TS'IE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ANDALLI PHOTOGR'APH EEL I t ! Study with a Good Light I hreinn betterIilt hen in TrHE WELSBACI READINGi LAMP ALL S'TiS ATALL P ISj The Ann Arbor Glas Company. A. G. SPaldin & ros. ?EW ROUTE TO KALAMAZOO Wleiiii it i I10 .'ritri 5-t t" ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTIS c~s~ BASE BALL BASK I BALL TRAINS EVERY HOUR GOLF BOXING GLOVLS To ALBION MARSHALL, BATTLE GREEK,,~ STROKING BAGS KALAMAZOO, and Points East and West GYMNASIUM GOODS On G. T. RY. at BATTLE REEK ~ A. (. SPALD)INU & BRIG0 LOW RLATES FAST TIME' NEW VYRii - tItAtttg: Visit REN4TS N[W UkiON0 LOUR00STUDIO. 39t Special Rats to sniors - i I 11 1 . l I i ; I - li 'Cl ll c Iffake \I Vtut -t i tle a-. r l i t It. n 1 . __________h_____it (ltrit AtttC( C ~~t ~ h it t 7 to t ti~tg io ather 8ne3lq a ,,1I .( 1t s tl itl etr it l fogOWigthilNS t it on l l ,d-: it Ma eu o Oresapend e s ted -.1,t, t .iticl ,[(lnt itf- the tio flAC & C . HOE TEEPH BEStilLONG ISanCE.lad ar EGYPTIANI WALK- THE WALK- OVIER SHOE CO. $3.50 For Men To Be Well Dressed tonet-tmtust belie lt I shotd as weis itcetreettiits-lit i. Walk=Over Shoes a re mtade in a variety ofictot rect pcatternis for hituse anti tat-o-loor wieat. Shown htere tirt a fetwpleasing pattetrnts ftt String anti Sunnit. Yout tillifind a tmuch laimtr acitortittritt at t he WALK-OVER SHOP 111 S. Main St. and Women $4.00 ti S4' e"5'"4CS3Ii}t tttb~{~ ?y{ r. SCHLER'S East Huron St., opposite Ladies' Library sIna alli Departlmerts i i tt rili r " o i r tu receipi. Setnt ritiittsc tiordersIt e l-ralitditn- $300 eneop orrtunofthe rett till ttet d rs Lies al sof pri eso rt-aca a ltstheDetoit 0Much. 1f3,e rOB PRINTING2. -Meyers, 1. an 1(XM , I crel o l calion, we a l i le I Try some11L tlof Gunnc'einof'( Ine Choco-t Go ocstranofsixtor Her~ls 1ey1s &al trler's Mkal esoeoatc. f Lortest nvltioegInrding "s tfal- Tueoa ano rossaioHnani&e oiis anite tsptoyorsclrilyrbydGeges Mures ll dr2scior Mansira eats )pery ilnesigic oitob, cis boo1,3 tide atRFocIr N-Store., i2Min GT yoour Gymnppoe neGChoco-s BERS OAL SRVC POSTAL CARD ALBUMS.. 50 Cents to $3.00 More than 405 kind~s iii line 1ti at 2 fInce ts~ State Wit. 1-4 ott onl Banners- and PeInafls Special Prices on Silk Pillow Tops DARLING & M1XLLUX OHIO CENTRAL LINES ThouS.dn~t' 5ai.ztc Toledo to Ahn itttttittitttclt Si Itt STATE SAVINGS J3ANI' !u ~ ti t it t tit 5 W " . l t ) I l{ . 1' Ir t , t is 'll t ttu it Ii .i t. it - Ir te Ja . II . de .-t F. i ll, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ass Acbor, Michi. Capital, fts icio. t triut. ti i priti 1 ti.. BAILEY & ED)MUN[P. (funs - Fishing'Tackle - Aml itie Ftih Netsifor iiecoati 1g. 121 Ea ttw li t . ci 1it1 11 kse. Salted Almonds Macaroons Gre Petit Fours am Patties or WXafers1 DEITIES' These are only a few of the inany good things to eat at your parties that you get at Vi RutI~nter Turkish C'garette can be made CORK TIPS Look fo.r Slgeat....' R. PLAIN qif S.. AARGYR OS Always Ahead In Styre MIL WARDJ, TH I E TAILOR, The Best of Everythinc in T l6