tilt MICHIGAN bAILt. -*- - - - - -- - - - -- 40 HART, SCHTAFFNER & Suits, Raincoats, Top Coats and Trousers for spring of 1905 now ready for your inspection. MARX .MACK & C O'S. TEA RO o FOR LUNC[IEONS Table D'fl ote and European Plani Everything First-Class 2nd Floor --" ®, " 0 t 4 LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Meiui St. I...Money Loaned... SPING PNN ()n Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and all h~igh1 Class Chattel Every new 'wrinkle" of fashion, eveiynew -kidk" in iut and oil tollateral security tailorilug. in repreented. All thie choice effects in fabhicii.and J. fiopttcern are included. Price',s $2.00to $5.,toiisit everyhody' S W. J ORM pockethook. Of stylefit addtine wior kmainsipiyou get all 104 4tiii Ave.i poi ciiouirsI tlosethat the best custom tailor can ,give; yu g, IlittcrIabics, and Twfos diotrs soutotf newiiY. M.U.A.prices athurdlIsis. Oprlcvi Holts: is toiti3:si, to14:3i; The faulty parts in most coats are*ihouildcrs, ollais asnd coat it o to 3, fiocts. These are the stiong pounts in thc ,ai iii sos wesell BuiesSrctycnfidential. Shoulders are built up in finchy iriduated layecis of thiiiwad Businss Siictiyding and canv asiiminutely ititchcd in anid tipcied off.SCollais '. .... . .i. ~ 4+44+'' are set smuart, snug arid tight, ad will nut sag out of shapc aftci aweek'sseai. The frunts aiehbiiltfirm indsihslapely, piriof . against coiling or bhueakin, IThc superior ity if thieicliichiesw tNOCI{ DITTtk~toffer is in the maiking.'Ifiey are thc prouct ot the lteaiintg rrtlsstf r ausI lunel Director makers of clothing in Ainciica. &itbla, e--Cuff. aftended day or night.S A L R f1 .4hAe;Rsdnesm Phioite 404,AiiiiArbtr Fresh GOLFlt IRACI 'f , C BEGINS. Golf practice bias lbeguni onithe Aiii Strawb~erries Arfir gulf lintutatnd most of the ofli univerrsiiy plaiyersar out again. 'hfic chatters fur iinicit on the train, how- Sre in ruhs ever, are btter thtan ever and all golf- Seve n rshs er, sfuild foeout tifor finactice. 'I' and Sundaes at the ifis ri eieii fteh t Soda Fountain. . . it is announediftifai they are reqiiireif ___________________________ iiticb meitifers of the golf chit. Ncgotiationts are in proigresstoss for atmtchliustiltthe Chilcag~o itamthe Q a r+ r y ' m tidifleI of May. Tryouts for the Michi- Isig tiiswill fir feld abtoittw so usects DR.VG '1' 0R itri f thattime. Golfers ire iirgedltit' LA Ot ZJ~~C jint ii1 ucft athenatioutuierin the li, At Tsnttl'a. 538 8 se ~ ,enivtrytltfor etexar. Eahyr attitti ir if ite senior medical class i iare inteci to the hospital staff. andi GIRANGER'S ACADEMY iiift ittmidicofludepartmeticth iiis Ie on- 'tce rat ftiitiir. ITe follcisti Xiii ti ntleiiiiithiat ciiio, tke hetvebent appifnlteid for text it°b tofi call IIitt Granoer'Acdem theidaytofissembtly and fi so o fiat- ' r"~ e F. ffruiiitari, Daniiel 1ft ,,'1Y natsutliiud nttkick itrecfused lttn . C. 'Ttma s, Roy A. trioswt. ulti50 'le fialcony is nttofpento \V.Ii li e antI PaIulifer. LOST. B I L I A R D S >K IOpaiingproabinen- HUJSTON BROTHERS ai tr v t i9-41 Capialit Camopbl 1auuiui vlfast tight that lthere- iouldi be a gatme todiftu tietwee ithe sarsiteyottnitscrubfs, if the wseathier iossily huermhits. As ony firerefuractices iremaliinlieforethlitin trip, eveni if the iteather is d the riesi ofithetie eta, lie uges fiat cViert tiuo repiirt for firacticee is the ietiiii that wiill refiresentiiguait outhtip1 XCI fli1Nl'i()N ''f1,;III I Si7i. daythegiiiii Ifoiiuu(ifi a I udiilit 'is all fiat sautI a repetitiiiio-f the unfori- tun e -u(iwiii ito f tiii ;-o Ilrr faet1a]uglul in, ian'oi~uIt, at oil- pa ini wre m iiir tutet I i lie rpd and Ireatchedufshoreiiwithi uitficiufty. 'The studenvits sure vuuugviuul111tig tifitsilie, 11)4ig11g t ifh cult a guse d ck i asg theliri ''iuuuii uca sied iii -iii' u- the iiiiisi ilsit ott5s fispa s I ilt ' c_ 10SfT. lIn h len fuoiriirover roaud. gl ~lh Idvoat if reuvturnuedtoI 4 tiit; SmgithI4i- V~rs1t f4i THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Address L. D. Baton, manager, 808 S. Fourth avenue. Phones-Bdell, t066iJ; Home, 289 Rled. 24tf i I I at c " lr 4 r ~r i K r If.- QU JRTR sfZE 1s CTS EACH ; 2 FOR 26 CTS Develops ~2Pone, Brain and C 1 ttI t a t i a ~ ii Shredded Wheat Biscuit ft tisititlr i c iithtttfu Sc "+t itticll n'ii cIii i.iQ. It f_1~f III a u it tct th lit risftc~ - cuit, liv ii lt and 1) r a ii tarIt The Natural Food Co. Niagara Falls, N.Y. h +1++4.44+4*.+ t+.+i.*+*j+ Don't Miss The Sale. I-iR ONE WEEKits.ONLY 1-4 off on all t. of M. Pins, Watchl t IUohs, list Pins, and Souvenir 'Spions t zq t, 4'y' Sucess osto J4-W. Reid, 315 S. State Street J iaitJl', it ris-irtheatitaeesi.tisindfittest hulie iof kksh Cigarettes and Pipes evriro uaglOtiiiiihe city. fIr UNCHIES IN CONNECTION f'EveytingNeat and tltan Ants,ortiei. i. B.1'tue's. Get your Gymo ouppoiex at Cushing's. AXILC.HIGAN CELNT "The Niagara Fails Routae." THE SHORT LINE CHICAGO ARORt0) BUFFALO k~r ABO., tBOSTON NEW YORK 8ith direct connections at Chicago for fte Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and fhir West. For information an Wr tichkets call on or write to W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arhor. ...Carefully... TESTED and FITTED By the Latest and Best Ap- proved Scien- tificrliethods. --Hailer's Jewelry Store- - I i i CASK POSITIVEL No orders for cahs for parti ments will he taken this cash accompanies th RATES; tOne ouipleto and troms paetic tainmniros - - Exiclusiveuse ot carriage Coupe - - - Robison, &oCo. Waiker's Livery Y KA~ PHOTOGRAPHS cail at THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 3i6 Soar SMain St. ; # Cal airlytf at F'. J. SC~lttDL, 340 S. Slate Street es or entertaio THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD season tunles . s DOT5AM8ItP LtNS. .e order. TIME TABLE-Taking ettect Feb. 26, 195 Lvr. Ns. 6*-gf785-s. 1Lv. No. f+-9:05 .m .'-ii1:i35ia.. Le. "'3t'- 4:55p.m Ntor eiiiee. " 4t- 8ti5 p.m. Ar. "5*-1"2:35 p.m - 1.5' 3 .00 it Diluy excepi Sutiday itweesn Owosso asnd 2.0Toledo. ciTheouglitrains daily excerpiSun- day. Free chaiercis os Not. I and4, Holme' Liery5. T. WILLIS, Agt., HomsieyJ. J. 1K1IRBY, o. P. A. Atis Aehor, Slot. W. H. Stark Toledo, Oio. URIClINV Continues Its Exczel- Billiards Pool VA1,LEY lent Train Service. Yo WlrFidsouCTasiyStimpseon Q Stim pson Carrying Parlor Cr on Day Trains.SleigCronN Tans34 ouh tte tet UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Miks' Temple, Detroit. Kich. Tobacco C1$arettaa C1 ara WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S D'?U'?r ('