TH% 'J IC1-iGAN DAILY, lIART, SCHAFFNEIR & MAR~X +i04 MACK & COTS. TEA ROOM « 4 RS an coats I up Cats and + Truesfo iig oft 9o no404+ 0 F1Kfor our IspTti"rI-uLtENT ______________r, I Table D'floteandEuropean IPlan 217 So.M io- + S t Everything First-Cass 2nd Flo r 217 . St ..Money Loaned.. ' Cn 4 Rt lie, ) .4m4n.444V Q40 4.144+i and al Hill Gl0as C4140 I l +1 and t 14ilt 44r.1 :rani44444. + }a W. J. LOURIM. it T o 4h v t O. Y r~i 4< ' 4 444II 44 q 44on44H4r, ,4u .IIII I1.4 1. . + Bosoness Strictly Cofidential. . t NOCi{ ILTtRlUE atltbailc -Clsattenedd 44'.or 0night. Fresh Strawberries Served in Crushes. and ;undaesattie. Sod f00ounan Q 'Uarry's IDKVG STORE You a'_ g't m 3 IHot Ltunch At Tc..tlo'ra.33 S. st~t0 Oe~ Brunswick Tables REID'S BLLIARD) PARLORS rl Clears ad Tobccao. S D v l. ",- -d44 44444.'4. , 4 4'4 4 Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes pe '4 , , III,, it 44. P11 CH S IN CONNEC4TIO)N An, 4 4f 4I . IS. It. 4Pi 444 GRAN(I ER'S Aae yof Dancing 44,,., 44 . .4 4. 4,S. reel4 w ' I\CHICANCNTRA "The Nagara Fals Route" THE SHORT LINE CHICAGO ANN ARBOR toI BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK fith direct coun4ectins at Chicago for teLouis, Kausas City, St. Paul nd thgb19 tickets call on orwrite toaW. w'(ASE, Agent, Ann Arbor SPRING OPENING 4 4114 44 4 4 4444~r'( tcd. A l h ilfa ri. n Plto na ( ttli td 'i t"20 t 2 0 o-ui :+ct1itt\ PO~k"tf()k. )f tvl . ti ad 1110 w 1 ll t~ lll), voll;re al th t 114 o tclt n a l r(:r i t- 1'13'" ~ t' a rc-' 2( StABrdleR&WURT A NEW QUARTER SIZE (SENSAAC 2FQYY (.NTS CLUE] T, 4LAaBDY &CO. \kIst It,441 'Ri 11114441410tI41 V4111 'ti.4 I0N' i ui4U'iL lw - t 4r4rai ill T e l dy as -t n o o sb %m4 4th4 k 4~ 4 i 4 4 l f IIii'/4't d 444 44444 4,i~i 4, C 4'. w.'1\ 1 hati4 l 4 in Ian al li4 r 44444t 4 4 14444 4 .... . .. ... ll4t 44 44,4 444 4 l 4.K44 . '44 "4 V.i! S444 4 O,144 444 4.1 ' , , 4. 41 4 .1.te , it 'm4 , 04 1 ",,lnt4 it P t ia4 d ; iilI nc44 r night 41 to44 V 44 44 d4 4an1 f 4,4,, . r4 .rt 44A' th41 , in44 4 A th 4,44,4iclm 4 Ir c. 4 inch ,1 ,4 are1 t bst 0) lw I144U , 4444 44444 44444 5.... .. . ~' my 'a A more ,, 44 I44 1, 11 'r W an, { )fi'> ti1 ..'4, A1 k 1 4 4 1 duo NIl. ,4 44' 4. 14 . 4 . ii1} 4. R \ -s 1 . c is , 44 44411,, 44.I'e itii 1 * ,ti,1 Iilli tll SII! o1. .1.1 tiltl ilti le.444 4444- .l Carefully..AM). an i .tld lesE Ap-. t w ai~ Il t l ccific fletods. l Silia - =Nale' ewlr- Sor-. 4 4.44 4:11 (1 4 1 44144.44441 l c (lt - 14ll rc : .4 41,il III' I i i 44,4 4.Iict(1 t 'it ! 4 1 4l44 444 4c 4 44 -)11 1 i4,4t44 1 444 i WC-' 1 4 41, .4it 1 11 II( 4,\V4 1 4 4 4 : 44, r G 4 11,,4 1t111S, 44 4414,)~i 144 1444 4 ~. l 444 4't ia1 1111 14. 44Fl a t 1.4ti "'4, stic'4 4 ]111i llth ii o l itt 4 . 1 444.4, .4dl-stict 4;- 41r 44.vt 44a 11,,s4CI.Y >4. allt. Ii 4444 444 444a i11117111 4' ( t PHOTOGRA.PHS THE SEYMOUR3 STUDIO, 31l6 5oat Maie St. CASH POSITIVELY CASHi Stan( drdltt 4444444A T . TheyNatal.Fendr Cafn gteanCer Nat c ia raIFalls tdtn ot' on Saal ve l t:t1"111yth Waolkfs to i W O.IC.TeeitS ant JL.iIht 4444444al,4the44444. 44, I-S'. : 4.1 oMper tShro edded Whceaat iscuo Picr :. J. SU ILIILI uen340,StSte Street No orders for cabs for parties or entertaino;THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD oucuts will be taken this season unless .AND4ST04M0HIPoLor 4.101 cash accom panies theordec. T~IRE TABLE-Takiueff1100er. 26. 1905 RATES: 1.v. Noi'- 7:20a.m4. Lv. Noi. 4+-,9.05 eon *14+-1144.35 4..a.m. 4. 3t- 4:50 p.m Oner oupleto an fro part it's444 or t4 nth. 4 -444-- 4 s:15 p .. Ar, 4' 1444444}4.10 Exclus0ivee44 ri4a4'4g' Dai~ l~ty excepitSun4day betwn Otwosoand t~I oupe - '2.00i Tedo.i +liron44h4trains 4d44l1y. xce pt Suin- tdny. 1Free4 44444r4444444.00Nos.. Iand 4. W. T. WV1.4.1,Agt, Robison & Ce. Holmes' Livery .1..1. ttY, G.1. A., Ann Arbor, Aich. Walker's Livery W. H. Stark 3 Taoleda, Ohio. * .. .. .. . .. . i * * * 4 1 1 1..4 14 1 . 1++ 4 &+n+.40.4+.1.1 -I- * ........... 1-++++++4,++++++-i-+++++*++oi 4 + i F++4 ++4 + §444+ r -r -a^ -r -s "s- r s -r -a s -s " s 'a -s -a- -s' s 7- 7 F OCKINGI1 ILEY You Will Find F (Continutes ItsIExcel1 R ent Tin eric. lour Trains Daiy , , : f 1 1 :1' Billiards Pool; tStim"pson Stim nps'on 334 Sosath State Street+ Tobacco Ci'darettes Cigars Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Hight Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. ' S. E. CLARK, 202 Elk.4 Tempt , Dtoit. Mink,, A. c A- ++++++++++++++ + + ++ +++ + + + + wwwwwww WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE