g'.'I 11 II 1)()11I'l \11111 11 111 , f Iit 4I11I11 )1 In .1 I 11111. 11111 N(i) it1 11.1'1-111.ll e Ill 1 111r. (tl1 h l' ~ !; 111;, 111 ~ N atII );i 111.II I I il\ -cl 1 clp. 1Fr 111W(I I IIj ) 1.Ill 1.1A llC il-I c \1 1 1a< I+;ll Nli tI II il-t O r (f M \ I la I ll 1 I 11i al. ; t~ c t 1 1 \\ fil 110 c.(~ill fair I1()1- ( 111 t 1111c Ill I . 11 11 11 ; ctk aa v a l el 11111 N t% i Ia I) M ll the clahIIa1 c11 1111 ;Iti I 111 11/ 1111111 1 ill' ill(' h1 ilAevent \lthIll I i) , 111 Ill 1 -, Ilead 111111Ii all 11,) 12 11 INIcilc l li i l)I ili II 1l(11 c1 1 111 c11111211)t it)i r(I)Ii Noe NV A II l l. W ll (1) Ni . 11Il11 111111o, Il I liI I i 11 1;111(1 i(111 Ii1call g 1111 21111) ill)- 1 111 11+) II lc' (fIII .111 111111 II 111 11 t11 11 ( w. NiNi1111 hllIi11 I I-rA il l .NI I he l i c v c r 1 111111 1 11 .11c I i f h II11.1 IY. I ll . 11 1111i I ll) 111 111 111 ill.(-w, 11111) 111111 A11wl cl I c 1 Oter 11111 i t lI 11111 ()f 1 (111 (I r i II a I IAII t il IIc ll it . 1 l l II I 'l l II 111c. A 1111111 111ctc, \ch( ef f11111I) i r(i+) ll t a IIIv c-11 X1; I hc Calof the Wild By Jack London and OV[EIR wiv YTHE[R NOVIELS of equal merit, includinlg IZ NI'-kI t IIiI II 111 CAl IN1 Cli III i II I I AI)I'l ~t 1111 N I 1 Ill i,' 1'1 ,1(i I V I I . A,1na). GII NN IN !)))III '1V O \ O II lI> I' 1 I iIN.INIIA\ 5O Cerxts Al Ith INe Ilita iosof Ili,- O I $1.501 1dition~s Bound io Cloth, with Beautitul and Ditinctive Cover Designs. SEE THEM AT WAHRtS Spring Woolens The mrost complete assortment of w~rSe teds and worsted cheviots in all shades of gray are to be found here. You can only appre' ciate the good taste with which they have been selected by an actual inspection of the goods. You're invited to 10 N+I, ,iId i 1 1I i ll 1 1:[~d1 ,;l N I BEST LONG R II (I tll 1111 ('1111 CC f 1 1 1 111111111", 1 )r _() 11111 1 1 11, 1 1)111 11 ?;ldi;: 1111 IM111 r11:,1,r 1I11 II1 i llA 1 i1 C11ir: I 11,11tHN :!t it tI^, ti c' i Ill I I l11,111 (2fIl(' t'1 211 2 1111112 _____________________ I I I i ll, lc' t rl .1 ; ll "h 1 i It i I N1: I N I;{i t' "V I E( 1'5 11 l i . 11Il\'t4,-1111 lt111'M en w hoi Shave t'"it(I 11 111,i"f r.i t'1(Ir'(I f(>1 \'' ti) Iil ,,1i II M n Y V h a Ic l, 1 111 1 I1:11titi'(', c 1 1111111 , )I flt' "]I, \411 1] cI lt g h tothubes I I Isoap. That's tihe (11 'i;i- t c-10)1 0 ftlr1''w1il1arli( (f t i i, N If41 c 11 t l Ic/N 11:111, 1i i 1:1 111411111l;11),:lllIll (14Il1 W IL L IA M S ' S TX C HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY ________ 3DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE If Troubled With l O r-A . IEINA~liA NAlways Fresh-Our Own Roasting Gioldent Rio, per lb. - I Sc Marion hba, Ilet lb. VFANXIRIldatn- JaNa, petrlb 28c ArablinstMocaNIA 5 It ) t 8ct ON DISEASE: 1Deantt& to.IAsliMend, her lb., 20Ce \Mci,214 South Main tNI. JD,.i1AIV & C0tom l)N 2Y JJLJLJ.N . }J .I2. **.}J .k. 1I.;l2N "a".,. ...NN.ANN1. , . 1. \_v L J LLC CIN NC' 1 ^A' F " __... .,..,..w.... . ,. _.. .N kf NE C; Sh S Kt r.. 11111 MANISTE3E SALT AND MINERAL BATHS tI~ ll Ii lAlII II"C N 1:l \\'11'. O. lal 11111 IN III N 1111 111t N r ; tI~fi2 1111dilwIII151 - 111' Istl 191 11111 he Ni ie~ililI w~c i t) N i c I11 111 I tit' III-. 1110""ANI11)1 1111-fll1Milt THE MANISTEE SALT & MINERAL BATH CO. .ManisteeltMichigan II I 11 ~A011 11 mlt1i~ ptit~ ivi aI OlriN IINII 11. I Billiairds a Gentlemiant's Gatut, is always an enjoyable pastiwe wihentplayed at the Varsity Billiard Room whsich has the fitnest eqtuipmaent inth le city. 313 S. STATE ptjONIA 951 - ..; I -1w +.++44444144 *4 STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCHMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS. Fes'