T HlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 4. !'4.' 4. 4.- - 4.- 4. 4. CUTTING, REYER & CO. ; 3 Q R GA 35 SOLE (iEF S SPRING STYLES NOW IN anand see themNN lbette o u IObuy or not. for the _4 ALL lREo0xL SHOElS SHINED 1FREE1. .j4.j PAUL MEYER 109& 111 E. Washington St. 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. + f t + 1 NHi+ir r 4 r+ rrrrrrrl rrrrrrrr rr"r " a1 Plcakwio~tk BOWLING ALLEY Strictly Vp-tou-dtxtn. S. PR07TENSTE2IN, P.-sm,. 707 N. Vest', A. ' BRIGHTON GARTER PIONFEEI 718 Mar-ket St1 IUSPFND! R CG..Philadelphia I Visit RENTSCHLER'S NUW GR~OUND 1FLOOR STUDIO. 319 East Hurot St., apposite tadies' Library Special Ra~tes to Senilores nat Departments GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. J013 PRIN'TING-Meyers', 215 Mlaini stet,1sout. Phone 281. If clai, II(.titc chnt- Try some of Cusnnng's Fine Clnsco- ,, ~i it Ia c .i a f t ales.tf. i 1 1l 1 1 I; 11t, 1r 11ts 1hit, l 111 atd 11 l t ~ ik 111111f 0011,1 i-t trn iI X '1Il 11-0 1 Illtt alb N h-.,k w t Ith a iri va f Ir id 1 1 f I i tli cr 11111Ihave 11ecided t II c1 4 1-t i t' 1 111111 11110; i il'ilO c ~ lia iIII 0,1111 ll E lt 11 1 Ilk, I) a 1 1 t (7z ti . 100plld c PR(1 - TI uIiil1j111 It lo. 5110w1wil1 1sold1its t11 r 11.t11 1p11111 z,0 i110K Al oto Cushing's for Htersheys & 4er's Milk Chocolate. tf nits pressed, 25c; trouslers, 10c. ler & O'Connor, 6119 E William St. J 11 il5y , 51 al; el 11 13.1 HE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Adress .. .Bales. manager, 5(08 Foulrth aveniue. Phones-1Be11. J ;ilHomel, 289 Red01. 2411 eket for tour shanmpoos, one dol- Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. versity, near Quarry's. t-th-s tf. 11,011r1fe't1condition, c11he11. NMay lbe i 1t.1rin tlts 1 9 ?.1'. eiz Choice Large fe Steaks, Chiickens, 4 (,vsters, etc. , Oyster~ r State Street One Night Out to SFLORIDA VIA - SFrom Detroit and Toledo tt (.tNIONDEPOT IN BOTH)I e Toledo and Cincinnati I No disagreeable Transfers SWre Big Four Agents fsr iifsrfif'a tionsor ~L. W. LANDMAN, General Agt. TOLEDO, 0f 0,! M.Martill D.rco (Office 2411S1. O4th Ave. Phone 98. Residlence 3112 S. S5t Ave. Phone 14 Ambulance on call. WAfSHTENAW LIGHT &~ POWER C0 Rowe ''s "'" Lau ndryK. 11 ii 1 -01I ll.I'twuj c Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. il rI ," [I( iacrw 141111 i lslI-cc 11f11151 o 11, 346 NI ifth Acl'. 1".1Il Nt tiv 'Ittslc ,,; 1 tltt lill , "Cr-1111111 I t11111'(,)i- ST INOGRAPHERX&11 Fred E. Bststler, '05 La .w I I 011111 0 1-Il invitd 1 t) lrS 2 to 4 P. sm. Sit 1111,X\pr 1 ti.: -l 101c, " ie Iiu RINDt/0tNC;t., 523 E. A0 5 0S N sr. 1' ,Id1 1%v . Phonse 347 J. DI'I12OT Y5Stf.AN ''ANN ARB2IOR & JACKSON RV. 'liMP F ABLIS. 1111 IIl' ol, is 11111,1ITS. 11e Aal C .t XIhot 10 t0o0 1A1111 1 -1 r:1 trr't tIlt i ltila l t :I 1W i "i It,,tv A im ri,(lrt vt 211,% foin 1:30 ( J. B. It:L) ttIti, eweler 109;2[,t:ety1] *.i.................'t lrltlt~ta- is. 10)66 Ti Ilan' "cell Ch1 1 111111 11011,11 011111-,. lFllldllI I0'Il- Latest novelties in suitings al Fiil-1 Ictr & O'Connor's, 119 E. Williatm St. Thle Sorosis an1d1 lHlllal1& 81111's line s1h1oe'11and1 1xfo1rds ,1d inly by Geor ge Ally 110111igllnfoly, 111ns,brohs 11.e at0 11 Foste's Art 811o01. 110311 Get yonr Gym muppnestC at Cushing's. 21)0) I. WASH'INUJTON ST. I You II ed Rub t iRenien her We Have the Only Cohn- } plete line of Botots in this City for MEN AND WOMEN +3 D)IFFRdNTSTYLELSANI) WID)THS IN E~ACH 'Iwo Styles are Elntirely New This.3Year and You Will tnot iiid IThem EIlsewhere ~Lks~Z~Q~119 S. Main SI. . I I Macaroons Cream Patties or Wafers Salted Almonds These are only a few of the many good things to eat at your parties that yoti gel at P ENNYC OO K"S Petit Fours EGPTA DEITIES -Mn 'Rotter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Leek fer Sdi tr R PLAIN , 1f S. AN ARQ'Y"' ____..- Always Ahead In Styles MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tall