>1>1K I4ICH3IGAN DAILY. SSpring xi STailoring : uiesMaaeClA 4 i hiui't A, 1VN 1 I THlE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY And the Styles are unusually Handsome. 6. Us WILD CO, 311 S. State St. I I I A.M5,iGaveri 1. Wilte.1 ASST ir ixixi A liii. xxxir . (lxwi Ai A. II. uni it r 11 lixig i lrix Choxt. XE. WAx ea. J WV. It. Hansxi .I.F. Fize ht. ul> S $'. o erix iir p. mo. daily. Adtdress:xxCLAUDE IA. t j oetogger, 331 tPacxkard Eaitor Toilay--L~o t; ,t t li ct't c i A~N D)AILY. , xi x le 1 xxxIl()tlixil forhe posiion. a 1lll 1 , ;, t tcs( T!1C +)txA. It lIOMP1c 'a 1111 lxxxA \iii lxN. Te tt-",-1 c e -1e1i lxii A)Iii .x I'xxii ~ t xxito 1 x). N>ssRusel lxTHIii Ci iixxo 11iixig :I. xi . is OI CI xxi x a,) he tass Drt Brxixy ii Aii I t xxk' ti' O Inl'ii lx irctoria d-xu Stry1.A de ) 11 )I il11dc the preent tion IN t oxe. Jr) Vilxl lx i lxi.x.xxx iiixxflix ix h;.N. 'lxlx W ilgiht, y& C .,o erit." Ox r 2 H txad lt i i r 11ti i i ut by C .,s )1xxi ix . 30 and x0:30 to 7:30 - r \ g )fthix lxxx x dinrxiisxi xiaxpax tltt'x I], toxtoxix ' el I xiix'1 xii, xxithe Cu ll bxi ' St.. I olie hotto 461. t, 'i nxxx. 1',1xxixxxhe nnu l lxx t iiililill ilt cii i i iii xil iiiT hexl Ii ois 0. Stiikney. lit x> l> iil lto thiexpxhe baset 1)11 'xii x, lililofxil xxx otxierxiilassesiilxxii xix it ti , l txi xxi ll 'I xxlxMic\ian" in yell Ro )etes If)tlC)lcl1>l iii niixxoed [rim page one.) li il, 11 Ii llxiii xx \1:!sI1x xx xxx .I tii 15> ihoughtii thit 1 it a ii cl l be I xii xxiiil - --ix lx xii l xxxiii xliiiday ligh tithi pro-x 'ti ,'F.w l } I xi, pt i lti i oltI xilt- xvr h.-ira, fint~ - i it! " 1l:tl lix) itr.11 ii ff 111, i le i t xln :111 tf ~ lt x ~ x i Irxx ii x ix ix is iii tige all laxid i ntxi 11xiIt'lliii lit'i i d a clxxii l )f such " itrtii't-i IxIxIx'1 i l111112'. hIri beakx r;ii)tl 1 titii-m ;1i"t"1l111;i (,i theI> riX1 atd tie , lii r !txxom Iii _"11)1__ POPULAR NOVELS at 50c Ltlo iiiii l exi ixixxix iiixi>Nixixix xiCi iti xii i'e i ssuxiii,ipi Bubiii Aix)d a Host if Ottixixi Pri ted tnftnebook paperitfrothe plates ofthttxxotigittat $1.50) Editions iii telha xxxU'ebetsi inig fo. iehiisti atii WAHR'SI Spring Woolens The most complete assortment of worn, tedls and worsted cheviots in all shades of gray are to be found here. You can only apPret ciate the good taste with which they have been selected by an actual inspection of the goods. You're invited to lo ~College " 'Text= Books4 S ALL. DE10ARrr'IFNTT SNew and Second hand Br ing 11iin yoxxiiidibook's xand excheli thermi.. ifox : 4Mathematical and IDrawing Instruments Waterman's fOUntdin Pens STry Our $1.00Pen +~ T1-11; L3ST NMAI)E 11 + SIfA &CO. UNIV ERlSITY D00KS[ LIIRS~do HST F E HERSHEY'S and CAILLAIS CHOCOLATES at lowest prices at BROWN'S DRUG STORE T O iiil t Itl . ll tea I Ixil o -ix gr 11)1 i Id el) xli xxx Wtxxi xxi. I he lxi iict i ll I hel t' i ll >rill xxxtt axx pr4ii xix t ii liii li ii I i lxlx , ,if I t1 u~ t' x-ii l 1'il xii (; l xi lx x Ii r lxx ri aftelxxix xx iii t io hp te S i lxii ii xix)).)rxicomii")Kerir xxo Inxily ~ixx~~x~xt~~ ix ,ii ;; u siue -f xix >\ xii (ctix ii lx>i i tIi i wx lxxx> xxxvii i,x xx iii xiii f r HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY are dangerous. Beware °r dlealers who offer you s;ubstl' tutes for the famous W"ILLIAMS' SH'AC" IBEST LONG DISTANCE The Students' Lecture Association 1004 lift2oifirst foeasonl - 1905 Russell N. Conwell Henry Watterson John T. Mcutcheon SOUSA'S BAND (Joy. LaFollette Eidward Bok Hlenry Van D~yke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mable Oratorical Contest Open Number BEST LOCAL SERVICE ICOFFEE... j Aiwas Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golidon Eio, per lb. - 15C Mariaooaba, lier ib. - 18C P'edang Java, pot'lb 28c Arabiasnfiocha, per lb. 28 Dean & (Co.'sIBiend, periii., 201c 214SothMan t.DEAN d & CO. a GenltlextnIi s Game, is always an enjoyable pastime when playeud atth VrstyBilliard Room which has the fittest equipmenit its the city. SINGLE ADMISSION 50c bwOraOa+@ 4s 9i . . . . . . . . . ++ + ++ STAIN-BLOCH CLOTHINVG LINDENSCIIMIDT & APFBL YOUNG'S HATS.