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October 11, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-11

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The Michigan Daily
No. 13
Columxbia B ekcks Down. SUAKSP[AREfRECITA.
Professor Trueblood to Give Readings
From Macbeth-Benefit of
Coach Morley Declines to Keep His Promise to Play Thanksgiving Game- OrtrclAsiao.
College of Physicians and Srgeons Folow etfcsosgs iscss
Suit-Oberlin Game Also Off. blodsisl gileslctsedeisligs frissi
Ortorical A sscitioni. Ti a e
Theirumos 'which haveIent tying Thniksgiving say andf this wiiuitstomue lisiiiiiih551 sisanulcirb in lto th
about sthe Cmpsfir e fast to rgreatly lse oubas rsieadMchgnOaoiaiAscain hs
tree lass to the efet tat (slsiimbia idestrosy fis ownsrepiitatiosia05 roah. teiigte' lenthciii Ii rchit ihiIsinatedi
was seekingto evaile llayinigIthe fHenrele hsoswaitedttthit assuredst sv i ecs to this cssie IfHe will
Thianiksgsiig gatne sill fsMicfigain ttMirhigoan's eans was as 51triing ialesMacthon iida uy een-ig,anl
were rcintirmedts est veriday'bsyDiretor as esvsrc v-ie Coluinbia's sowiig tisiselettemsr trli ii ivikingtpm s agevi5 s i
fairsd, swto gasve iiit tir fsllosing far has beetn iisappitiing. A rei- tie ragedrst, awisi ithssastis ewss
alat~enents titisis of the fanoius Buffalo oassare is brininitg out1 theoutiliesofith
To the Public. sf thsree- years agos was nost Ibeyndistory.
'sT icihigant Foottal M~aiagemntthue posssitiities, aidthtncere . lMlor 'Thiss th firslime tihestswisll ttsvi
rgrctfiilf3. announisces ifhat tfirer silletytbackesd dtoswssina a ntner thfat, Is gistn acithi b II iiseforeianAnnisAshis
e no Coislmia-iMichigani foostball 5pu1 itnildly, is cowarily. ailise .I petosesi ainsl h le1
gamn ThankTsaibgis-issgsay. Cosluminasit Mir. fBairit has wrer]ei fari andsI his"en steeisiesohuHaIllit
has prcrticaolly- declinedlis itoy, as faittfully is secure ass Easterns gmse Juliusi' Ca5elirIngomisarimitnd sOsesvi-,
is sfonibylthfe floswisng ltrter: ansi fas made every cnscsession is fat ing 1 iiiiseelaIts program.555 iisThIis'
New Y'ortk, Oct. 7h, 19014. ens. Thle sfiortsmnailike attitudse is risably the nlyissi tiimtestudenstsi'
Mr.fChfarfesfBaird,ss-fih e fas tmaistaitnedsthrougfhout wvill havie the ~os 5 tuii sit helingi ss
AuntsArbosr Micihigasn. fhse negitiatis fpreints a striking trftessruIebi-tlsod(lringilhs'cots
MiY tDear (Ctharlie--ft ~sems itt-a-itcrsntrast lto fat sif thes Columiaisegsyea-c The enteirtinm~iient will
iss'stithfe 1psesentstime fsi-ilsim- reacts. le' ite Lass fBuildini. Ihe ad-
hitoiaddiaiothersslssiharid ganse'tos ter irigs'fsitalsaisoiless miiissin will te 'sily 'i5-rts
alcealydififirlt scedeulie. fPlattg c in'us-enobr1asasohewllhirngw
Peiissylsss55iaYale ansI (ornsell is in n nNvebr1,ihih hcg
itself a i ganme, ssi Ferry Fiel. The Oerit 0 S.U STILL WITH US
ote bVrigg eatiniurulihg lEastOiit ganeischitesduledlfoss'Noiss-e 19was A i,imelitsifortO.S. au
sierpts.Iits terfrseysor rransgedsuponesthisconissintisihast thus ist oubusuSutsrssy ait comil shts I
to have.I stll urfsevrysiyColinibia gans e It'lfauye'd, anthit wiill ,.id it is al siusvure-sfactsthit thii ir
thn.mi a bas otots tha-st. it iterntosa'd te railedoeff as Oerlisn is notsispe 'sf50 virowudsiev-sr isotiuhli i ;iI( isot.-hdaohrdlyaxostolyit algm nt saeo howl
OOturgame, as the fosiotsll sitia-atsataulh ss stus uhss hsitiiiii
tioti soes sut warrantsehrsdosing 5 's it hilIe Easterntem afido,, sth cuct.leOiook
Vet'y'truly yotrssesess, thesri' art' sss s'srihyfoelss'ssusii oniei illoer thus';rel--isheltis
t~~igtis'sl I *W.R. MOLhfEY ittthe 'iast ishinswe sdiosnotth ai this' tiead i t~ih'ustsfor loythisit i si tr,
Itscsinsshi~i wifsthi hell r te ar. ieft Minsesta, ant a Mist hey are o teoic on thas t ichsitgan,
Football Miasnagesienstswisfes tsan- siso a game issit of theis'esfotionutt -v gciiug tirsct st. 5b iitiv ,
onssie that it tha~soildissery effort The Chicago eord-H-eraldl sah' iter eis hsrtiiv I sorus '
fivsiseile toisercure 1hit nehis isrhyt, rthe alumisei of teltwo Uisits -uill itit freiialtlatsothsae
after thle close of thei"otal sasn iesssesrsetryinig Is arassge Isisa tettosiiu i~~ i no s
fast fall weo'enedneotasonrl-susalwith'Thasksgiing contiest, ut lift.tBas it I tl imeetroto in.>th
all o~ f 12(.Easterntetassswits a -i si-lenifuestioessal that lie 1 its I utl.
of securing ue~~~~~~istfiisg at all aboutstthe mte.Iti5aagrBid5a1eurdf01
bS s ahuiigsgamse withi isse'osithIem. ;h AnAro Riroda alo-a
'sale ansI Harvardf annsosucedshasht doubtfulhif thur veteranssouitthe Var -bisritrlitso I0101
hei scisutuee ver al jracicafysil' team couldfu be inudsced to flayswhihs oill bhottached-ltou tu- -Crs-
arrangedlPrfuuessors-Fussesitf-ricr-thutsgooe it it 0as scheduledf,as thyurt tiaevinisg hrt's'Sutusrutst'sslu1u1iu
iu fits-srest a cnststuills liichigan hose nout forgottensthur treatmnt sthat Thur rots,-vfuseitill he fl th u h.Pitstncahsfltta ataddou ote tS. aletaec ay hs eiig selsi
the shtioltle wassitheavy. iow- last 1earus thurol unanshuouldt lisieye isuir
ever,he tfollowuing quotsations rosm ia Conscernisg itorro's game thisrio na a thus'A-nsArtorse'lushoo
letter Oritten hoy itr- Mrley itt Co- is a tpeculiar mix-of. Thue College of t er'ssess stand t oncsse.
tnibia sss P5f~ o~wItr-h~ysians ansI Surgeoss wu-ussa'e flo-tiral uadmissinitou thur gamtesill
ily wsvinclinsedh Issceuule a game seedheftersitomsorow u, annsouncruhed $ 00, Seatrs'ros i-Oh be sahli
with Michitgan.uMrliMorley the that'- tanalger fBairdt that they wosul su enruts i-sethera, idle.Seosite.seil totut
ecosch of te Colunmbia CUivesity fhada constrtact, hIs'.Baid si-lt ia lit's
tootball teamn, osrote itsfis first eter, teve at this high-handedrhations, ands at CHESS AND CHECKER CLUB.
latest December I1th,tho' tolluoing: te santo timue arrnugedsh tuth~e Amu- A numbseruofstudetsois-ietsiFriday
I osts favorably uponustyre' frpsedsi ria scholsof itSurgr,uhis uerrsfternoonsussin theuen'isus ptrorls otNi-'-
goose0 sandshausll chnssult leete tohsplaty hisre October 1, to tiltiretberrtlilt saushcomptlutiiietud r osngofsi-
Bearth at its netiCmtmt551'tha thracant dae.Mr. Bir' rotest ei-i'zatn iofthurlhitrit (ChiS-S itoh
Ait wsgnrll u- ht h ety a et as at ulst igt Chec'roCltut. A cniuhoutssuit1to-
Columbiatfoardlhasusually eegv-he receiveid a tlgram f romthesman-tlaws wreaotedsuo, adtellowin
errhed i maitters of ltikinduby hut ie agesie-st sainig Iut'y swoulidocoe oficess eoleu
judsgment ~ of Mir. Mtorley, the utslookts Wednsesaysuer certains cnditiions:s. h'sslists Al-'.'sUI.,,'hisiet sc-s
for thur cistest afofuaredsherey'fuss-sr- As the nmatter stanutesow, life Bairu(-lpresidei'st, f. E. tHigei; screar,
able. Since that ltue the ,Msihigan his tsgooes sn itfis haids for 'se- J. fH. Iaalloot rasurr, It. ngeetsa be('daaisidnsayeeruls- o ranetodr
again 1by Mr lsrey iii belies-isthatlaive thur I. suit S. toamtplay here A ereso-f itgmses wsorrsangdh to
Slur ganme soulIsis tlated. Hover, tmorrowe aud thur Amsercans Scholacous iitttlwe appohiiiintedifrut tne l'tor-
u-n have never beetsable to atcure of Surgery a ueels fros then. Au any l]xis, leu usooss susruls omuthelucloth.
from lie Columbsia authoristiies a final rati, there sill be a ganmistomosrro, 'The sceuole milt le- se-usy tostI-
iecisissi andcontiract. Realizing thatut s tswhusosill he Michiga's Oliftntg this'bulltet iiboar. Thus'clubswill
the, ttt50' hash comesor tafinal answer ponenrut is undeided. ntc( is-hauissitsrguarse ssionsi set
o-esu-Oh or anotheur, a ueels agosie Fritay afte'rutiusns.oshnis-ti stsosthey
wile i toIMr.lMorly askisg fr a e- u-ususug o-isse wii bforusltedou
in ~i isin.Thtusabosve sles'eruas GE L .IAl t v ushi-sitesoru-shted usnoretabl ue
We grea"5tl11rugret tusappintthe o' fsr eo Stanley uill te't: thise
thousands of Michhigani stiupotersvoics of sthosuse wofusuisro' tostr
Wha it shlodohto see, this gamue played. fuheiuiversty tles Cl, liMhnay, i5EULIA AL
Dir0elottBairdl is vert-y ,,..ind hinant o ft.p.s., at fBarbur G (yme. Fres- lhiipTs. Coil ''uoveaone of hthu s-ut
with(slatchi 'sorey snushe bertainl sIangutls ae eligible. hInqieof itcamoio'ignt speakeri-tsi ic'sf'slu,-illst
ld",st ca rhus. itorley fpratically lifss IsablslStelluagen, l26tS. Fifthspeatrust osthis'light Isuardioh Xi uiosti,
croils Conuimue's football affairs Aire.;tuphone 171. All girls who catnuor st'ysighiIttuind ithe usp lics ofss i
antiithie' matteru-ot arranging the ched- sing insulindosttry for thurcchitsosusthis' htiisit elican Club S I i
its is elt lmstwsieniroely ts hiltsfas h fat itoay wortiy rrfeosentthu rot's ivsitedi-i ieui ill be ftut-
li1 en is iinclisnedhefieeis sutthe girls of theUnsivesiy. unishd ly uta bssibanduso
slighes t udout but that hes coul have
carried5out1 hisfrsoise usotply liftshi - + ++ """ ' '
igal n Ns eYork City on Thanksgiv- I
log day.+
Mr. Morley assured Director BairdF
Oseera times that the ganme wouul e
flayeduOSeptembuerli, swhieloe s-jh e is veIit
slg throsughi on his way us New York U i e s t
City, ibe Colnsia coach tsld not
only Director Bird ht also a nusm
er o ewspaer reporters that the
thieted with the excefption of signing
the cosntract, which woofld he douse at
Thr sonly one expilanathon toM i h i a J on
Coach Morley's unsfortmanitke cots- I .
duc--that he realite thflat huts team
was in for an awtul drubbhing ottn
} Coachs Tries NewFomccscrm
Frain-Smmage Today.
luost'ithiss i o u t 51 u t-y Fild
Iasioevenuigto hi ausshs this'tfoo tsl
pract oscu-ueue divsssappoineudther e-
ing s-S-hi-I rliticSt.
'this is theliriist s-unt pactie
sui tt's-usoacluh wosto e-u-Itsusom
1 harid plotying; ii lii 5gaimeiiwittfOtS.
I. tut Sahts1daynex.
I ThusaernsI oon theii praice wisol he
({oen anshIdthes ishissersois uapitued
yetora mli ayS 1 conusoe iitmslves
sot the factlii thistitonihu gt's pratices
swil ilushi'a'i sc im ae.
Thou sorsitIlast unihtconsiusitits
siga ipiruacto us iceadtestsutofsomhsne'
toose St urday.svsohrs ssi subt
Freshman Classes Will Start Work
Nov. 1-Physical Examinations
Now Being Held
tlvuuuusiioms o' Is tfor the is t-yearu
vstuleIts w i comencet'u'N oembersos
first. T hie couurini-o'iigmniasticstinus-
der ir-i-t'rFitzpiatris sdieted-i
-tosoot-othitmprsovemeniuit osithecn
shititu and Sthes correct' iositositthe' 1h1y-
sco deohfh esotheii'Fushmsuit.
Frotut ist 51icomptiloed'oti188, it
itohOisted out toey'suvicalcndiotionui
of ih iiiihundred isot v uets thon ex-
1 ils was iptouse'sutitusd1 rse
iso eleivosesulto I eitn so-s con-utE1x5-
ainatils itsetbeig heistaiy at
I Nlon Mta'i-sns , '05 Lalso, fist
loie son llapp o otudituse lasss footb al
i iii iS I lii mna~sgrs sit thu'euari-
oislS's steahims05hiuve- bentistruted'u
tea tp 110.11a itshf01thusesandidatesh'vfor
theireats ivallot handuit too listhutflre
uso'losks-Is iii i- aouo. fis address is
607 SouhShoehitshe liti.
Ivero nisuu ussoq uieiis pass us sluy-
s ica ohexaminouatsuitsbeforeui'oe isalowe
tou pily- situ i ugs go-su- iostiex'tectlo '
h-is ea eg eton uI orI si' eutuwith Trasso ies
humenon stiSteamsu. 'listswi-ittgratlit
liste' chancsueof hijurytoth hehis
p hlyes. 'f'hs-uoae severalstrong
j tms its thus'fielIthut e s h ot' thIlit
thio' s'hue isill cnstinssa numiberuofsi
intehrenig gams.'s
Ait manauges outclsss ftutualath moso
miuusiti-otisd thus- ~ susus o this' iaitoi-
dlsuvfoutheluir respetive'rteeasossitoo'e
I7beoretuo'cok 1Friday, Oct 14. fur-
oti-n utos osebhsmanasgr's'tlosmoase'
its utpusoiut-en osithis Mft. tiFitatrck
ot' IDr. Nlis t' he liigymsiumstuusfoistr
phyutsicalsexamtintionsut ot Iis etires
hies'. ishistexami'ntioloisuuimpuora-1
play ub-vss huisameorsiappessousthIsi
Certeiiedotlist Ifusnsisleshat thin tine si
examuisinions, ualstuso u'.iseus ae re-
qustdt io hiss-ntheir 10e5n15 examiunedo
as si-situ sosibvvhl. Pltooeuntucue
-ot vohoostoule, tplaceo ot gameus, utMs., uill
M1anagset's of'inrclass "otalt
i07 S. Sateo St.
1904-Fifty-first Season-1905.
Sessn ticksets, $2.00 -Reserved
seats, 5i cents-Sintgle admsuission,
I Pcisets cast hisssecuredf at Wahr's
State 'tre'et Booki Stsre, or fronm stu-
dent antlers. 13.

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