The MihgnDaily VO.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE TRACK NEWS. HOMOOPATHIC EXERCISES1 Bad Weather Does Not Prevent Light Birthday of H'ahnemann, Founder of Outdoor Work-Curtis and Ack- { omeopathic System, to be , eran out forHammer.----- Celebrated Next Week. )"Stpite thy li atiapi ofac ~ _A\i Ito tti ht~lc dpart- Mrrayafter non, uit a mrnt iv''ofthy Ilnt ' lithaviv 'city will clebrattf track amer ntade the trip to Fe'rr filvd he ow'iii tact d nfifitit arivrarv didtil n tei nt w n u to -ttgagt'tiof heittn p i t tnt ti raystm lcket o ftlck ers 1kary 'Ple ii vite ill1 hli larhoetr take", bwtt atfyi -rm i n tcs il ;ima m tS ocok itst i e etitg gaitttit Iip ttil a. :cur ital'-it i vi v ietv livhe fauty awrk ai'ttritait' tivi iantiiliiiii -t il, , nC ao. .\ -ttitb ict at 'rt ad dakth t m nat an ttlivcvept ha t s ia ra - e i] c delvervedi dltrig thy war by ittaartitt*andiilpract icigti I p:r of tic prigrm.inittvrpra tl Sttrid lThe iiitiitiic n tat ivnit tiara . ]intan hajo ptliH. Cowerll ikrlyr fitl aiatancebu th ice in e c l i ti, n"ict (f vtheivmedical laoaral rlare trwias i . T ile rsticnr t he mi l " trto . , S gwm ill tre i,51 an fo dtht aepnyfsi,, h folnii tcprogra, tillby rtnoughk witli tic't ogtin t wndt a ridr~ wat blowtiing dhait e h mli t liiaiiia at \I, Ic rhiti Frechi it ui i itie "oa tjmp r fromcitt 11a ahcuan vlce i- ie Medical t ats e ast alfir lthe irsttiar ta CC Ito- o ld -r ti R S. Coteavnd ay antIweatcio vwatak pactaiciahvla~ ~ i~to o ile Dvlmnptc takeoff. Ackermtttaai i.rti t t rat at iainteaut of aopathy- foett hulait hard toatl tadto p lc ucu ii' th t Cit Daey hat l ifittityit ott ttt lae f hutrat ita tatthe hiha- iiiomwilleveygo. Mf M it it-ProcatN.CA.lDewey rco itr tati 'tffc ndalwh Iiy~inal 'niron-P roflD iatity t r t t tit e ttrcass meta nxtti F.t ' 'tuittia Satura i htatiiarc akedl tasign ad ea tioyrsi of tieiMli dial Prfcsioani itt apdn l g ii to iv a te the aa1iaria t f tir}at nd vit I ubii Ilf N .1 isal. Blas af~r ics espcti' Nates so Nhl"c g ang raOrcheitra. ta Clmayl g aatattlai A tr tahithtie111---- 111 C outdoo pac ticae atilli avattititat art ittnd alt tt at to ry ati tin-a T hlir tubtlic i mottti orialily i td tg tindo rs tw i t t iseves v to I er) ta to cidthe t itt ititi i cvtatotabeivgiveit fil at tii, it o l f eithistaafterinoni I t , 'lvic. Ih l lowatiaing ipro I raltta tiIand F ge, C ittao. .. h all sqaittal atfccvalfromatacitifeet )a-t a C it i ait.a I rahiwas triday lbtoaght tai y the Marcht arat -hrItt airi tattcBeckr r. Otnly abot tliftartci clattiva ee atr tBrthaC tt atttlconsequetlyati thy ita6ic g at' it t iad ii a ifaitti"D r Eri- vl, altlantagla it ai animprobableaiv tarP F rvas C.spaia toacit IM cAllisterc wauldt al ttv iabe tn Impriitt vig (tp air No. 3.. ckob ci willin1g lito akve te rik f laintg ia tit e v ia ... ... Olni iunchtovi sovi ar msra monititg the fewitWatna t I itlict'CV a it I ldrtti stil l ii eft itta cvii if thre lad naI Iavrta alt iia 13 , j autt a arger 'ttvtitacv f cattiidiate. Jim 'taut CiMCliatityc IItgt 'CDa vacaf ercis tititg a tit.u t t atlhe has n t N " frovait th li ...:Pcit ettirity rcve'vrd fr uit lia rcent al iiiredI l Isli-i onti... ..,.Meacciavec Thec attak ysracn aitvti of lighttiolity Neawimana iivtig iad lib ttigptctcand a stta n~ c d tti mI o (i i oi n ati at toly ltt aou t av uc. f tlaywtathe in ... ..,, . it utvitts wtfl tve ttit atnd tanough tati titur nout I i ec t at reyit to alnow it thy regul't a t tn i ll at'' ,' Ida a ciiiee Playvildta'. A trwatapittranlytfo Gar irlnrati catait IBird's cathing sbtnvs siowet!A cc DICIlv at otf LIvnay .... tvituhm tap Yeterdlaty inttersvntttofiAnutlcvv iii CCWorts Desre aliv etrtt edcilthy dnlr dep iiaritmet ttisFredI c aleyv viiiser Iliv aeyttsttia a t w ieii I :,r it rwia 'itdt frtotttt' hviasa he mia'htutu' fGerctrueL ydti faa it is possiib lie awilbi c ' itaae ro 'atttrt" a' C v lv tatttg ... Jar lv adtiohn tatthe teta. i 'artin, auits I t'Uvt healiig iicli ali1nd i ti i i ttathought h itiv a 'a 'vatS'1j1lIRio 6e akle t ptah b h eli ttt i tim ttithetemrac-a C' taraa Starts v1t th pit n ~tttg trip. ,DNESDAV. APRIL. -5, t905 No. 1t34 TENNIS TEAM REVIVES.f SENIOR COUNCIL. riany old Men Back-Prospects Oood Is Being Organized in Engineering for Winner -Hunt toosAct Department-Sanctioned by Fac- as Coach. ulty-Others Departments {- to Fall In line. 1 i appcts arce fieginning to gliltiitta ccbicghttly tattae the courts west oaf thte aittt'iaititt liaetlried out. There is ti l tat nitacitgootid riew' material, titnt aevcat tatfiilat ya'sivaaraity' slug- gersartat.' tt agaiii. iCatintiSt. Johi, «itl ilt itt tfatua aeft-htandlsoop, is gtigrriiiataup al'it; t iIr'elis waving bila racqueitt in a icv iiprvlinianry' flour- fishea, widl- Iltithat bern knocking the covrofftevery tennia ball in sight. The lanik wsatvriner still not be eligible for therati this yerar, htaving played his legitimtettifovutr aseasn I.lHewill act at cinch, trtiitir aitd general utility man foir the rest of the buncb. Owen, Sal- motian td Lariat arc at work on tome wilcketd aerviing atrokes arid are raking tlaitigs httettr thtanaevr on the courts. Sheptheurd, ttelHawvkeye freshmani sho wnthy vatrsity'seccittd-cltass tourna- tttent last fall, is layinig for somebody whnltc h in tacitcomoes. Stuart who tlayedtfootatill last fall held the itter- colegiate chtamtpionsihlip oaf Co~lorado ltat year tittisin gtoinolothitngs wben hev getsaitacartin lTerv'artll hr notvery strentuoiua cx- crtltaia untuil th rioenbegin rrgular prcactice fair ther weatern tournament, twhicht till blihldilat ltar same tine as the confierenace track naeet. Arrange- meitst hairy brett compleied for a meet with Obarrlitt livhlvd in the near fu- tlure, hiat thte exact date baa not been tixed. Olivet has written asking for a gatta,btotintg definite can be an- nind.There is also some prob- ality of a dual contest with Kalamna- zoot, atid perhaps Chicago. Owintg to the scarcity of courts cer- tauit oither mtorehronmisinig candidates fair thur varsity tamwill lie given pre- fereince over less hbrilliant aspirants. The rail of hontor as announced by Cap- ithitt St. Joahn yesterday includes the folloniag:'.MlNiel, Hunt, Lucius, Bariaes, Oweni, Shepherd, Stuart and Salmn. thye coturt is reserved for ladies be- asen thie tours of tenaind twelve, bit duarintheia past week several of the boiys tate beena moitopolizing it all the areanoat. Catitain St. Johni wishecs it uaadeirstond that no ourebait ladies swill t eallwdisd h ec ntemrg after ten o'clock. Bth courts were oirigialaha'reterved for the girls and it insitaly hat stacialperiiissioi thiat the a it teameisitiperittedltat practice thetautil the artwqatarters at Ferry fil re conapleted. SPRING POLITICS. taTheatprachcoaii spritag is heralded tticMla y a chiange itt the weather and Htlie gerial apptaaranice of the vat4iatiana hiat also by the appearanceol atspic antis tin 'lar affices of the, Stiudents I vctrassoaatciation for text yerar. Fol- loswitg tine rile inauigairatedl last year, 3a Steps are beitg taketa for the forma tion of a representative unideirgraduaate body in the engineering ndepaatmann t a take charge of all affairs directly related to the student body Their dtirastwill include the decision of all quetinsaictan- crcning the stitdent honorind atite rcv gatlation of iazitg liafrmaataiotniat such a bndy'at the eaie ymathaly' f the faculty, ahtaughitiatnbdy does nt itend to push the pan, feeling that it will be more effective if plannad antI brought to a working basis by thyit- dents The upper classes atntie egieearing depatments are now workitgoni a lan of organization. One is that a senaor council be forimed siilar itoiahe ve- ecutive student committees in the eat ecu universities ailad advocatedl by the Daily for two years The other i- cudes representatives fromt all clases, as follows: Three juniors, two sopho itores atnd ote freshman, elected ii te spring to serve the folowitg year'liar Vulcans, the senior engineeitg society, has taken tip the project witha enthust- While the movement has receied its start in the engineeriiig depatmeti it is expected that the oiler deartmn'ata will fall in line In that cae onec tr twco delegates fromt each wnauld cn- sttute a general coicil tamiiniistr aflairasivolviigthe entireuniviesiy. It anitert view, lProf fcaorgv CC". aPattersoi, auditor of the biard of gint trol of ron-athtetic organizatinsa, sal last Iight: "I am sure that no obstacle swill le tit ini the way' of the student coitrl iof siudenti affairs On the cnttrary, thur facuty woulnid be relievead of a gra teal of worry wind rspornsibiity I would feel perfectly safe ii pacig control of "graft," regulation of haing arid like affairs in the hands of a re- spornsible representative student body, elected by the students ard having thic studeit cornfdeiice The faculty wouala tiippourt their decisions if niecessary, bat sill attempt noin~ te rfervence'tntessnex- tremeiiitakes ayeimad.Thh 'lis I r- gardl as unlikely. Th'u deaantsaaaought to lbe sirfficienty iteresed tasynchout their own methods as studeants will ae faith in their own organization, where as they might be a little afraid of the faculty, if te start came front that direction "We are not urging the adoption of this plan because of any new and flag- rant cases of grafting among the s- dents, for there has been Iutl little of this work going on during the past year Our idea is sinply to give the regulation of it over to the students so that when it does arise they will settle it for themselves itt a more satisfactory mariner than it could be settled by us. For a beginning I have urged the two upper classes in the enginering departmnrt to appoint sftdkue g 0 1- nitlees for te purpose ira the hope that they will act upoen the suggestion ard that lie movement will spread to the oilier departments of te campus. I think that each department could handle its own affairs better if left to itself because of the inter-department feeling In the case of the S LA or some organization of that kind common to all departments, matters of this sort right more appropriately come before an executive council composed of men delegated from the several departmen tal committees to deal with the trouble. 'We have taken the stand that whenr a cas appoints a committee to get up a banquet, the committee ought to do their work gratuitously, the same as they will do when they get out of col- lege hr would be preposterous for the secretary of the golf club or for a e- (Cotxnnd on pep four.) A r e ti Ai;-f nftir.. ,n t1in 4iAr f -01 natwr_ S POu hO~ri LIT I ITiQLdh C i auT.'NfIE hNUT ateait haulyanacrtty, ii the hit and law' Ti leyiaaittt nyinersill hohla clats dpacriets. hr. Conlety, this year's preationsun hatsv almosut t t a vIii 1 vavaiaat at lyt utu )kIlii ari thats eatnnatg, presaintinthuag a law,ithe nye president :l t n rto maky hue sophomoret cv lii tiIt bn ,ian liat ' r'aagnirnt4v e ]atty I ll. i ll lay ahotsen ifrontthe ur aiaior lit class. lIt ut 'Ihura i itglut at thatoo tarsal esflltie s i s runiortha iiat a niumbiier of juniors _ stvOaie iof the mtut a a tltyivtt cls1.rh C, I gitt ah as el h sn t astih1ai'ttr haiti a I ii v tltaiiliiie liitheuir hona ""ltonioftiateavar.c hefliiitat \viii ar he taittllivhecalltataisniats, tso tar taut three candidates I bl eprsenvlhs'Itt -ttedbatf tr\Vl-cag ni' talofIhIR.-iikii'intA. areirantthe ihl. teat are Ford H. c~lt Ci uir viii'C ct i airho 11 a f Fle fuhlatsiu g Mvi iguc ,nGeorge AC Barnes arid K. hisnaarcv inigrceniaataemad onocca-rt'',mi'aitacll ivy rcyalreI.yraval In uu iaofi thisakind.l hut atiton ta t alvc I hac lopa ' ugaatera Pres. A, .icl hkery wvilby ighttoatsitgiven la)' pacuna I hntiii ' VIA NS LiAGh'IhiPLAY. denti membears of thy cass-fnour fcat- ItuuL inesofio0c- R:.O. maoing. b tY tadfu neednt.Tl l nierof h ~t ~~tr uItecaid ofithur ordinary "At iHome" uaaquuvttrill bengini at seveun o clark I ha t?\IClEC Cvoviva.(riuveeacha wi-r by his le Womans league aay Tickets vatahouhdhe prncured 'at I a snt -I hi. C. lilvy a phlisstill hue listen tautFriday of this tyye in ordevcthtut he commnuittee i am iay I -ipe D~ramat-Ihi. .Olson tsreCkhay the group of which Miss Lois vana'phte arranagemets.v 'ickets tayTaiheoandtaauhPractice--Prof. G. S.Wil- Smithiasaacharge. Allcollege girls and Ieran bafrorn thevsaciaal cnmmuitte, lo- ha taut iaultsyaswumenarc cordially incited to SCnswley, Clncey, Sinclair ath I akivahts' atud I ccatgitv-S. Clsn le hptresacnt. Ci\tycthe play, refreshments I cheut, and halsn iron ITill, Ritcluehie, rtlincI -atvca-J. S. Fuiltout will lie served and fi addition there lmhistedt and Friedman AntericaIEnginevera-Prof. J.'B: Dacit.winl be dancing.