TIAC MlICHIGAN DAILY. " t~~sf « . +..... iTHE I1ICIG~AN DAILY.J orte tciii iii id oltt eu ititll * oe Puoitii- i l er f er l a S p r in g needa eom -~a m te i e An t j. _ohll _heh iir_ fthcrb r__-olce Tailoringnger CLAUDE I.IIOMPSON. Sc - Ai()ftCeti C. Nit P f01101011 THE1EDTORI1AL STAFF:. p mr ymMitai1,g.l T~ENEW SPRING iA.Mtraer ito r Ii Anrew WOOLENS ARE I A i;zS(WI A ~TESfc o1 th al,(ll 1tgglcl And the Styles.are AM ore I are Ogl.AtJcr a te l. l, tttlcad % READY A I r ee lradC mt ugh Alen Wil U. Sanfoirdi lilt)th l, Josi l e Chas. IttAmbrose Louhs Stiekntey Chas . W it-iead tJerom eaiW eadoc ae o i tt; r l~ ec , ' t And the Syles areBUStISSTAFF' lpc J. E. etzer A. It. Imu lltc'lsqu lit" I h o ec unusually Handsome. U__It - i- _par, _ -____ h IShata itilfDil lln t RATES: V5+1 perl hearorti $2.00 i pidinO tle u pcli icd city.ltH h e tld U ''u Atde i (LAUD ATIIO7IPSIN, whobis 311 S. State St.?' l~l r o olrhal it f1ill. kill 66 APIL.6, Io. I E f ltilt 'tlllf.; 111:ttl:t ; ' tlti 1- la%\ tllc t {atl tlt ' ir ?tlt l'~tttl:lrl t 1t' )i cr :l dt11 L 11i 0\'c tti tt1I'ttc' 't II r t111 tc't)12 ;ilc' ' 111111 c x u c' titc itll t31< C11t c'G>111 - (Irc t tti ; lrc ctlii r t ) 111;110, I. I I Lllti - ic' ^t'illc I" i I "t d 111 thc j SPRING, FEVFR demands .A)U lIOOR SPOiP S. «' einite ou instpecttio f orline lbaseball Mitts, Masks and Bats Fine Ituckekin 6tonCS 25c, 50c0S $1.0, $1.50,x2., $2 . ad $3.(). D)I1SON ITFNNIS RAQIJETS (aOOi)RIC i-l & SPALDING ITENNIS BALLS Headquarers fr . S"'palitK Woolens The most complete assortment of wors- teds and worsted cheviots in all shad es of gray are to be found here. You can only apPre- ciate the good taste with whticlh thley have been selected by an1 actual inspection Of the goods. You're invited to 100k Y,/4jA College Text=1Books" ALL. DEPARIIIN'I'S New and Second-hand : Bring in yotr ol ooks and celtatigo ftten)for new.. Mathematical and' Drawing Instruments Waterman's [ountain Pens ? Try Our $1.00OPen THFE HIST NMAI)E SHEEHNAN & CO.n UNIVEfRSITY BOOKSELLERS McINTOSH'S TOFFEE HERSHEY'S and cAl[ILAW; CHIOCOLA'TELS alowest price at BROWN'S DRUG STORE The Students' [ei 1004 - fttftpoltr Russell N. Conwell Henry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SO1JSA'S BAND (Jov. LaFollette Edward, Btok SEASON TICKETS-$1.4 SI ~oem~mm~. Editor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. CALENDAR. prl6--Fiacity euconctrItoin Prieze 61-etntrialhal XAi G-6-0o7 lit banut Iat Cook Ihouse'. \IVic-7 cleitout illtivr aon S. L.. A. Xiuil 7; 66 icili~ln'll ii la at four .Apilt l ii-- \ldcr x, s.t . . C A. Apili --Lcturie by Prof. Arthiur (J. tuallicid before the Circle lwran- p is 'hjct Joan of Arc il Sentour can; latte itn Barbour gym. Apil 8----Iteclass track nieet in W'at- Apil8 iEc . 1).WChandiler, No has b letnidesigndnt on1too put;it)i endIollcitetttgticsiin ttil-Iit-I tih ls ecevn ta-t te-idbu asot ablih the secreitsities now eI I iciltit el ii ae~ b 0p1111 c-itictiuIfciic Q i tic e~ti P liiicoun}- 'land t i i med thatilie is backed 1 thou andl"ti 11- tittth f tne- Iniv ers a d t ehip h aiileyi-i- ttheiuliliti ilcf lltoe rnaeant aidis aittiewberr hll iat thei-offie-of lthe getieral se 61pr 1l-8-- lii- it 6i tiqt1111 it lie NII\6 Y RKat1.1it Cooklous c. ___ ,1)111 () Ad rk-Iy tc i i t 1ti.n ct i- oil ill leit impo t truti. ofiithe club ,,t: N i -,il i ty at r iloeeoii ibe d 'T ur a, p.I, 1tie 1 Atrilto-ii Citet inivtlersfipti alt by N TICif poP'' livesi-utye Symphtionys orcetira.___ r I i t l a> oiailtoni W. Mlabie 0on S. t iiie lot notihriifi Der field~t. wa urctioc at 0 oifi L.. A. eciaice. 'bunerMana ir.- :v1) i1 12-13 --Miticntret showe, Schooail of I 6 ci ue. :\11i 2 llil-vVil I0 ol .I. lass iiie- 61 iot