THE MICt~tGAN DAILY. SHART, SCI7IFFNER & MARXS MACK &Ct.TAPG SisRanots, Top Coato and l'O1Sel1 prnof 105 PAvk LUNCHEO L NS_ LUTZ Th Clothier, al 'doea1(4lIO~alPa 27So. M inSt. +4 Everything First-Class 2ndi loor 1+++++++++++++++++-44.44+++++-+ +++ 4'j'"+++444 Um." !'41 .*.4.+++ I '( - }.ir iawr i"--s- . sis.-+ }- .- }e"ss- es- ..oneLoaned..+. aIn tolt>l11 .l i o. iu1 11 151 W. wJ. LOURIM. + Is) d5 I-5s uiO ,)In Y.11. C.A. + Business Strictly Confidential. 1ENOC1I DILTLR\,I I'at1111511101 ool 11115Director &Olhln Calls att. lOd day or night. 1. Sin An Sam SPRING OPENING I I 1 5 15ar 'indd. i ee (It o la t 2.0 0 0, t,} ,i - vk iwdI T a a d hI aa air lss Thfa l .la ta i os cot ary ho ld rla5 a d oc frocs. hesearethestrn;pit nte;amWsw el STolesarebulERp &fier WUtael aerfthd Fresh Strawberries I r I E I Sersvid in Crushes and Sundaes at the Soda (ountainl... C'OMMUIJ~CATItON. I iii 1111 llljlincll iii (PicLDaily 00slili'a"n1responfsibil- 11D1an11ere adopteitii 11 I.I1*1 fr oininsexpessd t cmmu _ t' iminat th -i 1 o partyIin liad} o111e 1111 coil has11. ci e a Illlli 1101ipets Illalls arious111 '11110110 cm1nu li ,f irl lo 11k1itl in def1i i a isn, 1e11 I 1 11 1 11 011 an lijS 'lltiiti i-il 11011illt~ i111C1 1 l11 Q iiarry's H Rot L"inch GRANGER'S ACADEMY 1A11 0111 11 I 11AT)th t il nm 1,;k(1 hf 4r[111 i 1 thi w '.)(,550000 .v is II q)I ( (ci,.1 .State Street hrkish Cigarettes and Pipes 1+5!, > 1 5 E IN CONNIAC."l tON "The Nauara Falls Route" rTEaSORTrLINE CHICAGO ~~NN~ ARO oBUFFALO ARBR t4BOSTON NEW YORK With direct co111110t10158 at Chicago fnr he- Louis, Kansass City, St. Paul andI 1hr5 West. For infornmation and hrolghlticket; call on or write to) W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbtor. lV Am plani poi delsil o r he1 np111 "ljl i 11 ilI 11 lliq o a c liitelllll i x mli 1f 1l 'ac If 1 1111 l lllOwl l m nttllsll to 5 ll d plr l ii If ij..fdie'11 Ir, wo ii4 am l Ill ill-i 11. me i 1 InOr. l qus ions l lilllisI 1h1a IjI ii ,lstuent aff irs is any1 deparstll ntI year.r Il ing Ii1 11 rom fi11vrio s 111atme tai th Il lle li 1111 0110 11 and1 nne bm ," ire~ ,lt" CANY 111IO I 5111 ktN. 1-4Loff So11 enir AOGYS Ons SHREDDEt THE FANN TABRRIRA athte ABLeTfiect etbod- 2, 90 tn y No. evelopmen001.t.nNo s1-111tl man can excel ns Le.port 41f 1 p is nt p101 tk m l. Ar. 5i 113ii 11.1 da.trno olanO~b~~oln4 rV .511.5 g. Shede Whol tGtEt,0 P . AnAr (r-S~ To deoodol Otto.l 1 11 14 17 h lc d eI I I111 11 ,11 f illo il 111 1all tl el lon r tll-.1111 17)~rill"p~ l tie s id i nwr ly 1l1,h anti I w111011.I)( PH-0T OGRAPHS' ..Carefully... TESTED and FITTED Bly the Latest and Best Ap- proved Scien- tific fMethods. - -Nailer's Jewelry Store- - {THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 aout tain St. CASK POSITIVELY CS No orders tar cabs for parties or entertainj meats wall be taken this season unles cash accompanies the order. RATES: Coupte - - - - .°00 Robison & Co. Holmes Livery Walker's Livery W. H. Stark llOCKIN " VAIbEY Ry Continues It Excel- . illiards Pool You Will Find Four Trains Daly Stimpson c' i Stimpson Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping, Cars on Hight Tramns 334 souath State Street UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Temnpi , Detroit. Mich. Tobacco cigarettes cigars WE ARE NE V ER UNDER SOLD-)G OO D YEAR'S DRUG STOR?'