The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APR11L 9, 1905 No. z13 kILL FEATURE IN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. 1908 ENGINEERS VICTORS The University Organization will be Freshmen Win Interclass Meet with AWTU ILL'WUU OW beard in an Interesting Program I 17 Poinis -Senior Lits Second- V UIL IL SiOTomorrow Night- Three As- 1907 Elngineers Win Re- skiing Artists. lay Championship. 4eieitger, Champion Amateur Bag Puncher of the thle clee ofi 01 Uli iri uis i in Middle West, to Appear at County Fair's Show ro wnIigl~itiat 8 ocllck, he ssitin Committee Decides upon Rates-- i5' liv I ,tXii llcrijic, ciqic c issXlIc tIie iwt li ol X11 \]71 lc1= ~ civ i th in hee ill all bie disptlayed fur the hetie- lioasals,has acquii ired aifiis~h that ciii it B r-',t f hoe hoaten ii lie big vesuc - oniliev ttin hedby a iciidiiucor of gin- onl e ii I slho >. ii-H ide ailiciyi Mr.FrVii fiirthiermoreI 1eodigy there willi be nothing ht Chair- ii> lc -rn -ib anicc l btiariflrcicpiccirts--a iiftiliiiof ofos ieirl iii. co yfi- illw alatiti i partic vcirks. Ic- lprgcai i icclh fiollowsc is c-r i h tilbe iiiilo a lss o v u eville i iiul V 'lt ( mao } L i icc t e} ii 1 (o drake slm fm l ol dc i(- big pai Adaio;. iii an ane ieiia- ii ap- ii ho icsiisiic bilel c o; !allegro. ''~e Jd ing 5frVomi thei plan suc intied saindlv. liii viivce . CiVe. ii008 ierigiiieeI '. 17;i 1h05 its, 4 ii90ii jliic. ii0; ti907 law , t:i 90il w .o By irtueiii of hav ing tso. iii11~ lier itthe lireshiginersi woniithde iiiirV cas Iet las~t nig'lht itili ventiiien 1it.Sixiveienof thesecviireVvmhue by Shacv and Piltlin ithe two iiiile Vaces- iiiile itX- liler'sthuid in lie hole iviili acunts f.or liiietull. 'lhe 1907 veigiiiiers .wviiithevclasc V- lay vlaiiiniiishiliaud Gavi-els.Baletti \Xiivk tootanoilKevlevr are the proud posscccs~orsofthe silc vritclccup oatedl li Dr. Cirrow. as ilii c cileiiiviwhichcouclicl ute indoor season wasione of theimioct int- iestiig coiitsicof lie Svasoti, al- ihouh iinsti in thefluresiilt wanied.after the i fecliheiieersc gaiinedi cueichiafor- Ii if iiilead ihe lwo ihiflle races. siof I ii l~uit i madie aiireatsiini ciiri. cisubotwhle sUcnig -i Widtark li-ve (li-en vioundcftfer roiiu if applausce fiir their cievc-c glim iwith the lIndianielubic. lTce final rave for thde relay- echam- picitsipwolicrcatlher easy forthe c- Miss Lelia Farlilc. Olvertucre, "Nicae (11 Fiar.fluc:7int Cocv riduels I Pianco) i........ . hbr Aflbert I .icvhiidi { Clet "Alcc Aril leaiii ... ifi. t ier Vi arrecluauon thefi rslit relay fcc Cl~nr~t-h egl cccll a iood m rgini aud after tliii thei vi (b I 'l(i XX crfl cc is ull if Aptril. t l i me oc3dliii ccl -c Iich tie fy(c) iiu liii. I ace1 A cril. ithe record.f 11yif e ar c.cancgcc'ri Jr. Tivle sho putcitnessevdcii tile: v ifcp i Xl isc PI'a lil ccc c i IfDm ll cand ivle ic e llisci cccii- I verture, 1La Dameicti I ll e".... un id is co isteniciv woikccii i tfcc inig 1 lieiu l ive icc.C 44sfetii Intci.i Arie"Itugg t ile liv f v X111 l I.Davis. on teliv hi rathei easyisyle.fTh VARSITY WINS AGAIN. I cvi cciandgivlcickivillicci clic it(,l Yannigans Go Down to Second De- t itiii feat -McAllister's Proteges Play 3 I 'if cci liiW011ii he u arfilch l i t 1tIMic I t'cci ll Eirrorless Ball. 11 cc fie. whfilec - vuicicl andcc c leyv w------ ------- ------- -c----- -uplfi litlhe ovher i(r. XI cciiir liii le cmilei \\,I'ill cy r1s clst yseda e e f l ce vc cciii ce alli theiiiwii li ,Iiis 11r the sco-vndI time-. ib.y . aclscilotei o toc 2. icIcIcic icc ci-iif wric v cciccic cii ifer were twelveiiicliiscfeviiin the ali cccl1 cJ11i11ef l) fii:,(iiciilI([V mainy blifiehoseru ing11111va i Ia lii ah c featu ir c this ii . ef c is-ins.Ire cc cc evnt0111hateveyioeloith 'ccii cici ccl ifii- 'ccvi ifvilei 1111 ti v l l t j umped icucifietccIill11 c tatofirc ;'ta d C ah NC 1 i f iid c iiredi licci.1ci liict--ll Ili c I~elihe. ithere ceillfcheliiiooccasion friiiv- iaiccicicic cthe1pafrt o f "Miclui cccir "ali- eraift-i o i ite h ccIii er fcc-v cci cccii i ir. cc hiiiflch e re- ) t tol fiil viclcv e vCitntflie- i )1cc- l 1111ci cc i))suc s he i e ili iiiifioii of :ill -rafli. dl (lcicciccc-U bev tlhec work, Il ie.cilwho r1 1 ccll j 1Ir tIi- cl d,'iV l iii ell ic~a d w o lIt ie tr a11,iclciccic I . e iv fixed s t}'c t rd"iisii cu I c lectlicg. There ccill be 111 le~ ar ccv tli sic- cdl llV of te .lic e nc I c tissiotc of t t i ve re n rlts iii I ccltide centsc hasi been tfii- price cr1 V iitcv. ifhaschad lciderale ii- vs ad issitolihecfiffirent sioccs. t- ill i i ricc-arisv 11- ccil fihas Tfev acudlc ev ileoic an e ie seen for inc -cudI - i) ok o svralififteeic cents. Ific c acidi le til-if be - I ~ ccll"I is cciicc. cartc 11 c ontclicccccinu u erifcr c e.11c shdouiit t e alit Is pl~ ilc the icsi-c f ti l of iwd c I f n i tci ughl i th he ill cccle l cat( cc cc p ich i") fa ts Tleti.i iliiwil ice epli-cc d echr ccclii1>1 at.t iler. T 1he aecomic t. sel tivckets frmc cii entraif tiecet off- 10tt' u ccc si 111k. ciii ic puttyhel n cevT e am icklet miiffaditctIccaniy s1 f1c rt ;le . 111 c c ilustrates lihe a- anIllsow , icscillfsve ttme aiti cit ldi .1 ci. s lii ] i vic c fh e p ritctle hlinllcg of ill nmoney fromc ile thle vc ha cl reiehefoucr ba-oncint. Thelivfair 1ncw loohcsomore r1c has l-' c lrfitii .mnccother thanci everIce fore like lie biuggest thitug '1 Way', of c cciii u e fbag adcccii a assenfor mnoc- ayet. ue,;d (cicre e liii 1111111andclaNle- bac tkin trnsatthle-receic-inig eici ccl the battery. c NI nolin, the fact focot- half cal fbackifrtcolmMarietta, cc-ac tririd cciii fcrthelivrfst time in th~e outfiefldandi maea xelentimpiihressiinroingu C.a c (l;f ticochitsfbesides sgettitig one hiti out44theei mI ;tat. 'Tfccfri- fll-lit chiaicecs III ftheIline--upc recvnly maeit hard ito ice-u 'iii at tfie ler- sonnel c ivthe tea huic ililtmakeh,'the cpringlip, i i but Coch llMfcslliitvr cwill Iccive fiic hiaiidfcfull ini umahkig tlie - lections foricach frfand theitontfield The X'iiiiigas ctooch thy ead ill Ite liaii inicg. sc-vinig icc-icriunscnciiniigles by BirdlcndifT urivwr cail a lbcie ott ballc to Belhinap.- Frecutt tim h oewfvcer. they vdire bFicvlet- ico ere, gefting only ithreeiscavttire-il hitsclititfhe retaining inig n nyoc etn a othird. In theirst Itcrc'e inniingc ocify ninv' mivi faced'f:ecile whovfcc ficicatedl ointhe slabl for Ice Na iiuigicii. III Ifie fovurtfh, howi eeer, fhe trscibie' ccomned cc-len W\endel l out eftc- hie cifi e for twcco (Continued on page four.) for irst ccIc plce cc