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October 12, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-12

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' :,
Michiga. y
No. 14
Sawbones and Wolverines Meet At :Popular Professor to Spend a Year Secretary Wade Estimates This! Preparations For the Tournament
Fer ry Field At 3 P.M.-Secret In England and Scotland. Year's Attendance-Net Gain Nearing Completion-Many Nem
Pctct Yesterday-Beelh of 203 Students Since Men Out.
ler injur ed.IProfessor- Roberrt, t. We'sley, broal October 5, 1903. ___
of1 thi Deprtm ene.t'fPhilosophlyandt'lOwing ItoIthe impoitssibliity of swork-
i'(s )1( (s )t 111scs2 an ill'- )11(of 1 hrcmosl et )pis litI'r 11 s(in he ArCr11111s to i lgl ai'S I vs par-sI lip l1 th o rsris lit o rer stapet heslt
001 ~ r(fu lyd(i((lt ary'ci1ps oshas soil hi tegens for -Seretary AWails- 'ilchigan hosi-cl a 1lull 1 -soils tourn'amentschichtshotsstld
Ottl( c01Ia(t«111wl caoifalvofabtsilsrsrse duing'lie scolleg tg a ' 5i in of sdnts slur- sa y-asrhave lis-n opienedil aslMondayc,tics
1 tr 5 1 illIi t issferno . 'Il( Amic (iaru' 19'lll5-0i. Profrssor W"rslrc' is ngii. As IIIillshrssiedin i r,: isdsI.An- Ib( upos1tiinicd. Ctaain SI. Johsn Ics
01'1-au Si ii0 iof5 lrgli'ste-msowhs ingi b lackto iiSscostandsltospendlriaibell's reportii , hrheIsngiu(s ii..Os ~l- notsbeeid lls hocsevsr A isoitsrrof
"'TOt i Itke teplceo te rYar inst'udy ciidlobcservatiion. H~s n i s sade te geatst tries iposirtant canes have cbehenlmadesitn s
1'-' e ati()h iwill ih(- here a h 't iiiuiitiiiir rs wcill hre cit Ed sli i ssg.bu . as 12'? iior 5studens'Iiares'enrilled itni thel oi ia itplaissforii hei mestid and
\\000 - - Id t'.O tow 1. Ii( sswill he a ll sic-si- Engtcland anS ot- Istha t dprt ment 5 than was5 lisicase issdry Iinoriii dIsails ticserbhieisar-
l' Psi( 111 (Is sills l shsis ccills tirIe la iIin he icourseof i tsr-yer. Ru- last yeri. Ilis-rcihange I Illii .a 1fo1r lto Iiiiiii
,IrSil i i t hiiis -ssii ( s i to ibe imarsioft his iilt-nded aictsions sitProf'.5aitlree yrs' cousi in thielDentiisy itis owiss eicidsed istooow last
an cIlistcnll tr); on. T e'i' hAi-is's -havr bsis-si lot on the cam- I as'iirsil cwasssakeissi' isof yea'ssca'ad shve a fsrst cnd a
aii l'1i1s-sillosI ofsols slls isps iwih lao sh r iso tir effecr thats :I stisdenats. Williiithtir xceptionsi ofsits- ionI sitss tournamentsis i n sc singtes
wi 1110i euit '11111 ] -le- leis-l' 'probbly isolsinio tu rturit o os tihe r-tsMed s i'-ica nd H m optic D -intado neh n iap'consi ittchrs
Val siI y- liii 01sillvighsi lisl -ll lhe ItIis Pcrof. AA'iastr emph-s icisalls- a-I 1isis sit - si sis'sighlt gaiss. a. 1firis5ertcassce, as Ittsy s ccitt iset
s01n hy la, n ta d i ill be i- tr isis-iI his inistentsis io oft unin to tisowsin lbseisowstn oscla t'siste tftse
si ]tr t o s( ht isor1 5 t'f 5A n hu rl. onhiis'ts't i oissti''Gasrmsans a smembetisr hVsrsiy layrss.
sIo lstisi l heit i\st ol(ilws s ccill makets' This latt 'r is goodl snews t iii his 01fts'e19lutLIitclass, tins hat to Isecsve- Thes-doublie' swilltbtsrutilsoff oss the
usans si-Ismw~ is-li is--is-Is-esquais s nstudetss. Itis ssitsh isegsst Ilatcolleigei'oui ssss i tIaccousttof stss sitn sss ihandicap schiemes.as wss cs vi outslsy
1101i n ii Isr cil i''tiss ur iis ils Isol hsis siathr. P15'- I (] issss I-is'livIed -arranged-thell stsronsser ptis' gsiving
is lfih11(Ie )lIs l111' sits sswill betsr esrgaisser wsc-ts he stir Ill sshis clss fotlltesis mintl di-s as i ai 5 t I ' wesieli-sr e a ditsnsite snusmberof
ltlin ' (iillito '\ is-il sills- lust.]lg t is et rs s risnforred tic Iis yea ss r Ittssssssss I'5 r- isilsthr t alll . It, 11)1toisi5 ssas'sithsti .
wirils1101 a h (e1yi0clists)ositraesitasnil obserssaionis. is,; tobaletihetr sill his unabl tos ire {wislsesat susmsserof snsw sum Isave
soil I of the sitn s adhae atcIkissurni'fore'Ciristmias. s's Ii(slittpracticing dusrisig tseweeks
It is Isi. '111' oahis oi n and 'sss ssom a'ery proiisingssh teair le
Ih -'1 11n wpty 111te rwsjCOUJRS[S IN INSi RANC[ i s collsie tolight. A closs r I ~~t sit
011 i- 1(( ln s itsrtss _witthis___ 5 is REUIiEMEsT. p ipIsis' forths's-cat-lstpositisoil
sils tr t-Number of Students in Medical Plenty of Good Positions Open to fie]1t f' rzs sbin-o
Ii coch(lo 101i is11isii ibe Schools Decreasing- Languages College Men Who Follow Thisc hislstiltis'isirigo-
russ--It r' a (lulbl 0t atLn fWr.letdadwl easscrdetos ithe
is (it still, it isviss beand Mathematics NecessaryLieohhoIuslr ishttstst't-'ts tec
p s in fthe Vast (loiits-101 iFor Entrance.
- --- ___-__ _ Thbse tcouri'ses stI ssosis aisi 1 wcshiI -lis ul .i~tsitiiilp gli
13lkc e It s ,Iss nitesi'sst its'fac~t ghttc'tsi iss twssi ts ltPits 1555 sl5 iwisthItheitut S lisls s pl
alit tlii ' past isofarsu t heIli a t stda ce P5 555' ti '' lss tisititiue I Ills i ttiveai s-ilsI'rus isis
prai i( asu ngh ws long can he trgeouinusmbetr rlledtsi ssts I tl s fosbohsstourssisamensots will
aiiI iiinu~ ilit it ~lg6("lc ealthe leIailinsg scrlicct schools of tlie be rece-siveds Ialtlthisscws-sk, asciIif lpos
to( 11 lcI ti-iirissi Itoitheii'gymiii counhi st ic h s ditr ed ri eatly. lis's proferssionss d00tastl It s g Ir ' i 'ssssscit ups s't ls
th-p scsie«11 l([as) Is' vtl at er thss'Frshm anitii class at is iii raiiidsya
Harvard dscreas5ed5 '05 fillsper cent, Il'heIise ssrssloingsicups wons by
ilshe t1 A -p (s t s sturts A st s''sslItc tl il'r's' il rtstm d Thines' ciP (ms t sito ege t fielitd i f -sgslorsss tll otyerle
to be ve-'-t whii~ I1 at-slsthaitsssof AhWsse'rn Rseserces u-s Oril ei-tics colltie-,pgraduts i n 1 he 5ius ,be is is'srIs-s's-st s isi l-itbe addied to the
5551tIICII Itisitisos. tshltsbig jIls 01lit rli ' . oIfcc . trIsoptliessis c fewci(lays.
us suits Is si's- is(I is -u'c i teusb ist lv TshIsiissyeas thitos'-o'tlierlfti- il c0ii ~ail )rl~cs at ihga , C iag, M n est n
lisp h dso1, 1 1 I ( riut in tsis:Medicalbs patmsis yalr the l- lil ll i 55 55 clase s I' Ii is i 5 otherlsegsu ht ves beensi consti ngt forc
(, 1ll11of t1 fil itthe t i s ts-s Mhi ga hsuale
It s Iroa I 1tat 0-ill sie Isot I)ofi'ss Youri 'sas meIssnI'si-o ritye ctuars hs sssi i ts's'anch t secu ssorthsups' t ix yer~s.iss The o
ilstheils s i o t cos'tierably, thoughts sot so msuchs 55515 51055is on' s a tlarie'sitf $2,11111,Oust
i1i ts 555 us""os1'rritsleisis's s-stillea -silts- receiveP two pointis,
Is'll(' huh is 5 line' u1eceoscthisticteriI
noon Stashis lills'-ii bytusoathll st isonslyslluistrai5tion2s of condiios at tiortis'doszen s$morein were madeibutSeven tostsstusre secessaf os' ill
wil( qj's0siu'rrise amongus the lss eculd silttsotibe isu. Theresiss lso' 11s' cupt. Lost syear' at ltce openssing
sitov(1' of li pits ill(, si;a te, sit p s I Tsre tuise'cithIis deucesse is cduse a preastsillsanc-i'fist' s t l eir ini iselitofuthel turname~ntAlMichigosn testwish
1555 sthi'ss setus-isc1ss 0ighs4-11 requiremnisits uwsichshaveawcrks. Ois of 5the- one hsundrseds'lawssssix andChstticago wi sas a close sscond,
ayOIlevanplcs ,ui ssbsehustestablhished'in iialt the sitsdeni csctstolst year'ooktei-wthitIt's. Thus Aichigans ieam wcoss
Ilhe it 5155 of ti'155 liams's ro ulontusstateus. Priev'iously city Icer.s'- ssscc ousrse' is - I'cut La s Dert- +;)th' sipglesi stichdoublhes, cnd the
Il' f Wi'lli)ou's+ gamelits55 announced5555 oi s cliivi t scoilds hoswucc prsofiienscy isil let some fif5teeni' have tio i tsls t s'l-Im sushiscas ssaardedl so I. of Al. with
us the 0 5 chic s' cuiscicoa hu-s c'e' -s 1'01- I hss 55ommonusu tisslulsscouldi eter a s sc s ts'01istsded thi' hIsl uss iisurn S m e ile poittso sparei.
1(tits: fiIrs tcs's mi calsttt colleges. ''sT ay, Schiool cut this- t'iit s fel s ucNieu
chiga litP. sit itusihs'iyiiar s pofsmoer rslisuag si- Yorkits ly oustare'n15555' gagedtp In i
Irr1 ciii .ii -r'Iis i1ts o Lastinus.aduancedsrl equsises- fildt work. 1l ie islitwocciiu ' iss uiea t 1907 MEDICS ELECTION.
Curits I,. TI. WAh' 5 l nist ts in iologyhs asciitrigsometry nstlyst-canvassingp tor css uracusbut 'hslTAtusatcssstlase-
'a hugs / 1. C It ,dl sttiut'i. Illss a tp'e '-ccesIll- alsci positi s 55a s directs-ors of 0055 - ip stgee sc ltissyeart. There had
S'it lOug I't (s''nis puass stsat isfatssci e xamination he- c-sis pctolrcisscio's-uncis-its. sic no aturempttulas ctickt, and ac
taI clii IIp tsrnhardscull luststhis Sisate'Boardt oriprsentsisa0 lit eusestIhiseris such ani open-usa conseqsssuce ss cssany as six or
I tususislust it. '1. lairI ili So ti-suits cit acscrsdsitd high i's it is snittio he undeirestiosd ts-t igihut isamso u-er oftent tpr looedtfor
ClIi I t iii 1Conro Pussc thuihis' teianhenrsun o meclcol tuhe isnurssansceu' sinsss s na."asitpteslise. 'Thereccas a clocse
Nh Orrs-p (3 i. httuuiti-ps'geoh hre Eastssrn asciiNorthecrnsII'us slot, ad nls n erg ssetsiICcccyung ra5cie ojpersidents hrbetwuen Harry E.
Capt il I. h-. G fn.sats. citadiionsitto this fatarscer-himen oft goo Ijudgmeni't cwitlhiatus Aldhingereand hois Is. Ross, ending
I1.I alm n 1B.tiiiis11s I I I t's 't Iatsst'atles lhaverarissssthe1crre'quire suth Iofita succsss f itthus tuussu 'ss c n a vicstory for the tatter. tIn the
1\' ils's F. hi. J sllursii i us fora licenssrtotpractitce msos oevh lus'e, cslltgrp grapustiateus cwish constest fus eresensl tatic's on the
A ills lits si t hiss l-uu'i-s s' ("itc
«cas hoildit Wor\s't. Illtls veln
'slis fosltwsitnussclsu tuepsscumttt
5 - lr ~llii' its)lug lii' iisiuiluP yuat:
XtIa lt iss, fI Is' I-I. 5Clappti. .I.WAar
Il1>Cco houewsardsi s elecsti'ed'
lulofls susu liit usRoth smadessant
isircS slush addres in i sschshi so
of OtW adsi 5 51l5s'cisis-it f illit society
anditositthu Sitisiti fcut' l-ii'usiu' 'slitss'i
1l10 ii 5r Pro. ChaslesS. Davuis aso
R55 oil is cc iii c ivenpi's-s'ttheu' r
~~u5 I lutsemi meigs-iu by' i this''vsriouss ssrs
cul'ti ss'sstur uig1e sumsmer.cutAp1-
ieso h ls'aveobeeisi''. elus
tibe rut status cut'this'tstiss Sortireb
It is theisntentu isn cuthIsisorgcniza
andoters s int ru'ssteinrestrylst ifrrni
Crelhiass anatsc ihet icis'restos
a newccsystem isof eomulsorsy tphysieal
israisning uss 11sdmilr itothat i oerationt
lueu'. All stuentsarer to hie iii
s~ trut usc fotballrutracath oletics;
basebsalsoiguspasd perh'Iapcshboxing
wrestlins, and swimmingp.
us le-gislaioncssasuut paetly so aebitrareyrl-y any citheiiiolstlineiniusursancue
bieltio s in stle varitous isistiths compnieis cill be gladutitho u'ethesir'
tit "seriicessascdlat5 55 compesa ltits ql555
e rLst eatichsigancgreduate'a a osi trt-tih-u ata us in u-erly atiy'
e ' arg clas i nieicie, bt tey itheiss tprofsssions.
tae beforhi te e slreqtuiremntswerie ProessoGoviht i'estill Iis yusts'hasveus
r ai'sed. Thesslast5two Frershmaunstiii'practicuth sides'pteses-ntediiby 'sils
d lsssshiave hreen small. Is as is- haltfudoens promusinentusinsiures mensuuI
f Is 5 rsse a jutsominenst maslemberof the rerei'sentinsupthus-fiusld, maoungerisu scud
Ph(.eilcFhascuilt yexrexissssedtperfect scsiuariat side'ssioft hss businessi shus
e satisfacicosn csto the seducedrt atesn-uill visit andulescsiuse'hberethur stus-
1 ;acc HeIho ousghut it lfss'the best denstis dhuriuIis hecomsinug wintes'.
tocude tur hosse uwho are poorly
oreuippedrutfross a peotessiosn which is Lately ther-e s stseurna revsivalof i
lutistrowdevd,'utasci that use osnly ef- in55teret in chesss as theus'Inivsisrity
i fcic s metrhodushcut raising the Stan- ositvCss~eifcrsia. Intresclisnss oIdsruts icRuss~
'- asditoh thuseofuessionu woo to estah-Isusb-iaessp'lissistrssss
I list sesrere' r'sequirmens fusetheur - out tea m fuss'ass intercegshiater'cuss-
i eat.is-stswithtSanstsues.
n. The University
werer si-d asdthue electios went over.
Th 'tis' insg tickset ccas as follows:
Pre ssidet,'I LohuissF.tRoss;I vice-
pridet Gy2.Johsons;ssecretary,
hius sni r.L sststries I treasurer,
l'sn M. A Solier; srack manager,
Ch('s i Sprosat;isbisebuall muanager, A.
I lepoe-; footbalslt smanmgser, WAm.H.
Bhurmst'ser;su'meeAMedic Associa-
tisn silnsis elsectioutPuss Pu AtM. AWel-
buournes, R. I:. WAalter,Tihcdeuss
H. 1-lamses.
! Accourdting to isucutiouns received
j bsy tl causssl apr-ht cithl~e Ann Arbor
It. IR. Pus.1trom sthe gesnereatlcassenger
Iu ut fthi'eroadl.theratre tratns, to
i'. e ssmasdtuihee, withlibe s-sn ticTo-
lerotur lsinug she utintee months.
'thur prominencte of Toilo's play-
huousses is recognized throughout the
cousstry, from the fact that the boot
opteras out the rocad include Toledo
in their schedultes. The theatre-
oeurs sit the Uhniv-ersity will undousbt-
thly taike adlvantcge of the opphor-
s ~uiciy ho sese realty good 'trouspes.
Deirte couctsions is regard to
Isles andu fare with be reachedl within
Alt studsents ares requested to regis-
er at Newberry Belt for the otu-
denst's directory.
C '
: f
,l '
Michigan Union.

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