TH)H MICHIGAN DAILY i f ar ouwalk? cul SIART FRELSHIMEN RlIHT I SIIISS MLK ii C) Leading CIIOCO[A1 A cro ot ,vill regis- Peter' Is the Octginal --- -- - -Photo, GLEE CLUB NOTICE. +{ " oedtryo~t 1ont (7. Oc('. Ic,r p. }${ TERants needaapply withocverood 01(1 ('rds 1 r ti i 0 have 'not tried hereto- *. }4foe.PARKE'tDl. STEZAKS MANDOLIN AND BANJO CLUBS. +;{ C OPS ;, Tials for Varsily M\andolin Club + + +a t\\ill tw( held tI c 0(11(, Oct. 11, at 7 RELISES p. In- itllitoomtt21, Ittivcrsity Hall. }4{ ;+ ;STlAND ISHl, Lcadecr. NOTICE. 444l +44 ("7 'tcdic catidteslc o rlo footbiall * tvu o +. mel n phttt -t'roomtt o c dl., ii. SHlORT ORD[RS llvaMElSTER. -* 1907 NOTICE. ;I4 S . Sat St + All catttdiates foritc1(07 Lit. t. laefootttbl tl ttm mot cepottfoc prac- tice {4*c}.4+.4a +44 4+4,.4; l o tdtay aftecrnoonti at, 4 1). In., at I ('Iornerof tCh rc t nd Hi11ll ts. C ASK POSITIVELY CASH Last--Lttdy's goldwattch betwet H (i'hot r tl2 t. tatd Sciry lFicltd; itamiel Oi orders to cabs for parties or entertain- tttittterccsec. tRctturnto10537 moats wilt be lakes this season unless _______ch. ___eward. cash accointpanies the order. Petdomterslt frce. Plead Catting, RATES: Icyt c & Ctts Ati. tf. 0.iloit - - - - (tto tte -iuna etoten 'uitng 7t~s lui~e11Se1>f°:Irian - : 'itS ollc ' 'yea. Addressc, R. ID. NW ..1317 (Colc '' 't t cl ,11-13. Robison & Co. Holmes' Livery Walker's Livery W. B.91tak Mitt. 11cc A- tro hogcc, plist.O, DON . WILIAS ®SLAWIt m . It O.. Itie1 r~r og t a.(Ini. t <. t DON9.1.[.fl,'01[W fromic cttt77cents to $1.1t0. 1::1 t.1. . ill tiltay. thone 715.1 epirttcig at bh llcr & O'Cotttoc's, 119 Izt 1((1 ((ct ti 1 (1 ,t I I I Evenn s '. \i A llitttttSt. S "ituldftlt c' ittttls andtitl lot l Ioitoc I' cI d )(j a'JJj t hplbccxilntttttt''35c lfttc$$199in- sturautce. Phloteor( it' . tt1 V. It.lBU7T'LERI, SEYMO(UR' MS STUDIO, l l BothPoces 401. 20 IHnoon. 316 Sooth Nao1- tf. T _; r D 9 ; [IN6f RY[R&,- Arkansas, Texas, Mexico :. ii ~cre(fttttei ~tCALI FORN IA 34 eo,0 A're Best Reached i ea ,.. l((tcltcc I ~St, Louis, World's Fair City, t;. 12.00 SIT 'Oil OVER~COAT, AN TH A Pedometer' ro4 onti o t Two____ 4 D110 ai~ily 1Tainsc to CM'fontt 14 * 1 FTr'eDtilTr' a .insto . xItco ..4 6" +9 UIto 0 tly I'rttttia to Ht cSprings" Clothiers, Batters, Furnishers j ~Ix alty 1rttinsto Littlec k ; 09-111 [ast Washintoin St. i~fI ETo'Eeyhn + . CH L ER WRITE ME, _ raper IibAeos'itqT 4 . 1atK.1 3 V ,~Id' 4 Job Printing. 1M1yerPs' 215 ,Lain St. iI. ""."" ~ . ~oo'.O tt sotth. thotte 281. c t0i'. S. L A. IC~h~a.University Danciug Academy ct trc ntto t on sl tt al O 't t ate 11 ]; . fi t' ItC'0't', '( cl.''.5' atooms.stet5 c i SCIJIJII, Sanitary Plumbing, _________ ________ 1 t 1ic ('(olstru ton oandlsuplies~l Michiganensiaus $1.00 each at Gas and Electrc Portables, GaOs attt Wahe's. tf. 1E1ec'tri ciurs, tic .ttttlnd thot Don D. Williams,105O Law, Stenog' j247 If. Washington St. rapher.I_ Offict' Ntt. 5Law ldgt. (hours, R ve)-[5ndr pI. mn., 'xcepit Saturday; 1(0-12 a. ttt. Thomas Powe, Proprietor. ott Saturday) . Rstidec, 101 Nttcth y 36N l fthAe Stotc St.-Telephone 7131., e36eN.[ifs.Avf Phtysical examtittatiton tf the 'ctu- 1 AILE3Y & EDMUNDS gtym(st.ftomtott 4 pI. ot. attt 7 tol (ions =Fishing Jackie =Ammunition 9 p. 11. daily. All sltdetnts ace ce-: quetedc to itake arrangemts f tor Finh Nei t o'Decortinlg. tithing ats exaintat~tin f. IIEatoU wr 0 t. \11n ( iu '(Mch OHIO CENTRAL LINES Ytout 1wil itttla first-classotttiseptic Iair drelt'ssitgtparlrc. Nttctantec tf, DIRECT LINE ctchingt d(11n1ruttfIoran o 1Itherc-till) TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. or sk ittdisct as ttc e'r'tt'71 iit utedtis sIterilizted. Sotttwtertlorfttshamplooinig 1 Parlor Cues on oll Trains at1 Mrs. .1. It. 'l'ojao to ics, *777 o. - Statc st'et. Phlotne'259. 1(11tt d D. V.A. A. 4" J. Railway BULL DOG FOR SALE. FIrt t'ittit :ifhotillyttftr(11(6:tt> 1).____ M . t of 1 . ittI i . 0(0 .1 . :i',101. ( t dtog.hulAddr te s s F il , 13''d 17' tV til .,toI. tn I.,te.-':tic I t i' BARGAINS.' The Saturday Evening Post If[f"[N RS $1.00--to Jutte 2.1- :17 Oeekso$1.00 -PRINOTERS P~er Year, $1.23. j 2na Floor, Athens Theatre Building The Ladies' Home Journal 75c-itncluingtueNtot'r, 's01, titd Jtuly, '05-75c Fuera P~er year, $1,110U. I Ma rtin uea Blargaiti' in therico .11 0 i". lu LI0Director .tlcFldotcny, Mlichtig.a'.sMagazine IOfic li th Av1.0Potu 9. j l51'(Willianos SI. . 3-3 Ambuclance on nall. ..........T'T'n ,I ...9..9.9... i't..ts+ +4w.++.4 I NTER ESTED IN POLI TICS? If so), itveryLaw Student sitould hveiitc ofst oluttitoui tiectacats .~CALLAGHAN & CO., Law Publishers, Chicago, Il. 4 ANN ARBOR BRANCH: 340 Slate St., Opposite Law Bldg. SUr'itan Shes $40 shtiotstiid c 1ic l uait itt e11 s ar1) Oct Cl (11101r119 S. M~ain Street . ,/' J1 / J / I 1 C 1 r ,' ; __ ! I .:. REMEMBER THE LOVED ONES AT HOME... it It 1 Pure Candies PENNYCOOK, the Confectioner 31ll ,a1s It, +:,NIc. .Y C17,7K TIPS Lok Ce io, t AllR PLAiN (2f S.AA;,ytO Always Ahead In Styles. IL ~WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring